Scouts required to scout someone


Every world I play seems to vary in the amount of scouts needed in order to get a report. Some worlds have 1, others 4 or 5. I do not know if this is listed anywhere in game or on the fourm but does anyone know how many scouts are needed in order to get a report and not just have your scouts die?

Sorry if this was already posted somewhere else or if this topic is in the wrong area.


Yeah I wanst sure if that would actually show me that or not... But I did check in the rally earlier just to see what it would show and it shows that 1 scout sent would live... but I am currently only active on one world so I had no other world to compare that against.

and yeah i know where the simulator is lol. On other worlds I usually just ask someone on skype ahead of time, but skypes not working for me atm.


1 for this world but i think if you want to check outside troops, youll have to have the telescope pally weapon.

Hamer The Nail

or more scouts i think its based on number during the 1 upgrade system


yup u cant see outside units... atleast according to the help page.

I still dunno how they figure out how many scouts are required to scout someone. Do they just randomly pick or wut? Like i remember on w42 4 scouts are needed to scout someone.. and theres no fake limit or anything like that on that world. But on that world if I remember right you can see out of base units so not sure if that has an impact on it or not.


dont be stealing mine T Bone...... last time i post a farm report here :lol::lol:

Rank 1 Is Standard

Lol I scouted over 50 ppl and all of them are my farms :p