True Friends Recruiting


My Honourable Lords and Ladies I present myself Lady Manenu of True Friends. Let me introduce ourselves

Our tribe is mainly built on the friendship of each other, we have stayed together through thick and thin, but are aims are to be friends first, enjoy the game as it has it highs and lows, to help each other grow and be there when we need each other we may never be rank one, but we are rank one as friends.

Our Barons are the right arm and trusted friends of Our Leige Lord Mike, we have never meet, but we all have one aim, which is to be the best,we hope one day we could be number one, but if that takes away the one thing we have in common is are friendship we would gladly give it up the goal for rank one.

This is what this tribe is about sharing helping and enjoying and one day fighting, when you go to war you have to trust who is on your right and on your left, behind you and in front.

If you can not be on everyday or have to be away that is no problem, we all will watch and help.

All we want is an tribe built on trust and friendship, I have been in a tribe which was not built on this and it caused so many problems that it finally split it up.

As I stated our Tribe is mainly built on the friendship of each other. We have stayed together through thick and thin, and our main aims are:-

1) Enjoy the game through all its highs and lows
2) Help each other grow, being there for each other

We may never be number one Tribe but we are ranked Number one in Friendship.

For questions please contact

Our Liege - mikehyde63

Diplomatic Issues - [player]manenu[/player]

Issues of Law and Order against a member - <player>Lilac</player>