Whois leaving W35.


Whois leaving W35 for 36/37? There should be more then a handful :( sad to see all you future noble targets go :(.


I know that many players in K43 are leaving because of unfear treatement and backstabbing in this world. (I have contacts)


People were treated unfairly?!? O dear. Tribal hugs is accepting applications I hear.


I know that many players in K43 are leaving because of unfear treatement and backstabbing in this world. (I have contacts)

Em, yeah...


W36 looks like it will be a magnet for anyone who has ever played TW and done at least reasonably well, its an "experienced" players wet-dream. Think you will see many drop from many worlds as W36 will be all time-consuming.


Why, what's so attractive about W36? Settings???? Share info...


no moral and no BP.
The elite will feast on the noobs. Will be very attractive for good players.


Er... I do plan on leaving W35, but 36 seems a little too... well, I'm a new player, and I can see myself getting eaten alive on that world. I'll wait until I have a bit more experience under my belt before I go into a world with settings like that.


I wanna make a tribe on W37.

500 player limit PER TRIBE!!!!!

yes i did say 500 PER TRIBE.

If a family like ~GK~ arose there we would be doomed.

anyways..... I hope nobody who is godly joins near me on W36


Please tell me you're kidding about W37. 150 here is bad enough... 500 really would be tribal hugs.


yeah they need a 10 member one but with no alliances. an dif you do there will be a ban for the whoel tribe.


W36 if your not in a pre-made that joins the second it started then your toast. The pre-mades in the core are already crammed full of the best players - Im not talking about players that have done well at TW, too many times I see "state your previous TW experience" and in return I see the replies " well I got to x position in points, x in ODA and was in X rated tribe". The guys headed to W36 dont need to state any of this, they also play 24/7 and will undoubtedly be premiershipped up and mostly sitting/co-playing.

W36 just has the perfect settings for anyone wanting to test themselves but unless you are on 24/7, have premier, logon 24/7 or co-play, are joining as part of a pre-made and actually can play then you will struggle IMO.

W37? this will only have the experienced players that get kicked from W36 ;)


I think I will join 36 on the outer core, but I am joining 37 for laughs... You will see a pretty funny tribe on there, just wait.


Yeahh, be prepared..

..and yeah, I'm joining both, 37 for laughs as Skiiing Colin is, 36 for the BP.
And also staying on 35!


Other InformationSettings
Game speed 1.6
Unit speed .625
Demolish buildings active
Morale not active
farm rule not active
Basic defense 20
Fake limit not active
Smithy research system 3-Level-system

Church not active
Automatically growing barbarian villages active
Bonus villages no bonus villages
cancellation period for attacks 10 minutes
cancellation period for trade 5 minutes
night bonus not active
beginner protection 0 days
maximum relation Attacker : Defender not active
Archers not active
Scouting system If researched the scout can see troops,
buildings, resources and units stationed in other villages
Paladin not active
increasing noble prices active, prices rise starting with the 2nd nobleman
Rebuild lost noblemen cheap active
maximum noble distance 200 Fields (adds up to about 117 hours Laufzeit)
Loyalty decrease for noble attacks 20-35
Loyalty increase per hour 1.6
opponents defeated ranking active, depending on points
account sitting active
restriction for permanent account sitting active, starting at 60 days active sitting during the last 120 days
free trade active, limited by the time of the start of the player on this world
Map system 1000x1000 - Continent
New map graphics Yes
Orientation active
Start date 2009-00-03/16/09
Version 4600 5.3

Just so people know what the setting are whithout putting inn the effort of looking for themselves.

Notice that paladin is not active. I aleready lost taste of the world.