Gorob -34- nap has ended


(I didn't do bad on this world, but I had a good startup on W62, does that count?). Still doing well on 62 to boot :icon_razz:.

If we're going to compare who is more valued as a skilled player, then we're going into subjective waters; waste of time.


U6, you indeed dont know how to play tw :))

why we asked for support from Pita? Simple: cose we can :)

cose we better stack our borders than waste time sniping or dodging

with that time, we do something else, like watch tv, working, going out, etc etc

and the fact that Pita provided us some support is what an good allie should do at all time

the fact that anyone who ask for support in Gotrob is getting it is all known in Gotrob, because I provide that support in most occasions

The fact that you are not used to get support is because you are playing with a bunch of selfish noobs, who are playing just for theirselfs

Is no use to talk to you here, you change the subjects and words as you like, so I will leave you to talk alone :)

or die alone, depends :)

you stack the border becaus eyou dont know hwo to dodge or snipe hell i dont even think you guys know what backtiming is

and wait you say we didnt get support because w eplay with selfish people but yet just before that you say youy provide mostly all the support? so you play with selfish noobs then?


gotrob didnt do anything against the rules of the game. why criticize their actions? if they did somehow break rules, then get them banned! if you keep on talking nonsense and off topic, then might as well be quiet and watch the stats in favor to gotrob.


gotrob didnt do anything against the rules of the game. why criticize their actions? if they did somehow break rules, then get them banned! if you keep on talking nonsense and off topic, then might as well be quiet and watch the stats in favor to gotrob.

when did i say they did something agaisnt the rules haha. and its not offtopic sinc eit was response to your puppet master geani


No one said they did anything against the rules. That's an assumption akhil- made that people were saying, so he rambled about it for awhile.


No one said they did anything against the rules. That's an assumption akhil- made that people were saying, so he rambled about it for awhile.

oh yeah. and im sure you didnt imply that gotrob CAN'T or rather SHOULD NOT ask for support from pita, their ALLY. so what if they did? they're just being smart. im sure if you were in their shoes you'd do the same. makes life easier, like geani said, and do RL stuff like do their job and make money. u and -34- just envy the support they get and then just go offtopic about it and make it look bad to initiate some propaganda against gotrob (this is manifested in the amount of forums opened against gotrob). and i wouldnt blame you for that coz that really is part of wars, to brainwash people into thinking you're the good guys.

go ahead, make gotrob look bad. but... -34- have been bragging about stats in the start and were the most talkative and boastful players... who's looking bad now?


oh yeah. and im sure you didnt imply that gotrob CAN'T or rather SHOULD NOT ask for support from pita, their ALLY. so what if they did? they're just being smart. im sure if you were in their shoes you'd do the same. makes life easier, like geani said, and do RL stuff like do their job and make money. u and -34- just envy the support they get and then just go offtopic about it and make it look bad to initiate some propaganda against gotrob (this is manifested in the amount of forums opened against gotrob). and i wouldnt blame you for that coz that really is part of wars, to brainwash people into thinking you're the good guys.

go ahead, make gotrob look bad. but... -34- have been bragging about stats in the start and were the most talkative and boastful players... who's looking bad now?

haha your make your selfs look even worst so keep talking, and why not answer what i had to say eh? where did he manage that gotrob broke the rules in those last little bit of posts we made?


oh yeah. and im sure you didnt imply that gotrob CAN'T or rather SHOULD NOT ask for support from pita, their ALLY. so what if they did? they're just being smart. im sure if you were in their shoes you'd do the same. makes life easier, like geani said, and do RL stuff like do their job and make money. u and -34- just envy the support they get and then just go offtopic about it and make it look bad to initiate some propaganda against gotrob (this is manifested in the amount of forums opened against gotrob). and i wouldnt blame you for that coz that really is part of wars, to brainwash people into thinking you're the good guys.

go ahead, make gotrob look bad. but... -34- have been bragging about stats in the start and were the most talkative and boastful players... who's looking bad now?

I would never do the same if I didn't need the support, and I wouldn't need the support if I was fighting a tribe 3x my size and I had initially planned to break the NAP well before war was declared. So no, I wouldn't ask for support.


GotRob shouldn't ask for support? That's (clearly) debatable. They shouldn't have to ask for support. Since GotRob claims to be better players, they should not require help in beating -34-. At least, that's my take on it.


we dont need help in beating 34.

not in the long run

pitta gave support so that we didnt lose so many vils at the start and we are grateful for that,
but eventuallly our own support would have got to the front and we would have got the better of 34.

theres no doubt about that.
as soon as they took us on they were on a loser .the way things have gone prove that

the only difference was it would have taken a little longer to get in front of 34 on the stats..


we are 3 times their size and of course this war is a mismatch ..

they have no chance,they have a few good players like every tribe has but no chance of winning,not on their own


Me said:
They are proving their own inadequacy. Their players become accustomed to support they won't get later. They show their own divisions and weak points of who needs support and who can't get it when asking for. They show their own limitations to PITA. They lose valuable experience learning how to defend without mountains of support. PITA gets to fight a worse enemy.

Say it wasn't needed, etc., but that doesn't mean you should've taken it.


of course we were going to take it .stupid not to..i guess you wouldnt of taken it lol.

but long term it had no bearing on the outcome of the war.


No, I wouldn't take it.

Long term, it may or may not have had a bearing on the -34- war. But if that's what you call long-term, then I call you short-sighted.


so you have incoming and allies can help you but you refuse and rather lose vils..
what do you think your leader and your allies would think of you..

i know what i would think of you


I'd rather be prepared for the enemy I know is coming because I was the one who wanted to break the NAP, and the one who launched first on Gearhound.

I'd rather let my members learn to snipe and gain experience on how to defend well, especially if (as you say) the war will end with the same result.

I'd rather not show weakness and expose my weak points to the tribe I'll be fighting at the end.

You? Guess nothing of the sort!


I'd rather be prepared for the enemy I know is coming because I was the one who wanted to break the NAP, and the one who launched first on Gearhound.

I'd rather let my members learn to snipe and gain experience on how to defend well and lose all the villages they spent time on nobling over the past months the been playing tw , especially if (as you say) the war will end with the same result. and if it does why not make the whole process faster by using allies support

I'd rather not show weakness and expose my weak points to the tribe I'll be fighting at the end.

You? Guess nothing of the sort!

someones been seeing alot of action films recently ehh


you clearly have not understood what i said above and going off topic again. as i said, they could do the war without pita's support. but what about the movies they have to watch or some dates they have to go to? you just envy the advantage to have those leisures times they have.