

Double post ftw,

as someone pointed out,you cant judge muslim on terrorist,It would be like judging Christian on KKK,But,when you give someone all the reason in the wrd to hate you,thing like this happen....Im sure youd agree,that youl find lot of fact in world history,that prove that..where's there's opression,there's extremist.

You cant have one whitout the other,they go in pair....

Segregation in USA created the ''Black Panters'' wich had is fair load of extremist and violent people,but at the same time,Martin Luther Kings had is pacifist movement,would it be fair to judge Afro American population only on black panters violent action (note:lot of theyre action wasent violent tough),or would it be better to consider Martin Luther Kings ''ways'' too?

Some USA people themself used to be somekind of ''extremist/Terrorist'' long ago....at least from Great Britain point of view...
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Right, this topic is about what happened ingame, not about what happened IRL. If you want to discuss that, open a thread in the general section. New posts about the subject will meet deletion and infractions.


Right, this topic is about what happened ingame, not about what happened IRL. If you want to discuss that, open a thread in the general section. New posts about the subject will meet deletion and infractions.

That mean we have at least a week of spamming before you come back to check?
(Sorry couldnt resist) :icon_razz:


That mean we have at least a week of spamming before you come back to check?
(Sorry couldnt resist) :icon_razz:

September is always a busy time for me. Bear with me. Besides, if I'd be harsh like some other mods, only a few people wouldn't be banned. :p

Anyways, back on topic now!


hehe okay, thanks for ruining the fun daethon :p

so uhm... on topic, RES disbanded, go DEUS!!!!


Don't be silly chris, isn't walt is gonna invite you soon?

oh wait... :lol:


lol, if he can remember which account he's holding now....


Ok, so... I am apparently an idiot because everyone else knows what it means but me, but what is GBH or GHB whatever it was? :S

And res is goneee... Another one bites the dust I guess.
Time for me to go have a lookie at the maps and see where you all are and what's going on :D


gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid, a neuroprotective and depressant drug that is illegal in a number of countries

this is the only GHB I know,Its called ''rape drug'' round here,but I doubt its what they talk about:lol:


Trust Grenchie to go down the drug line lol (thats GHB he's describing)

GBH in this context is Grievous Bodily Harm, "really serious bodily harm" (about as close as you can get to killing someone without actually succeeding)


Are you capable of posting anything without a racist jibe in it? Thats ethnic gypsys and the holocaust you seem to have randomly brought into the last two posts I have seen by you