The Story of the Goat


This story is dedicated to Lukey and kristofski.

There once was a goat. It was a nondescript goat that had nondescript horns and a nondescript coloured hide. It belonged to a Lord who bred goats to make milk to make cheese. The goat made a lot of nondescript cheese. A few years later the nondescript goat was getting old and not making much of its prized nondescript goats milk. The farmer asked his axemen to take care of the goat while he went on holiday for a day. The next day his scouts came back to him while he was on his dark horse accompanied by his light cavalry that they had seen a disturbing sight at his home castle. The nobles were eating a goat ! When he arrived at the walls he saw his rams and catapults were unmaned. He got to his barracks and saw the spearmen eating the hind leg of the goat. The Swordsmen were eating the other hind leg at the practise ground along with some of his archers. Shocked he went to the town hall and saw noblemen from another village eating the rest of goat.

Moral of the story. Dont ask for stupid things. Other moral of the story. Notice what vegaterians miss out on, firstly the meat, secondly their villages.

All done for fun and jokes. Hope someone finds the wonderfully bland story interesting.


yay goat story!!! my dreams for W42 have come true.

and by my dreams i mean luke's idea that i decided would end up being funny.