My Goodbye


Some know me, some do not. Regardless I am quitting tw today. I loved playing in maffiya, I had such a great time. Thanks sneggy for inviting me. Such a pleasure being in a tribe like maffiya. However, I am quitting today. No I am not coming back, if I ever do it will be like 2 years or so. Im making a new skype as well and will only add my best friends that most likely wont suck me back into tw. I guess what is making me quit is the fact that it won't get me anywhere in life, except for fame or happiness but that only goes so far. I have made many friends and have played many accounts on various worlds, some being top accounts. I had the pleasure of playing with great people on worlds, made many friends and have ocercome many endeavors. Just a great time with some of you guys.

Some people that stood out to my experience, good friends and maybe people i disliked but then made it right with them:

Eh, ill start with Conor. I kinda got in a fight with him the other day and blocked him on skype, however been talking to him on skype apologizing lol. Had the pleasure of him leading me on W47. Good leader.

Holden: Great friend, met on W47 I knew him from W17 I think. Co played a few worlds and did good on both. Thanks mate :)

Mike: Haha great friend, funny, knows when to crack jokes. Also a good player, very underrated. haha mate, if I come back in 2 yrs im hitting you up and we are coing :D

Kingsam: Funny talking to you in the skype chat lol, the bacon thing was pretty hilarious.

Sneggy: Thanks for leading me on W51, great leader. Maffiya will go far. I guarantee it.

legitimacy: Although not on these forums that much anymore, he was a great friend, co played him on W47 great fun.

Nauz: I talked with you a few times on skype before we were in maffiya. Cool dude :icon_cool: Even though he didn't exactly get along with my co but thats no ones fault.

Googleh: I played W43 with you, and then we both got accounts in ACTIVE on W36 lulz. Was funny. Great talking to you.

Mathnerd: I talked with you even when you quit and we talked and talked on skype lol. And then you decide to play W51 hehe. Great friend and a good player.

Absoman: Good friend from when I played older worlds, just a great guy to talk to. Down to earth. Miss you man.

Fantus: Julia, great player great friend loved talking to you. Not sure if I can make your premade but if something happens like i get a 4.0 easily, might come back for it :)

Aelitafan: We had our differences, she didn't like me until recently. Then we started talking a bit. Good friend and player, keep up with the good modding hehe.

Seth: hehe he would be the one I talked to when I had a question or something, cool dude.

Vio: Hehe keep playing the guitar :) Cool to talk to.

Dylan: Good friend and player. nice coing you on UK3

Marcie: Ah i forgot Marcie!!! Dude tis been fun, oh and stop critiquing my looks on fb :p

Everyone in maffiya as well, great tribe. Will go very far. Sorry if I left anyone out.

Thank you guys so much for the experience! Good luck to all! I will check this thread when i get home in like 10 hrs and then I might not come back. If your gonna flame, please dont, theres really no point right now.

Oh and my acc on W51 is being played by new people nao.


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Au revoir mon ami.

Best of luck wherever life takes you etc etc.


Can't wait to co play you in a couple of years Joey :D

Also you forgot to mention my bro :eek: he introduced you to me :icon_razz:


Can't wait to co play you in a couple of years Joey :D

Also you forgot to mention my bro :eek: he introduced you to me :icon_razz:

yeah i know joey and the rest of the best tribe u were ever in lol

naw mate.....good luck and hope u enjoy this "real life" thing u got going on......u will have withdrawal's for weeks to come :icon_sad:

w34's biggest ego is finally laid to rest :icon_evil::icon_evil::icon_evil:

ill give u shout on skype when the thing we talked about happens lol :icon_wink:


Take care and I am sure you'll be back before 2 years. ;)


;[ damn you, no warning *flails arms*

Cya joey, it's been fun with your incomprehensible singing and guitar playing :p and NOEHZ, NEVA! Your fb is mihne ;3


your gonna be leaving midget on his own :eek:

so mean ... :S


by midget im guessing your referring to me as thats my nickname in the Maffiya chat :icon_razz:

And I quit before Joey did, the only real reason joey quit NOW and not later was because I quit :3


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by midget im guessing your referring to me as thats my nickname in the Maffiya chat :icon_razz:

And I quit before Joey did, the only real reason joey quit NOW and not later was because I quit :3

yea it would be your fault ..... makes sense now . :p



Good luck. Real life can be a kilelr sometimes; hope you make it through smoothly.


Thanks all, ill be back in like 2 yrs, maybe. Game is too addicting which is why I just quit out of the blue. Didn't tell anyone cept like mike lol