The market: proof of the world's stupidity?


So basically you are saying lots of people are posting clay for iron in the markets..... And also saying that sometimes even two people in the same 7x7 are offering the same resource!!!! And to top it all off there is sometimes a difference in ratio!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MAH GAWD

It happens at this stage in the game, people have an abundance of clay as it is least needed for building during startup, they often put it in the market to store or of the hope that someone is stupid enough to trade clay for Iron, just like at the very start of the world people need wood and have an abundance of iron. At later stages clay will be needed for nobles and such.

By the way you must take into account that most people in your area have no contact at all, and very few people in the world talk about resources on market (unless it is a tribe member to tribe member trade) so the differences in ratio in not something you should be shocked at or even think stupid, infact the stupidest thing about this whole thread was that you tried to go into details about something as boring as trades in the market.

Also this is a bit ironic

I don't want to offend you in any sense, because poeple apparently is very sensitive around here (*cough*,*cough*), but maybe you could enter the


If I see someone offered 1000 clay for 1000 iron, I will make my offer 1000 clay for 900 iron. Not 1000 clay for 1200 iron.

I think that is what he is trying to say.

basically yeah, that would be the idea.

and markets are not boring, I make a living from theim in RL :icon_evil:
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This thread: Proof of noobyness.

Obviously you haven't played enough worlds to know this always happens.


This thread: Proof of noobyness.

Obviously you haven't played enough worlds to know this always happens.

Obviously you didn't read **** and just posted a comment because of the title :/

Check out the posts through this thread and you'll understand.


My question is: Why didn't you check your grammar, before making insinuations that other people are stupid?

Er, I am from another country, and I think that you can understand the question even if you are a five year old. I didn't know that if a foreigner made a grammar mistake he was considered to be stupid :icon_neutral:

My question now is: knowing this thread has 2 pages so far, and you are the only jerk who asked that, you are feeling special?


Er, I am from another country, and I think that you can understand the question even if you are a five year old. I didn't know that if a foreigner made a grammar mistake he was considered to be stupid :icon_neutral:

My question now is: knowing this thread has 2 pages so far, and you are the only jerk who asked that, you are feeling special?
No, I'm just pointing out the irony in this situation. There are ways to check spelling and grammar. Personally, if I was making such a statement, even if English was not my native language, I would make sure my grammar was up to par. :icon_wink:


Yes, cause grammar is far more important than making your point in understandable enough english.

I bet you start twitching on bad grammar on lolcats website, I mean just because they are freaking cats it doesn't mean that they have a green light to ruin everyones english, right?

<3 spike


I can't stop thinking "?" when I check out the market offers:

one player offers 1200 clay for 1700 iron, the other one offers 1000 for 1000. another one offers 1000 clay for 500 iron, and right next to it a player offers 1000 clay for 1200 iron. This goes on for like 10 pages.

The time difference between offers is not much, all within 10 hours and in a lot of cases just a difference of a couple of mins.

My question is: is people just stupid? the ironic bit

So you are saying I can read? And calling me an abusive name? Interesting... Well my state below still stands.

[spoil]So basically you are saying lots of people are posting clay for iron in the markets..... And also saying that sometimes even two people in the same 7x7 are offering the same resource!!!! And to top it all off there is sometimes a difference in ratio!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MAH GAWD[/spoil]

Right I guess I should answer this post a little more intelligently (although considering your reply there is no real reason for me to).

Markets are used mainly for two reasons in tribalwars: Storing resources and trading them (people have argued with me that balancing res and trading res are different things but I wont go into it)

Storing res: People post offers where the ratio of Res A to Res B is so extreme that noone would want to trade and if they did decide to trade it would leave the person storing the res with a positive result in the market.

Trading res: Trading resources is when a player wants to trade their resource for a different resource. Usually the person who wants to trade res would offer an equal or negative ratio for themselves when trading resources (or if the resource is in high demand they can go for a positive one). When trading resources players often only check the market for the resource they are searching for

e.g. If I wanted Iron and wanted to trade with Clay I would search for Iron and offer Clay, if I didnt find any I would then put and offer on the market. I would probably not search for Clay and offer Iron to see what others ratios are, and even if I did I would still base my ratio on my dependence for the resource i.e If my resources were fairly balanced then the ratio at which I traded would be close to equal, whereas if they were totally un-balanced my ratio would be negative towards myself.

