The next round on the High Performance/Classic world will be opening this upcoming Th


Paying to play. Payed to play last round. Winners and premium still hasn't been announced from the last round. They don't care about a small world that gets 90% complaints about anyway.

exactly since this is a business and we are paying customers really they would, be doing some sorta re in burst. like if this happened in restuarnt and u waited for ever for you meal and it never came, the meal would be free no doubt when it came, i dont think i will touch the HP unless something of the sort happens and i urge people to do the same, no doubt my post will probably be removed, im just expressing my opinon and if you see this post then see it get removed this just proves yet again, of the cover ups.

infact i have not been happy at all with mods recently. recent indicent on w41 needs a definite review.


exactly since this is a business and we are paying customers really they would, be doing some sorta re in burst. like if this happened in restuarnt and u waited for ever for you meal and it never came, the meal would be free no doubt when it came, i dont think i will touch the HP unless something of the sort happens and i urge people to do the same, no doubt my post will probably be removed, im just expressing my opinon and if you see this post then see it get removed this just proves yet again, of the cover ups.
w41 needs a definite review.

yah thats just not cool i got ready to join the world at a certain time and the time has passed and still no hp world... this was going to be my first go at a hp world because i love the settings, but wtf

Michael Corleone.

Eh, cannot say I am too happy about the delay. But, some of you guys need to calm down a bit about it. I understand some people stayed up late, or woke up early to join and play. But complaining about it will not solve anything. :)

Although, an announcement about the "Server Failure" would've been helpful.


yea and they put 16.00 - 22.00 so we keep clicking and make money for them on .. right and up side...
and they fu`` us...
we should stop get an premium account all.. for 1 mounth.. and stop playing...
so they lose .. 40.000 50.000 euros.. and will see if next time will be on time;)


yea.. but we make.. 34030430 click for them .. and that means.. lots of euros for them .. and lot of nervs for us and desapoint