The Dragon Clan - House of Dragon +_+ Recruiting, if you think your cool enough ...


Hello, How you doin?:lol:

I was wondering if you, a fine tribal warrior player as yourself, would like to join our Tribe, The Dragon Clan.
We have started on World 6, and are trying to make a name for ourselves here on World 7, and We would
Definately like if you would help us out by making us stronger and more powerful, we can do it in numbers,
And I think you would help us out greatly, if you have a few minutes or seconds, ;) check out our profile and see if you like,
If its not what your looking for, I understand.

We can offer you,
1. Most important of all, your accepted into a Big Happy Dragon Family and Treated with Respect.
2. We stay as active as possible, and help out each other as much as we can.
3. Anything you need, we here to help, Dragon Riders 4 lyfe.
4. Have fun, we are competitive with each other inside the tribe to get the highest points we can,
But we never take competiton too far, we are here as friends.
5. We like to joke around and have fun, so try to be active in the forums.

Any questions just contact me KingPop,
Or Our leader Devilx789.

If you think your so cool, Why dont u come into our tribe and see if ur cool enuh to be in it :)

Thank you for your time,