People Quitting?


Well, if the account isn't in the frontline already, i doubt it would be too hard getting there.

Well 9.4 mill on W4 should suffice. And a decent OD ranking as well."

As for battle readiness, i personally can cope already, as for the account (if one appears) im sure it will take a little while, but thats to be expected.

This is no W4, here we war for years with no end in sight...
I will see if I can get you one :)


You quit before? Cult has shaped up a hell of a lot since you was last around most likely. Could you PM me some kind of record of your experience and if you're really really interested and really able to make long term commitment, I might be able to talk to a few people and find out whether we've got anything going spare for you :)
Only becouse there is less noobs in your family to crowd the others, so it did look like there was only inactives, pointwhores and the like.

(take special note to the underlined part)


Arrrghh, I can not replicate it! very annoing!
Oh well, no free account for me :(


300 bars or latinum...sold!
But if it was platinum i would struggle :D


Yeah they are, so is ELITE they just decided to give away more villages by letting the whole world know pulse is gone and actually trying to keep him under their protection from CultSE. We will wreck him all together before ELITE even gets the chance to try to rebuild his walls from 0-1.


So true right there! Poor pulse worked hard for his 9 mil just for us to trash. Not a crack at you Bema if your reading this :p I know you try, but as a duke think of us, we want to fight. Put one up! :/