Next Episode in the Comedy Series - TUa disbanded


Oh no, TUa has been disbanded. One less tribe for the family :icon_biggrin:

Bedtime Bear

Bah, i'll let you announce this one, but the next one will be mine, mine I tell you...

Good ridance to bad rubbish


It was disbannded under my orders, if patrik can not trust me even as a baron, i will not trust him with my members - tribe disbanded as a result of his shabby leadership.



It was disbannded under my orders, if patrik can not trust me even as a baron, i will not trust him with my members - tribe disbanded as a result of his shabby leadership.


TUa is dissbanded because of a weak player, you.


TUa is dissbanded because of a weak player, you.

Thats a bit rich coming from you.

Rank Name Tribe Points Villages
w1 27828 Patrik TU 146 1
w2 4616 Patrik StW2 12.990 2
w3 14822 Patrik TU 339 1
w4 24371 Patrik LaCN-H 116 1
w5 5969 Patrik TU 13.604 2
w6 874 Patrik TU 18.171 4

Because your not a weak player? LOL


It was disbannded as a result of the shambles you made, running TU, if you do not trust other dukes, the tribe now does not exist. - I prase you for your great leadership at getting it disbannded.


Thats a bit rich coming from you.

Rank Name Tribe Points Villages
w1 27828 Patrik TU 146 1
w2 4616 Patrik StW2 12.990 2
w3 14822 Patrik TU 339 1
w4 24371 Patrik LaCN-H 116 1
w5 5969 Patrik TU 13.604 2
w6 874 Patrik TU 18.171 4

Because your not a weak player? LOL

Hahahaha, I can't understand how you can be so stupit.
Points dosen't matter, tribemates does.

I spend more time on my tribe than my village.