Top 20 tribes opinion

-M A R I O-

Alright colonel calm down same to you chris. Jeez i feel like the damn police between you two atm.

As for your tribe chris you guys went toe to toe and did well, but with NUTS i think that NUTS only having maybe one or two active leaders were at the disadvantage in making decisions and operations on top of the ever obvious activity problems.

As for NUTS like i said you guys had too few leaders to help out. But then again this is the past guys so chill out and look to the future.


omg relax, Bored is rank 1. If u all have problems with it than show it in game or STFU.

There are always been merges. And always will be. You can't say how good or bad it is if it just happened. Wait few weeks/months and than come here and laugh(or cry).

I hate such small elite groups like Light. They always think that if they can defend against bigger tribe than they are like kings or something. You already proved yourself. Life goes on, with or without your achievements.


Have fun all jealous people :)


Did you pay no attention to the 'war'?

I just cant get that point,how is a war supposed to slow our growth let alone a war with 10 players :)

Is this your first world?

No,It isnt i have played more than 35 worlds :)
And have gone through ALOT of wars,which non have slowed my tribes growth but maybe at my early worlds we did lose wars.
So basically a war doenst slow your growth,you either win and boost your growth or you lose and its done.

I'm not sure if it's worth going through some of the decisions made by your old tribe, as it doesn't look like you would understand my points anyway.

I wasnt here before 2 weeks,so going through any older than that date decisions would be of no use :)
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Honestly Noteriety,
You need to get taught about some few tips of reading.
Try novels,they are the best,PM me for good novels to start with :)

No. Not a contradiction.

Learn the meaning of a word before you decide to use it.

3 million ODD for Light. would suggest it slowed you guys down somewhat.

So you basically see a tribe like NUTS with almost 800 villages,giving it opponents ONLY 3 mil ODD means we lost much?:icon_eek:
Get some OD calculator and start your work :)

I fail to see why you laugh at him saying a war would have slowed you down, yet it's expected that a merger will slow you down? Whut. That makes no sense whatsoever.

Actually the thing that makes no sense is your post. PLease rephrase it.

In the post where he said NUTS failed as a tribe due to poor decision making by the leaders, he was talking about the war with Light., so in fact, it is implied that he was talking about the war with Light. in regards to poor decision making, nothing in his post whatsoever implies the merge was what he deemed poor decision making.

Hence, no contradiction.

If you have gone through ANY wars whichi doubt you did,you would know that declaring a war doesnt slow your growth.
It either boosts it,or you lose everything.

Gratz on being a noob :)


Bigsam do you even play this world firstly? Secondly again read my statement.:icon_rolleyes: Why would i want to war a long standing ally when there are so many other wars to have?

/me facepalms at all the noobs who all of a sudden have the balls to post on the publics when a merge happens and they can try and jump on the bandwagon

Yes i joined this world in its 3rd week. Dont get defensive and call me a noob, Im mearly stating my opinion. I understand what you are saying. You are long standing allies and to win the server this move is the best option, i agree. What i am saying is what would be more fun?
Maybe bored and nuts already have an idea for a future war soon? It would be nice to see you demonstrate your power.


Flowers, I'm not like a king.

I am a king.


A king with an impressive track record, I might add.


If anyone wonders why Chris/Balefire hates Nuts and now Bored so much, juch check the above link.

We dealt with our own internal issues, and emerged and merged with Bored.

Perhaps we should get back on topic...or whatever.

Tyrell Wellick

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
I would say that there is a contradiction in terms of what is implied. It is pretty much a contradiction imo

Look, NUTS sent a small squad of 5-7 members to coordinate attacks against a small tribe of good players.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

The leadership set up four (or five, not sure if I can count :icon_confused: ) claims lists for these players to claim from, and assigned a time for attacks to land.

Have you ever been involved in war planning?

tassies1 on 26.01. at 07:10 Quote
As the claims on players are filled, more players will be added. Until we are ready for the first launch.

Everyone needs to be aware these are not noobs, they know all the tricks in the book. When you noble one of them, your defensive support needs to land within the next second, cause there is a good chance that a few seconds later one of their nobles will be landing.

