Worth their weight in gold..........

  • Thread starter DeletedUser3687
  • Start date


I have read through the forum but once again and have found a subject I have yet to read about in a positive sense. We forever hear of the sitter that backstabbed the friend or the tribemate of the one they were watching.

I have been called the weird american........:icon_wink: and I am ok with that.
But in reality my living in america allows me to be a tappable resources for those whom are 7 to 8 hours in the future [time zone reference] You see my hours of awake time means others can sleep so there for their sleep mode can be used for work, family time, ect. ect.

8am through 2am = 4-5pm through 9-10am or to make it simple 8am for me is 16:00 server time.

I think one of the things that make a successful player is a damn good sitter. Someone who spends the time upgrading and troop building (properly is important). Cleaing up the loose def in a off villages. Making sure coins or resources are stored for nobles. Someone who can communicate in a manner that allows incoming attacks to be stopped or to send out a few of those nukes she just built in order to call off an attacker. Maybe even get a sense dodging and splitting. I can say from experience I am more aggressive at protecting the account I am watching than than my own. There have been situations where I have lost complete accounts to the rim I was sitting and that is more upsetting than getting myself rimmed.

I guess I just wanted to let those sitters (you know who you are) that are trustworthy, diligent, non sid sharing, protecive, nuke building fools............. That You Are Worth Your Weight In Gold. :icon_wink:

But this is my opinion and I am entitled to it :icon_twisted:


:icon_razz: Well possible..however I do give credit to the others such as cwolfgurl........:icon_wink:

BUSTED: I was being vain this morning.....and I am ok with that.


no matter how good sitters youh all are, that gold your worth isnt real :(

such a pitty.......


no matter how good sitters youh all are, that gold your worth isnt real :(

such a pitty.......

Well hello to you too Aidan....I was typing metaphorically .......however, nice to see you back in the game by the way....


i'm not really back....

this essay i'm doin is just sucking big time so i'm browsing here to put off having to do it :p


Either way it my pleasure to give you something else to do....... But you really should play more....


aiden should play more

angle is an angel.

dont diss

or ill hunt yall down.

best sitter i know