I made a guide! Feedback please :).


Okay, So after about 5 people constantly nagging me for 3 months now, after I promised I'd make one, Here it is! :icon_cool: Its the Dom Quickbar/Premium features/scripts/etc etc guide :icon_biggrin:.

Okay, Firstly, This is the first guide I've ever completed and not burnt to a shrivel because I didn't like it, so what I want most, Is completly honest feedback, If its crap, Tell me its crap, I want to know these things :icon_biggrin:. Also, Wasn't sure where this actually needs posting, So Blurk, MF, World 20 mod, If anyone knows where it actually goes, Please, Feel free to move it for little old me :icon_redface:, This has been posted to W6/W20 because I play W6 and know ya'll better, but I made the guide for a friend on W20, so I'll post it there as well to get it tested if anyone wants too :icon_razz:.

So enough chit-chat, Here it is (Hoping it posts):

Okay, Brief Quickbar and script thingy for ya'll, Be grateful or kevvie will whip you :p.

Firstly, Delete your quickbar, Go on, Delete everything on the quickbar so you've got a clear slate.

First tab -

Forums W20 -
Link: http://forum.tribalwars.net/forumdisplay.php?f=139
Image: http://forum.tribalwars.net/images/icons/icon1.gif
Open in a new tab: Yes.

2nd Tab -

HeadQuarters - Shortened to HQ.
Link: {game}&screen=main
Image: {graphic}/buildings/main.png
Open in a new tab: No.

3rd Tab -

Rally Point- Shorterned to Rally.
Link: {graphic}/buildings/place.png
Image: {game}&screen=place
Open in a new tab: No

4th Tab -

Link: {game}&screen=train
Image: http://en6.tribalwars.net/graphic/unit/unit_axe.png
Open in new tab: No

5th Tab -

Link: {game}&screen=snob&mode=coin
Image: {graphic}/gold.png
Open in new tab: No

6th Tab -

Dodge - This works by using a report stored in the archive folder, If you attack yourself with 100 swords or something light, Save it in the archive folder, Retrieve the report number (Usually right at the end), and stick it where the xxxxxxx is and every time you press it, You'll move whatever troops are in the village out on an attack to the village you attacked before, Which you obviously cancel after the attack on your village has passed, A quick and easy snipe/dodge trick.
Link: {game}game.php?village=$2&screen=place&try=confirm&type=all&report_id=xxxxxxx
Image: http://i30.tinypic.com/1zyg0us.png
Open in new tab: No

7th Tab -
Link: {game}&screen=place&mode=sim
Image: http://i30.tinypic.com/2zjgze9.png
Open in new tab: No/Yes, Your choice.

8th Tab -

Link to TWstats W20.
Link: http://www.twstats.com/en20/index.php
Image: http://www.nitrosecurity.com/images/information_icon.gif
Open in new tab: Yes.

9th Tab -

Link to your profile on Twstats.
Link: Easiest way to get this is to twstat yourself and copy and paste the address bar into the link bit, Provides a very easy and quick link to yourself.
Image: http://www.nitrosecurity.com/images/information_icon.gif
Open in new tab: Yes.

10th Tab -

Nobles - This tool finds any village with a noble it in, and selects it so only those villages show up on the overview temporarily, A good tool for locating nobles. (NOTE - You MUST be on the overview with ALL selected for this to work properly)

javascript:ag_index = 12;var doc;if(top.frames.length > 1){doc = (top.frames[1].document.URL.match('game.php') =='game.php') ? top.frames[1].document : top.frames[0].document;}else{doc = document;}{var main = doc.getElementsByTagName('table');for(var a = 0; a < main.length; a++){if(main[a].className == 'main'){var par = main[a].getElementsByTagName('table');for(var i = 0; i < par.length; i++){if(par.className = 'vis'){rows = par.getElementsByTagName('tr');for(var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++){if(rows[j].className == 'nowrap row_a' || rows[j].className == 'nowrap row_b'){var cells = rows[j].getElementsByTagName('td');vill_name = cells[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;vill_ags = 0;if(cells[ag_index+6].getElementsByTagName('a').length == 0) {vill_ags = parseInt(cells[ag_index+6].firstChild.nodeValue);}else {vill_ags = parseInt(cells[ag_index+6].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue);}if(vill_ags == 0) {rows[j].parentNode.removeChild(rows[j]);j -= 1;}}}}}}}alert('Nobles Filtered!');}

Image: http://www.nitrosecurity.com/images/information_icon.gif
Open in new tab: No.