They have demonstrated the ability to snipe 150ms trains, so be prepared for that, make sure you have the troops with you noble to kill off the snipe.

From what I've heard they are mainly offensive players, so the supply of defense will not be that great.


So you knew what we were like, you decide you still want to come after us.. You just lacked the experience to plan your war accordingly?

When you noble one of them, your defensive support needs to land within the next second, cause there is a good chance that a few seconds later one of their nobles will be landing.

I especially like this part. Don't you, Tassies? :icon_biggrin:[/spoil]

[spoil]slingo on 26.01. at 14:48 Quote
I wouldn't mind seeing some maps up here with target information on them.

As Tassies has stated, we need to make this one count. Let's show people that we still have it. Let us make these attacks swift, effective, and well organized.[/spoil]

You didn't show anyone that you 'still had it'. Effective? No. Well organised? Not the worst... Damn, I'm generous with my compliments.

Ok, so lets run through this scenario again.

You want to run an op against a small tribe to create a strong front against your future enemies. I don't think that this was a good decision to begin with, but the decision was made so we have to go through with it. So how do you go through with it? Do you go big op or small ops? Small ops? error.

Big op, shock and awe, take out an influential player. You don't beat around the bush, pick off vills here and there and try to hold onto them. You don't send out a small portion of your tribe to perform this op, who lose troops, nobles and time (this is where the slowing down part of my previous posts comes from) due to the (lack of) firepower which is spread between too many targets. You get the war over and done with to speed up expansion. You send the whole tribe and focus on one or two players. You give more of your tribe an opportunity to expand into new areas. You give more of your tribe an opportunity to attack and defend more front lines in the future to cancel out inactivity.

Am I just some sort of god, or do other people understand these situations as well?

A king with an impressive track record, I might add.


If anyone wonders why Chris/Balefire hates Nuts and now Bored so much, juch check the above link.

We dealt with our own internal issues, and emerged and merged with Bored.

Perhaps we should get back on topic...or whatever.

I've not talked about Bored, so I'm not sure where you got that from. :icon_rolleyes:

And thanks, I have a far more impressive track record than you and most of your tribe mates. :)


I think that some of the finer points are being missed entirely here.

-We have two tribes, who admit that before the world even started, their plan was to create two distinct tribes and eventually merge.

-One tribe waged a war where they killed 3 million OD points worth of nukes to gain only 55k in points. This kind of unevenness this early in the game makes a tribe deathly weak and vulnerable.

-The other tribe is so spread out that it is relatively vulnerable against would-be invaders. But it flanks the first tribe's enemy.

-Bored has come under public scrutiny as of late, with the recruitment of lordwolfx and starscreamer, and their public image has been tarnished. Hypothetically speaking, jumping in with another top 5 tribe to gang-bang a 10 member tribe not even in the top 20 would be a political death sentence.

-The plan to merge the two pre-mades into a single tribe has recently been called out by a stranger.

All in all, I guess this should have been expected after all. It's damage control, that's all it is. It's an attempt to reassert an appearance of dominance. But the truth is that all that it's done is reenforce an appearance of weakness. The new BORED might be the biggest tribe in the world. But it is definitely the weakest. I hope that Donkey and KND won't be fooled by the front BORED is putting on, and will see the vast ocean of opportunity that they have here.
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From my perspective as a player not on the world but watching friend here i do not see how you can consider Bored! the weakest tribe in the world. For one they have now established themselves as having the deepest group of skilled players and large accounts. Secondly i have heard rumors that frst is seeking diplomatic relations with Bored! because they are scared of Bored! using there new numbers against them. 3rdly it appears as if starscreamer and lordwolf have been removed from bored.

My last comment is that if only you think their reputation has been tarnished i do not think that you can say there reputation is tarnished.


That's it. You said it all.
Hail to spearz!!!

Oh i just looked your profile in game. I LOL'ed a lot :lol:

Personal text

That is how far away you must stay from me. Any abandoned/barbarian village within my 13x13 is there for me to farm, not for you to noble.

