Biggest Impact


Hi all!

Well, accusations and hard feelings aside, I thought I'd try something similar, but with a little twist. We're usually doing the 'Top 10/20 Tribes' thing, and we've already got Lt's 'Top 20 Players' thread, so why not stray a couple of steps?

I recently just joined World 46 with Jakub, and the PnP for new worlds is always diabolical. Predictably full of threads like Milestones, Hauls, and way-too-early-Top-20's. But all this did get me thinking... Thinking about World 6 again.

As a reflection for the past 12 months (and 13 days :icon_neutral:), and a forecast for the next, I ask you two questions:

[spoil]1. RMC
3. ~Or.D~
5. KW[/spoil]
#1: Out of the current Top 5 tribes (stated above, incase it changes soon), which one do you think has had the biggest effect on World 6 in 2009? [And why?]

#2: From the same list, which tribe do you think will have the biggest effect on World 6 in the coming year; 2010? [And why?]

And as a sidenote, which player of World 6 do you think will make the biggest impact on the world in 2010? [And why?]


#1: Out of the current Top 5 tribes (stated above, incase it changes soon), which one do you think has had the biggest effect on World 6 in 2009? [And why?]

Most probably FEAR, for obvious reasons regarding SIN. But apart from them, I can't help but wonder what would have happened if HIRE hadn't reformed, and had actually stuck with SIN.

#2: From the same list, which tribe do you think will have the biggest effect on World 6 in the coming year; 2010? [And why?]

I'm thinking FEAR, IMHO. It may be a stab in the dark, but I don't see them lasting as long as the others... That said, until a few days ago, I haven't been here much.

And as a sidenote, which player of World 6 do you think will make the biggest impact on the world in 2010? [And why?]

Moi. Depending on just how harsh I could be :icon_razz:


#1: Out of the current Top 5 tribes (stated above, incase it changes soon), which one do you think has had the biggest effect on World 6 in 2009? [And why?]

FEAR, they initiated the downfall of SIN and soon to be KW :icon_cool:

#2: From the same list, which tribe do you think will have the biggest effect on World 6 in the coming year; 2010? [And why?]

mmm, FEAR or 2010 i reckon. lots of fight left in FEAR and i reckon 2010 will don the crap out of Or.D then do something crazy.

And as a sidenote, which player of World 6 do you think will make the biggest impact on the world in 2010? [And why?]

dunno, RMC's dukes could do something impressive like declaring on somebody out the blue, that would have a big impact.


World 6 is dead, and will never be revived. So late into the game it lacks skill. All villages nobled these days are from barbs/inactives and those that might login every 3 days that have incoming either cant be bothered to defend or just send enough support to keep the village. Bearing in mind the world is dead, there cant be much effect to be initiated by said players/tribes. As for the previous year, it is contended imo between RMC and FEAR, no-one else comes close.


The player who hacked celticprincess has had the biggest impact imo, of course I don't play W6, I just troll the forums.


World 6 is dead, and will never be revived. So late into the game it lacks skill. All villages nobled these days are from barbs/inactives and those that might login every 3 days that have incoming either cant be bothered to defend or just send enough support to keep the village. Bearing in mind the world is dead, there cant be much effect to be initiated by said players/tribes. As for the previous year, it is contended imo between RMC and FEAR, no-one else comes close.

World is not dead. Why do people say this? :( I notice it always seem to be prob people who are not doing that well...personally I'm not nobling barbs and I'm still having lots of fun on this world. You have no right to say it's dead. :icon_surprised:

Fear had a pretty big impact as did hire. In the future It's probably going to be something similar. Don't forget how big RMC are though and what they can do. Awesome players, if they think of something they have the power to go through with it.


LOLOL, there seems to be alot of people saying its dead and about one person saying its not :p. And ever thought they're not doing well cos they cant be bothered to put effort into a dead world? I would delete tbh, but I stick to it because its the only thing that relates me to alot of people on the game, if I quit, I would most likely eventually lose contact with these people.


LOLOL, there seems to be alot of people saying its dead and about one person saying its not :p. And ever thought they're not doing well cos they cant be bothered to put effort into a dead world? I would delete tbh, but I stick to it because its the only thing that relates me to alot of people on the game, if I quit, I would most likely eventually lose contact with these people.

Well, I'm enjoying myself and my enemies occasionally fight back. People need to remember the difference between who plays the world and who goes on these forums. There's still a lot of people out there.


LOLOL, there seems to be alot of people saying its dead and about one person saying its not :p. And ever thought they're not doing well cos they cant be bothered to put effort into a dead world? I would delete tbh, but I stick to it because its the only thing that relates me to alot of people on the game, if I quit, I would most likely eventually lose contact with these people.

Somethimes it's better not to delete and let someone else play on your account... If u can find one =(

now I'm stuck darn lol


old =DIE= had one of the biggest impact on this world, and pretty much dictated how the north grew into what it is today.


old =DIE= had one of the biggest impact on this world, and pretty much dictated how the north grew into what it is today.

Did it? Apart from Hire there hasn't been a major tribe I can think of that changed the course of the worlds history in a significant way through it's actions. I'd suggest that specific players like frogdude and Telisha had the biggest impact, not a single tribe. They got people together and apart and therefore created the divisions which now comprise the different tribes in the north. Could you explain why you thnk that of Die?


DIE didn't have any impact whatsoever on me. They just stalled the war with SIN for me thats all.


like it or not, =DIE= is the reason why the north is, what it is now.


because he's been smoking something illegal and he isn't thinking straight.


psst, if you can't even see it yourself, then there is no point in explaining why.

=DIE= had the potential to be a big impact. But we sat there and did nothing. It wasn't till the east and west split that the potential was recognised As both sides went onto make some impressive war stats in there own wars.
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