The other use of Balancing res for me is more when you have more than one village and you balance your resources over your various villages (i.e. not using an outside account to help balance your resources)

My point about the time, as others have said the time difference between two people available in your market may be extreme (10 hrs for you to each of them, 20 from them to eachother) but you also have to factor in that others might use smaller distances as each person can set a maximum distance, people might not want to trade further than 1 hour or 2 hours etc etc so what is available for you to see could conceivably not be available for others.

Finally if you want to do some funny picture towards me I suggest you offer something better than a picture for "Reading is Fundamental" when your typing is atrocious

because poeple apparently is very sensitive
My question now is: knowing this thread has 2 pages so far, and you are the only jerk who asked that, you are feeling special?

If english is not your first language, and your grammar and spelling is fairly awful then I suggest that you not question other peoples comprehension of something you wrote.

Am bored of typing on this subject now :)


btw it is not necessarily to have ratio 2:1 to store , if everyone dont need the same thing ratio 1:1 means storing , you cant know what ppl think ...

Useless Thread ..
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So you are saying I can read? And calling me an abusive name? Interesting... Well my state below still stands.
bla bla bla bla bla

If english is not your first language, and your grammar and spelling is fairly awful then I suggest that you not question other peoples comprehension of something you wrote.

Am bored of typing on this subject now :)

btw it is not necessarily to have ratio 2:1 to store , if everyone is dont need the same thing ratio 1:1 means storing , you cant know what ppl think ...

Useless Thread ..

What you two said, I will reply it with this:

ok, now I feel we are all stupid just by talking about the market :/ kind of ironic.

For all what you people said, yes, I am aware of all that, and trust me that if I made this thread knowing about it I knew what I am saying.

Yes, we all need iron, but if you need iron you need it right away, at least thats my idea. It is useless to propose a 2 ratio offer when you know there are others and it makes no sense to wait for days for someone to accept it.

Yes, you may be storing clay for the future, but here we are talking about pages and pages of offers inside a close ratdius of players, and knowing the stage we are at in the game, where a high ammount of lc and axes is mandatory in order to keep up with the rest of the players, I believe there are only a few exceptions of this.

Yes, what it is a couple of mins for you could mean hours or even days to other players depending on their position, and knowing this I checked it by looking at the players profiles. Again, if you find several pages of offers presenting the same pattern, it is most likely that there are a lot of them inside the same radius.

Yes, you can take advantage of it, the same way I am doing it, and the same way you take advantage of a player who does not know how to snipe or doge or whatever.

Now my award for the most stupid answer I got here, goes to KeegiKolmas, who said "Dont you see, everyone need iron?". Kudos my mate, you proved my point just by saying that.

THIS is what I meant about people not reading. If you find in the fist page I already talked about this, and you've seen that other players got my point, then why are you repeating stuff???????????????????

And my english, my grammar are not awful, i've been around for more than 3 years now and everyone understands what I am trying to say except for you and that other grammar nazi, you are just b*****ng about it because I already proved you are, indeed, stupid, and not because of the market :/
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ok, now I feel we are all stupid just by talking about the market :/ kind of ironic.

For all what you people said, yes, I am aware of all that, and trust me that if I made this thread knowing about it I knew what I am saying.

Yes, we all need iron, but if you need iron you need it right away, at least thats my idea. It is useless to propose a 2 ratio offer when you know there are others and it makes no sense to wait for days for someone to accept it.

Yes, you may be storing clay for the future, but here we are talking about pages and pages of offers inside a close ratdius of players, and knowing the stage we are at in the game, where a high ammount of lc and axes is mandatory in order to keep up with the rest of the players, I believe there are only a few exceptions of this.

Yes, what it is a couple of mins for you could mean hours or even days to other players depending on their position, and knowing this I checked it by looking at the players profiles. Again, if you find several pages of offers presenting the same pattern, it is most likely that there are a lot of them inside the same radius.

