No tribe limit


Well lets see there is a very good way to run a tribe that has very big numbers but very good control, it is said that every person can successfully manage up to 7 people so this is how it will be set up you have the Head person then you have 7 people under him that he tells what he wants done then you set up with 7 people under each individual person so on and so on, that way you have a good ratio of mangers to people all working together in a affective manner. There are so many ways that you could set this up you can set it up to K or even just right off the top man, so I don't believe that all of these tribes would completely fail it all depends on the managing skill of the leader and if he could set up such a system for his tribe

If this is fully true... that means that one of the best possible tribe amounts would be 57 - 1 leader, 7 under him and 49 under those 7. The next step goes up to 400 members... (49 x 7 = 343 + 49 + 7 + 1 = 400 members). So, who wants to form a 400 member tribe and set up 49 8 member squads? (7 and a leader)



the tribe gohard has like 670 members. It will be funny to watch them fall.


It'll be funnier to watch them succeed and throw it in EVERYONE'S faces. Well, except for the select few of us who actually believe that it COULD happen that is.


We all know that, but that's not saying that it's impossible to work.
BTW, I want to go one step further - who wants to create a 2801 member tribe? That'll give you 5 layers of management


This kind of discussion can be held until the cows come home, and as far as I know, no limit on the amount of members one tribe may hold, hasn't been tried prior to World 46.

With that basis, it is certainly unpredictable just how much this No Tribe Limit will effect the outcome of the server. The overall outcome, I believe, will most definitely be that of the same old Worlds, like World 6; 5-6 main tribes, consisting of between 45 and 90 people, and constantly decreasing.

I do, however, think it will have a large impact on the world for the first 2 years. I'm sure we'll see a lot of large tribes gather, and eventually fall to the smaller, organised, more active and tight-knit tribes. It will take a long time, though. I think for one to make a large impression on the World, the huge, mass recruiting tribes must be targetted quickly, before the individual players grow.

We may all laugh and mock these 'noobs', but we all started somewhere, and some players learn quickly. Taking a 1Mio player out, between a tribe, isn't a difficult feat, but what if there's 500 1Mio players? A tribe of that size, bearing in mind activity is at least above average, has much more firepower, and replacable nukes/support than a tribe of 40 5Mio players.

I do think a lot of self-proclaimed 'Vets', or 'Elites' are underestimating some newcomers. On a world with a tribe limit of 50, or even 140, then maybe it's justified, but when tribe limit isn't an issue, I firmly believe that some of you will be shocked.


Exactly. The nice part of unknown territory is just that - unknown. Who knows what we'll run into?


well those of us that have been playing for a while have come here for a chalenge...and hell we got one:)


This kind of discussion can be held until the cows come home, and as far as I know, no limit on the amount of members one tribe may hold, hasn't been tried prior to World 46.

false thats how world 1 started the tribe TW had over 800 members then the staff set up the tribe limit rule cause they tought it was unfair which is where faimly tribes came from cause then they set up TW1-3 or 4


an insert from ~WD~ forum:

Chilldred on 14.01. at 02:19 Quote
i just got sent this.

25pokemon invites you to the tribe 'Go Hard'

well, they arent getting me.

martmart on 14.01. at 02:20 Quote
could you use bb codes please.

GeneralNuKey on 14.01. at 02:28 Quote
DO NOT accept invites from different tribes

F.K.B on 14.01. at 11:16 Quote
ok any way hu wud want toliv one of da strongest tribz in wrld 46 definetly will become the strongest vry soon

LMFAO this is absolutely horrific..if your in this tribe please do yourself a favor and slap yourself!

I did lol just before I hit the leave tribe button!


an insert from ~WD~ forum:

Chilldred on 14.01. at 02:19 Quote
i just got sent this.

25pokemon invites you to the tribe 'Go Hard'

well, they arent getting me.

martmart on 14.01. at 02:20 Quote
could you use bb codes please.

GeneralNuKey on 14.01. at 02:28 Quote
DO NOT accept invites from different tribes

F.K.B on 14.01. at 11:16 Quote
ok any way hu wud want toliv one of da strongest tribz in wrld 46 definetly will become the strongest vry soon

LMFAO this is absolutely horrific..if your in this tribe please do yourself a favor and slap yourself!

I did lol just before I hit the leave tribe button!

gohard has sent me 5 invites so far :icon_evil:


Must be one hell of a party in those big tribes. You could read the tribe forum all day and not even get through half of it. :lol:


Why the Top 5 Tribes are so AWESOME

|KB| Their profile speaks of war, domination and pillaging in the past tense. That's just not true, liers...

~WD~ Can't use grammer to well.

=OD= seems to be disrespecting their own name by having an incredibly low OD rank for their level.

I see that FPWN is playing the 'opposite game' on their profile, quite literally. Take a read and see for yourself! :)

=Uno= Well, they've mentioned their own name 8 times in the profile and seem to enjoy putting pretty pictures on their proifile.
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Why the Top 5 Tribes are so AWESOME

|KB| Their profile speaks of war, domination and pillaging in the past tense. That's just not true, liers...

~WD~ Can't use grammer to well.

=OD= seems to be disrespecting their own name by having an incredibly low OD rank for their level.

I see that FPWN is playing the 'opposite game' on their profile, quite literally. Take a read and see for yourself! :)

=Uno= Well, they've mentioned their own name 8 times in the profile and seem to enjoy putting pretty pictures on their proifile.

lol :lol:


Ok about the no tribe limit, i like that we have some more freedom with our tribes, but this world hasn't even been open for a week has it? And theres already so many tribes with 500+ members.. Theres even a tribe with 700+ members.. (No offense) but thats just pathetic! Has no one informed you of quality over quantity? I mean it would be ok to have 90 members, but 500+?

its annoying mostly because most people want to run to the big tribe because their afraid of being attacked.. I have two main things to say about this..

I believe expansion is goin gto have a new meaning.. Instead of nobling the area you want to expand to, we're all going to click the "Invite" button.. lol
"Haha i can click the invite button faster then you! In your face noob!"

Another thing, for those of you who are leading those 500+ tribes, lol i bet half your members are gone before nobles come around... And i bet half of the ones that make it that far will be gone a week after nobles are around.. Its pathetic when you invite an entire continent!

For those of you who are in those 500+ tribes.. LOL have fun nobling those barbs.. If theres any left..

I think i'm done.. :)