If you think this policy is unfair or unjust, then you obviously don't know how to play the game. Allow me to demonstrate. These are noble trains. See how they will all hit your villages at the same time? That forces you to spread your defenses, so that you don't have enough to defend against anything. This is the rim. See how you failed because you wanted to noble barbs inside my 13x13? This is your mass recruited family tribe, all equally panic stricken and having been of no help to you whatsoever. See how size doesn't matter?

Chances are that probably you still don't see. But that's okay. You will.

. | .

This is an ascii sword. It increases attack power when you put it in your profile. If the defender has no ascii sword, your attack power is increased by 35%. If the defender has an ascii sword bigger than yours, the bonus is only 15%. If the opponent has a smaller ascii sword, the bonus is 25%. If you attack with swords and spears and no other units you get a 100% bonus plus all other bonuses. If your attack includes rams, your attack is reduced to 10% and all other bonuses are eliminated.

| | |

This is an ascii sai. It allows researching ninja turtle units. Ninja turtle units will automatically noble an opponent's village for you when you are attacked. Your opponent never saw it coming. Because it was ninja. And you never even launched an attack, you are a turtle.

And that is how you play tribalwars.
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Yes i joined this world in its 3rd week. Dont get defensive and call me a noob, Im mearly stating my opinion. I understand what you are saying. You are long standing allies and to win the server this move is the best option, i agree. What i am saying is what would be more fun?
Maybe bored and nuts already have an idea for a future war soon? It would be nice to see you demonstrate your power.

Yeh umm Mario, bigsam isn't a noob.

However Sam, how can you say this ^, when you were a member of the SRWS/iP alliance on w21? :icon_razz:


Glad you like my profile. :)

Soccergame, the reason I am saying that Bored looks weak to me is because this merge would appear to be a sign of weakness by both component tribes attempting to create an illusion of power. On the surface, sure they look intimidating. Lots of people, lots of points. But you know what else has lots of people and lots of points? A 10 tribe family of noobs.

All those people and points, even the skill, doesn't mean much if most people are depleted of troops. BTW, I would question exactly how skilled their people are, considering NUTS' ultimately failed offensive against LighT. so far. Seriously, to kill 3 million worth of attacks against a 10 man tribe, and only gain 55k points in the process is a pretty epic fail. If we were well into the late game, then I could understand how that could happen. But we're not anywhere near that point.

There is a reason why these two tribes have merged at this particular point in time. Part of that reason was to take over the #1 rank. But they could have accomplished that last week. So why NOW? There is some reason why they perceive NOW as the right time, as opposed to next week or next month. What could that reason possibly be? Well, I'll tell you what that reason isn't. It's not because both tribes are at the pinnacle of their power. If that were the case, then why would they merge? Why fix something that isn't broken? If their tribal family was suceeding as separate tribes, then why change anything? And let's be clear people, this isn't a merge of allies. NUTS and Bored were a tribal family. They admit that they planned from before the world started that they would create two tribes destined to merge. They have played this strategy out before in the past, like on w40 where they formed PARAS and JOUST who were "allies" who merged, in accordance with their plans established before the world opened. This was a tribal family, regardless of the attempt to maintain an image of separate identities.

But to get back to what I was saying, for these two tribes to make the decision now to merge shows that they both felt that they were at their weakest point and needed to try and reestablish themselves. That's the reason they merged now instead of waiting until next week or next month. So that they could create an image that would keep them safe long enough to get their feet back on the ground. As you've said, that image has even startled FRST. But to suggest that there is ANYTHING other than the outward appearance that has FRST scared is crazy. Because there is nothing. The merge is still underway, so it's not like FRST has gotten scared because of the way that new Bored is nobling villages left and right. Appearances, it's all about appearances. Appearances scare the Hell out of people. And that fact can be used as a weapon, which is what Bored is doing.

As for the lordwolfx and SS situation, yes indeed both of those people have now been kicked. But that was only after Bored took public heat for inviting them in the first place. You have to ask yourself, "Why did they invite them at all?" It's not like they invited them for craps and giggles. They must have had an intention to have them as part of the tribe. But they seemed to quickly change their mind the moment their public image started taking shots, which was leading people to question how strong Bored really was.