Yes, you can take advantage of it, the same way I am doing it, and the same way you take advantage of a player who does not know how to snipe or doge or whatever.

Now my award for the most stupid answer I got here, goes to KeegiKolmas, who said "Dont you see, everyone need iron?". Kudos my mate, you proved my point just by saying that.

Did you read what i said :?
or dont you understand, i am saying that if they put a ratio 1:1 doesnt mean that they are stupid and waiting for someone to accept other than just accepting right away.. check the bold & what i said


Yes, we all need iron, but if you need iron you need it right away, at least thats my idea. It is useless to propose a 2 ratio offer when you know there are others and it makes no sense to wait for days for someone to accept it.

That is extremely hard to understand without breaking it down.

Yes, you may be storing clay for the future, but here we are talking about pages and pages of offers inside a close ratdius of players, and knowing the stage we are at in the game, where a high ammount of lc and axes is mandatory in order to keep up with the rest of the players, I believe there are only a few exceptions of this.

This makes little sense.... I would imagine most players on this world are defensive in nature considering there are currently 4 lc per person and I have over 100 times that... if you broke everything down I would imagine a lot more players go D early on and build walls rather than go O and not build walls, therefore clay and wood is more in need than Iron.

By looking at my 15x15 I have only encountered 2 players with a decent amount of axes compared to numerous one with good D.

Also by saying storing clay for the future it makes me think the person would store clay now in the market until it is time for nobles... I am hoping that is not what you means as usually markets are only used for short term storage.

Yes, what it is a couple of mins for you could mean hours or even days to other players depending on their position, and knowing this I checked it by looking at the players profiles. Again, if you find several pages of offers presenting the same pattern, it is most likely that there are a lot of them inside the same radius.

By this I guessed you meant that you looked at the players co-ords in relation to other players, but in a 10hr radius your looking at a 101x101 radius... you are talking about hundreds of accounts.... and at any one time you can only see 6 offers in the market, ofcourse there are going to be lots of pages!!!!!

I am not repeating things I am making them clear, you have not gotten the point that this is normal you for some reason think that anyone that posts an odd ratio compared to you in the market is stupid and that anyone that contradicts your posts in this thread is also stupid... unfortunatly there is only two constants in the above statement and that is you and something being stupid, and i think those two tie in perfectly
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And my english, my grammar, are not awful, i've been around for more than 3 years now and everyone understands what I am trying to say except for you and that other grammar nazi, you are just b*****ng about it because I already proved you are, indeed, stupid, and not because of the market :/
Your anger feeds my trolliness. :icon_razz: Point being you shouldn't be judging other players as stupid when you fail to make a coherent arguement for why they are stupid.
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lol @ 2dark

ok guys, I will make this real simple for you: If I have a marshmallow and I want a bisc- you know what? I will post some pictures:

I have this:


I know everyone has it, but I actually want this:


and everyone wants it, and it makes sense just look at those biscuits :icon_eek:

And I know everyone is giving out marshmallows, do you think that it makes sense asking for more biscuits than the amount of marshmallows I am offering?

There are exceptions, of course, people who is storing marshmallows, and there are some important concepts that I did take into consideration, like for example there are some places where people wants marshmallows. Still, it doesn't make sense considering the amount of offers.

Nevertheless, I will admit this was exhausting. It is the first time I want to talk seriously about a game concept, but apparently it is too much to ask from you people, so I will restrain myself to my regular "you are all noobs" speech and flaming you whenever we are kicking your tribe's ***.
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using "*" is also infractable.
Also commenting and critiquing people for their grammar.

Thats right, im a forum mod, i know all the rules, i just forget them when need be :icon_twisted:


using "*" is also infractable.
Also commenting and critiquing people for their grammar.

Thats right, im a forum mod, i know all the rules, i just forget them when need be :icon_twisted:

you are kidding me right? Come on people give me a break lol
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Spiegel I am pretty sure all my posts explain the market better than your marshmellow theory, if you actually read through my posts instead of trying to flame you would see I went through most reasons people use the market and why you would see differences in ratio in the market