» Add line break

1st Tab, Second Line. -

Offence - Your Basic Offensive build script. (NOTE - You MUST be on the recruitment page for this to work.)

Link/Script -

EDIT - [0,0,5500,0,30,2300,650,0,400,5] With your own nuke build.

Image- http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/4461/attzo7.png
Open in new tab: No.

2nd Tab, Second Line. -

Wall Busters - Specialised Nuke build (If you have one) (NOTE - You MUST be on the recruitment page for this to work.)

Link/Script -

EDIT - [0,0,4500,0,30,2000,450,0,1000,5] With your own specialised (This can be a wallbuster, Archer buster, etc etc) nuke build.

Image - http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/4461/attzo7.png
Open in new tab: No.

3rd Tab, Second Line. -

Defence (NOTE - You MUST be on the recruitment page for this to work.)


EDIT - [6300,6300,0,6300,1000,0,0,0,0,0] WITH YOUR OWN DEFENSIVE BUILD.

Image: http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/3700/defwr8.png
Open in new tab: No.

4th Tab, Second Line. -

Specialised Defence - For me this is HC Defence, You can change it to whatever you have, If you have, A specialised defence build. (NOTE - You MUST be on the recruitment page for this to work.)

Link/Script -

EDIT [4500,0,0,4500,0,0,0,2000,0,50] WITH YOUR OWN SPECIALISED D BUILD.

Image- http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/5241/defcavkx9.png
Open in new tab: No.

5th Tab, Second Line. -

Scout Build. (NOTE - You MUST be on the recruitment page for this to work.)


EDIT [2000,2000,0,0,8000,0,0,0,0,0] WITH YOUR OWN DESIRED SCOUT VILLAGE BUILD.

Image: http://en6.tribalwars.net/graphic/unit/unit_spy.png
Open in new tab: No.

6th Tab, Second Line. -

Speed - Checks speed of incoming attack and if your online at the time, You can eaisly determine what the attack is (Sword/Spear/Scout/Ram/NOBLE/Etc) and it can be done later as well, but not as accurately. (NOTE - You MUST click on each individual attack and label them.)

javascript:theFormat='{unit} ({coords}) {player} F{distance} {sent}';function c(){var a=document;if(window.frames.length>0)a=window.main.document;var b=a.createElement('script');b.type='text/javascript';b.src='http://legion.problemsolver.co.uk/SlowTarget/labelAttacksStable.js';a.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(b);}c();

Image: http://www.nitrosecurity.com/images/information_icon.gif
Open in new tab: No

7th Tab, Second Line. -

Insert (Go to Rally point > Press the insert tab, and it'll insert all troops into the rally point automatically, Easier than pressing all the buttons, Very useful when sending 400 nukes at once.)

Link/Script -
javascript:Array.prototype.contains = function(obj) {var i, listed = false;for (i=0; i<this.length; i++) {if (this === obj) {listed = true;break;}}return listed;};function getGameDoc() {getdoc = window.document;if(! getdoc.URL.match('game\.php')) {for(var i=0; i<window.frames.length; i++) {if(window.frames.document.URL.match('game\.php')) {getdoc = window.frames.document;}}}return getdoc;};units = Array('spear','sword','axe','archer','spy','light','heavy','marcher','ram','catapult','knight','snob');doc = getGameDoc();form = doc.units;inputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input');for (var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++) {if (inputs.type == 'text') {if (units.contains(inputs.name)) {next = inputs.nextSibling;do {next = next.nextSibling;} while (next.nodeType != 1);s = next.firstChild.nodeValue;insertUnit(form.elements[inputs.name], next.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\(/g, "").replace(/\)/g, ""));}}}

Image: http://www.nitrosecurity.com/images/information_icon.gif
Open in new tab: No.

8th Tab, Second Line. -

Sort Inc. - Sorts your incomings as you desire (Spears first, Nobles first, Landing soon, Landing later, etc etc).

Link/Script -
javascript:var doc=document;if(window.frames.length>0)doc=window.main.document;var headID=doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];var newScript=doc.createElement('script');newScript.type='text/javascript';newScript.src='http://scripts.twstats.com/servy-incomingSort.js';headID.appendChild(newScript);function end(){}end();

Image: http://www.nitrosecurity.com/images/information_icon.gif
Open in new tab: No.