So, I don't say that Bored is weak simply because their reputation was soiled by inviting two scandalous people. I say that they are weak because taking all recent events into consideration, it is difficult to explain all these things in any other way. NUTS seems depleted their troops, Bored was spreading too thinly to maintain their ability to defend themselves. But by merging they have possibly bought themselves the time necessary to recover from their irresponsible over-reaching. I really hope that FRST won't be fooled by this. As a matter of fact, if I were in the FRST leadership, I would be making plans now to launch against Bored and strike while the iron's hot. If FRST attacks now, they could cut through Bored relatively easily, and probably secure their place in the #1 spot for the remainder of the world.


Well first if alot points and players is what makes a tribe weak the frst is aboslute shit with the max # of players. Secondly i find it difficult to say that Nuts had failed against light if you look at the quality of light and how many players Nuts commited to the conflict. A third comment I feel like I have to make is that Maybe something was broken inside of Nuts. Lastly to say spreading out is irresponsible i dissagree. At this point in the world you need as much room to grow and farm as you can(you clearly wouldn't know much about farming) and this is what propels tribes that go on to be the best for large parts of worlds.


If you have gone through ANY wars whichi doubt you did,you would know that declaring a war doesnt slow your growth.
It either boosts it,or you lose everything.

Gratz on being a noob :)

Oh god what a fail post.. :icon_cry:


Glad you like my profile. :)

Soccergame, the reason I am saying that Bored looks weak to me is because this merge would appear to be a sign of weakness by both component tribes attempting to create an illusion of power. On the surface, sure they look intimidating. Lots of people, lots of points. But you know what else has lots of people and lots of points? A 10 tribe family of noobs.

But to get back to what I was saying, for these two tribes to make the decision now to merge shows that they both felt that they were at their weakest point and needed to try and reestablish themselves. That's the reason they merged now instead of waiting until next week or next month. So that they could create an image that would keep them safe long enough to get their feet back on the ground. As you've said, that image has even startled FRST. But to suggest that there is ANYTHING other than the outward appearance that has FRST scared is crazy. Because there is nothing. The merge is still underway, so it's not like FRST has gotten scared because of the way that new Bored is nobling villages left and right. Appearances, it's all about appearances. Appearances scare the Hell out of people. And that fact can be used as a weapon, which is what Bored is doing.

So if you're such an expert on merges and the reasons for a merge, then can you please explain why these fellow tribes merged?

1. Frost and Bad

2. Icarus and KKnd

3. LOL, LOLII and 13th Family
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........ the reason I am saying that Bored looks weak to me is because this merge would appear to be a sign of weakness by both component tribes attempting to create an illusion of power. On the surface, sure they look intimidating. Lots of people, lots of points. But you know what else has lots of people and lots of points? A 10 tribe family of noobs.

I find this analysis to be, well, for want of a better word, poo. Before the merge each tribe was smaller and more powerful? Yet commanded the respect and fear(?) of the whole world (cept maybe a few :icon_redface: ) and yet now after the merge they are less than the sum of the 2 parts?

Pizza, I like pizza....

Imagine 2 halves of this delectable dish, Mmmmmm...pizzza.......on one side pepperami (yummy) on the other pineapple (yummy too). Join the 2 together and what do you have? less than a whole pizza? Or one that is made more enjoyable for the differences of the 2 parts? Is the pizza less of a pizza for having been once separated and now joined?

Chew on that.

Oh yes please....Nom nom nom....

MOAR! pizza!!!



I do have to ask how being spread out is bad. NOW WAIT! before you rip my head off read on.

Bored was spread over a few ks yes. But we were fighting and winning the wars we were fighting very very easily. In doing so we were fortifying ourselves with the weakness of are enemies. So as we take more and more control over are areas. Not only that BORED was a strong leadership and we can deal with problems before they become problems. its how as even when we were at 19 members we were able to hold more then are own.

if this is unresbonable well i guess we need to take some heat, but over all it worked out for us and now we are sitting on top.