Please explain

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A) did the step down from her being mod was her wish or was cmd come from suprem mod?
B) What she do wrong so her acc was stopped.

Chase X.

Join Date: 2008,September 30th
Location: Your Sweet Dreams and Nightmares

I remind that she was admin, as i see on this world and world 20 also. Her period on w20 forum may of be a short one but that doesn't mean people do not like her and we have to know what happened :|

PS: I was wanted to post this on w20, but i write here since this world get a new mod more quickly then w20.. so pls, the new mod, tell us the truth.

Thank you.

PS: i know about the not mention about ban on forums, but is a special case, and it was our old mod and we care at her so with the risk to receive infraction (if i proceed bad to mention here about her) pls find time and explain so all people to know (if is possible, if is closecase and not to be know, i' will understand) :icon_cry:


I am not sure either but she posted "Bye guys, you were fun :D Stay good please." whilst she was still our worlds moderator, so she either new she was about to be demoted or she demoted herself.

Always nice to know answers but I'm not too fussed.


I'm afraid that the reasons why chase stepped down are between her and her superiors. If she wants to let others know why she stepped down upon her return, it is her right to do so, but we will not discuss the reasons without her consent, and would ask you all to respect her privacy as well. Mods come and go from the team all the time; some leave willingly and others begrudgingly, but we thank Chase X for the time she spent on the team, and hope that she enjoyed her time with us too.

I'm going to lock this since I hope you can all appreciate that this is not a topic for the public forums, but I hope I have explained the situation properly. If you are still confused, please feel free to PM me.
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