The End

Lord -Fac-

I mean I literally told you so.

"We should have started a fortnight ago"
You should have left them months and months ago!!!! I don't know how any of you could be stupid enough to believe JUST would share the win with you.

But maybe that demonstrates how in control JUST were.

And to whatever idiot messaged me to tell me you were joining the war, on the second last day. Please crap in your hands and clap x

Good game and goodbye w98.


It's now 3 days to the end and it's funny that pH started to attack JUST members now! I don't know when it came to their head that there is no places for them in a family tribe with more than 75 members especially when stunz owner didn't come to the account anymore and Korean was in charge of the tribe for last month!

Just because one person left our account doesn't mean anything changed. I ran the account and continued everything as normal.
I'm not Korean and the council never changed. None of them are Korean either, so where you get this from I'll never know


I didn't say you are Korean dude, but as stunz owner did not come to account anymore you were powerless duke.

It was all the Koreans who decided what will be the final 40 :). All player around the world saw your promise to pH duke to give them 4 spots.

So it's even you were not in charge or you can not stand on your word :)


I didn't say you are Korean dude, but as stunz owner did not come to account anymore you were powerless duke.

It was all the Koreans who decided what will be the final 40 :). All player around the world saw your promise to pH duke to give them 4 spots.

So it's even you were not in charge or you can not stand on your word :)

Can you not read? He has just told you the people running the tribe are/were not Korean. The Stunz account has never been the sole Duke of Just and we certainly never all signed off on you receiving 4 spots.

We had around 70 players for 40 spots, when the option to push for the quick win came about we had tough decisions to make regarding who would get a spot in the top 40. We decided there was no possible way pH could get spots when much more deserving members were already going to miss out.


Forum Personality 2019
Reaction score
Congratulations to JUST on the world win

Special mention of course to the N0pe crew :D



The only reason why DOTT lost is the Ragnar guy..oh god worst person and leader I've seen in my life. Weeks of daily internals to recruit enemies from DM when OUR people could have the end their turn killed us and that was it.


I didn't say you are Korean dude, but as stunz owner did not come to account anymore you were powerless duke.

It was all the Koreans who decided what will be the final 40 :). All player around the world saw your promise to pH duke to give them 4 spots.

So it's even you were not in charge or you can not stand on your word :)

You're just one of these people who hears one thing and makes up there own little story lol
Yes one person left Stunz, made no difference at all. Like CrazyBrute said the tribe wasn't run by one person, and all decisions were made together.

As for this whole Korean thing I have no idea where you guys have even got this from. Yes there are some Koreans in Just, but they had no influence over any leadership decision. Honestly you lot make up some weird stuff just to pass the time.

End of the day, we have to chose between letting our own members in or pH. Seemed like an obvious chose for us, if the world had gone on a little longer we could have gotten them in


Congrats Just. I enjoyed playing with you guys for the little bit I was there.

Daddy Ashen

Active Member
Reaction score
I DO blame him for not sticking around, the same goes for King Of Persia, Your Daddy, DeadMax (especially him), fullcontact and others that at first setback (like an op) immediately just quit. I mean when you start playing TW you know it's going to be a long run. So when you are already in for quite some time you have some sort of an obligation to your fellow tribe mates.
xD curious alchemists?I was one of the few that helped u when u where losing 10 village's per day and u blame me?you?me?...come on...i had told to dott leadership the day I'll leave 2 months before I leave.u see I'm a chef on real life,and I have work all the summer long and work many hours,I didn't had the time anymore to play and I had said that 2 months before.

Dott lost for 2 reasons:
1) ragnar
2) inactive and useless players like yourself, I was taking sit when I was playing 2 to 3 acc per day for several hour's,u can't do much when the player has incoming nobles and named them as a spy...u can't do much when u are losing village's and u don't even ask for help,when u don't even let the tribe know that u have incoming attacks or nobles.

ps. congrats to just,was fun to play on this world.


You are referring others in DOTT as 'useless'. What makes you think you are a good player? :D

For someone who accuses me for using 'bots' because I mass faked your ass, you are probably one of the worst players of DOTT lol
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