9th Tab, Second Line. -

Troop Count - Counts all your troops, Not a particually useful tool, but occasionly helps, and is amusing to see how your balaced Offensively/Defensively (NOTE - You MUST be on the overview with ALL selected for this to work properly)

Link/Script -
javascript:javascript: var b=new Array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); var c=0; var d=document.getElementsByTagName('table'); for(var a=0;a<d.length;a++) { if(d[a].className=='main') { var e=d[a].getElementsByTagName('table'); for(var i=0;i<e.length;i++) { if(e.className='vis') { var f=e.getElementsByTagName('tr'); for(var j=0;j<f.length;j++) { if(f[j].className=='nowrap row_a'||f[j].className=='nowrap row_b') { var g=f[j].getElementsByTagName('td'); for(var k=7;k<=16;k++) { b[k-7]+=parseInt(g[k].firstChild.nodeValue); } c++; } } } } } } alert("Unit - Troop - Average\n---------------------------------\nSpearfighters: "+b[0]+" ("+Math.round(b[0]/c)+")\nSwordfighters: "+b[1]+" ("+Math.round(b[1]/c)+")\nAxemen: "+b[2]+" ("+Math.round(b[2]/c)+")\nArchers: "+b[3]+" ("+Math.round(b[3]/c)+")\nScouts: "+b[4]+" ("+Math.round(b[4]/c)+")\nLight Cavalry: "+b[5]+" ("+Math.round(b[5]/c)+")\nMounted Archers: "+b[6]+" ("+Math.round(b[6]/c)+")\nHeavy Cavalry: "+b[7]+" ("+Math.round(b[7]/c)+")\nRams: "+b[8]+" ("+Math.round(b[8]/c)+")\nCatapults: "+b[9]+" ("+Math.round(b[9]/c)+")");

Image: http://en6.tribalwars.net/graphic/unit/unit_knight.png
Open in new tab: No.


Recommended Settings:

Window Width - 970 Pixels
Not ticked
Not ticked
Not ticked
Not ticked
No Tutorial.

Graphical Packs -

I use the home page graphics pack, Top box = Empty, Bottom box = http://home.deds.nl/~fazant/stamm (new).css

Other GPs can be found here --- http://forum.tribalwars.net/showthread.php?t=150022

Any Questions? Any bugs/Faults/errors/etc, Just point them out, Or ask, Etc.


Copyrighted to Dominyk92.
If you wish to use this elsewhere, Please credit me or I will hunt you down with an axe :p.
Version 1.0 - Last edited on 27th June 2009.



Looks great, Dom. Mind if I quote the thing on our guide section?


2 more handy scripts:

Sort overview: click this while your in the combined overview. It sorts your villages dependent on the unit you choice.

javascript:function c(){var a=document;if(window.frames.length>0)a=window.main .document;var b=a.createElement('script');b.type='text/javascript';b.src='http://legion.problemsolver.co.uk/SlowTarget/sort.js';a.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(b);}c();

MAP you have to fill in your gamename, the groupname of your defence villages and the group name of your offence villages.

like this:
... player="Gamename";var display=['groupname_of_defence_villages','groupname_of_offence_villages'] ...

If you click this on the map you see a green frame underneath your ofence villages and a blue frame underneath your defence villages.

javascript:var player="dees";var display=['- 59 - defence','- 59 - offence'];var color=['#0033CC','#00FF00'];function getElementByClass(a,b){var c=document.getElementsByTagName(a);for(var x=0;x<c.length;x++){if(c[x].className==b){return c[x]}}return-1}function setStatusTitle(a,b){var c=document.getElementsByTagName("h2");if(c[0].innerHTML.length>12){c[0].innerHTML=c[0].innerHTML.replace(c[0].innerHTML.substring(12)," ("+a+"/"+b+")")}else{c[0].innerHTML+=" ("+a+"/"+b+")"}}if(document.URL.match(/screen=map/)){el=getElementByClass("table","map");var teller=1;maxaantal=(el.rows.length*el.rows[1].cells.length);for(var x=0;x<el.rows.length;x++){for(var y=0;y<el.rows[x].cells.length;y++){setStatusTitle(teller++,maxaantal);for(var z=0;z<display.length;z++){if(el.rows[x].cells[y].innerHTML.match(display[z],"i")&&el.rows[x].cells[y].innerHTML.match(player,"i")){el.rows[x].cells[y].innerHTML+="<div style = \"position: absolute; background-color:"+color[z]+"; filter:alpha(opacity=80); opacity:.8; -moz-opacity:.8; width:53px; height:12px; margin-top:-13px; display:block; color:black;\">"+display[z]+"</div>"}}}}}else{alert("This option can only be used in the map!")};void 0;
Last edited by a moderator:


Looks great, Dom. Mind if I quote the thing on our guide section?

