Sean's Gallery.


This is my first ever Photoshop creation. It's far from perfect, but i am very proud of it.

Please, can you rate it out of 10. Suggest what you like about it and the things you do not like about it. Constructive criticism is very welcome. But please, don't be too harsh. I am a n00b at this after all! :)


Thank you!

King Sean04

I thought someone created me a new thread XD

naow for the CnC
here are my suggestions:
Text... I'm not a big fan of the text on this image. Here's the good news, text is difficult to get right. It takes a lot of practice to get it right ;)
It looks a little plain not many effects :S


Great piece for someone new at this gig! My tips would be - try to build your co our scheme around your render. Also, try to incorporate some sort of blending for the render as well. This could include blurring/hiding some of the body, removing the black line around the render or smudging. Good work though, kiu


Thanks guys for the comments. With the black outline around ratchet (render) I was going for a borderland theme. (game on consoles and PC if youes dont know what it is) then I with the blue brush effect on the background I was trying for an explosion. I try ed to blend a ruined city on right side but I don't know how get rid square edges of my cut for the ruined city :/ so I replaced it with text :)


You should try to blend your render in in your creation. Now it's just a thing apart from the background, that isn't the meaning of a render. It should fit the picture perfectly.
Delete that text, it has no function at the moment. No offence, but nobody is going to rip your creation at this level.
Work on a smaller image. You're now working on a (kinda) large art size. Just resize it to something around 400*200 px. You don't have enough skills to fill in this big canvas with effects properly.
But for a first work it isn't bad at all, just wanted to give you some tips :) 6/10 from me.