South east tribe -=OD=- (not =OD=)


Sort of a mini premade in this tribe (I know whats mini in this world ??, right!!!) We are looking for people to join us but hear out the rest before you do.

The plan is to mass recruit at the start and then dismiss anyone deemed to be not good enough untill we are down to a stable (runnable) 40 or 50 members. This is an ODA based tribe and people who are not racking up ODA will be dismissed.

We want to have an ultra aggressive tribe. That is capable of taking on all these huggers so if you want the challenge (challange hehehe) of fighting with tribes with never ending amounts of members we are your choice.

Diplomacy will be simple, we wont have any naps or allies anywere near us to impead our growth (chances are we will only have enemies, lots of enemies) :)

In a world were our main opposition will be tribes that are impossably large I think we will be able to have alot of fun attacking with mass fakes and watching noobs over load there support forums with " helps i be gett ataked" ...

If you think you can make the cut as an ultra aggressive player who doesnt mind being surrounded by enemies and fighting from the time he/she has nobles till the end of time then look us up and join us.

We are not asscoiated with =OD=. We had decided to call our tribe this before we joined , its just a shame that this mass tribe did the same.

But ive been told that size doesnt matter and thats it all about skill (It is , right ??? ) :p
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