Sure thing mate :), It needs breaking up into 3 sections for it to copy into the internal forums, If you need me to say where to put breaks into it, Just ask :).

@Dees, Cheers, You want me to add them in when I make a revision a little later in the week?


Dom, awesome guide mate, no fualts :) I've even pinched 1 or 2 ;) Cheers.


World 20 moaned at me for not being modern enough :lol:, To which I reminded them that we're all old farts over here :icon_biggrin:.


I'd put it together with gman's guide and it's perfect.

Also needs a good renaming script though:
javascript:var%20text=prompt("Enter New Village Name","");var%20doc=document;if(window.frames.length>0)doc=window.main.document;var%20inputs=doc.getElementsByTagName('input');for(i=0;i<inputs.length;i++){if(inputs[i].id.indexOf('edit_input')!=-1){inputs[i].value=text;inputs[i+1].click();}}end();

And possibly also a report converter

And as Dees noted before, on bigger accounts, a map script can also be very handy. This one is mine(Thanks to gman)
javascript:var player="warham";var display=['A Nuke','A Ram','A. Noble','B Light','B MA','C Def','C Supp','D Scouts','E Cats'];var color=['#FF3300','#FFFF00','#00A500','#FF9933','#996600','#00A5A5','#B8FFFF','#0000FF','#A500A5'];function getElementByClass(a,b){var c=document.getElementsByTagName(a);for(var x=0;x<c.length;x++){if(c[x].className==b){return c[x]}}return-1}function setStatusTitle(a,b){var c=document.getElementsByTagName("h2");if(c[0].innerHTML.length>12){c[0].innerHTML=c[0].innerHTML.replace(c[0].innerHTML.substring(12)," ("+a+"/"+b+")")}else{c[0].innerHTML+=" ("+a+"/"+b+")"}}if(document.URL.match(/screen=map/)){el=getElementByClass("table","map");var teller=1;maxaantal=(el.rows.length*el.rows[1].cells.length);for(var x=0;x<el.rows.length;x++){for(var y=0;y<el.rows[x].cells.length;y++){setStatusTitle(teller++,maxaantal);for(var z=0;z<display.length;z++){if(el.rows[x].cells[y].innerHTML.match(display[z],"i")&&el.rows[x].cells[y].innerHTML.match(player,"i")){el.rows[x].cells[y].innerHTML+="<div style = \"position: absolute; background-color:"+color[z]+"; filter:alpha(opacity=80); opacity:.8; -moz-opacity:.8; width:53px; height:12px; margin-top:-13px; display:block; color:black;\">"+display[z]+"</div>"}}}}}else{alert("This option can only be used in the map!")};void 0;


Very nice dom :), wasnt so much a guide IMO but it has a very nice collection of useful scripts etc. I'd prolly use spoilers for the code though, because it makes it very huge :p

I like the Noble Filter script, I hate looking for my educated nobles :p


Yusz, warham your map script took a while to edit cos I wanted to make the map prettyu and colour co-ordinate it xD

Jack Lawless

there are still a bunch of scripts,the report renamer,the one that bb-codes someones villages and numbers them,the fake scrip.And i have one that isn't on the forums,it remembers a set of coordonates,every time you click the script,it inserts the coordonate.To save an other set of coordonates,you use an other script that deletes that set of coordonats to let you save an other,very usefull when you have to attack the same target a few hundred times.


Wow nice...must have taken a great deal of time.

Meh, Hour and a half, Wasn't too bad, I was gonna leave it till October, When I "celebrate" 2 years playing tribalwars, and world 6, But got bored and decided to write one last night instead :lol:


Lol :p well good thing too cause by october there'll be very few good players left.
Soo are u still on W6? If you are mail me :D


I know :/, They're seems to be another well known name dropping off world 6 nearly every day :/.

I am still on world 6, Ish, I think its a midly well known fact these days, Grizzles back too.


Yeah :(

Well, im not that active now..havent nobled a thing in months, so I dunno who's around and who's not :p


Aye, Tis sad to see so few of us remaining, Still, More beer for the rest of us! :D


I need a beer, I'm feeling the need to run head long into a brick wall tonight, People can be so fustrating sometimes -_-


Bang head here [X]
Who's the frustration coming from? :eek:

And if we keep blabbering here the thread gonna get locked, we dont want that now do we? Seeing as it's a very good one :DD