TSL want Candy!!!

  • Thread starter DeletedUser34483
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im sure your just wonderful :lol:
As I said before I did not come here to ridicule, I am a realist however so stuggling to understand why you guys cant just admit you have had one big helping hand thanks to the egos within Twist

Ego's are what caused Twist to be left with such crappy leadership in the first place, so yeah, it has helped TSL l0l.


LOL but as I have been trying to say all day it wasnt crappy leadership it was other people letting their egos get in the way that ruined ops, supporting and the tribe. Leaders never stood a chance against them it was a constant battle and thats why so many people left. The dukes done well lasting aslong as they did.


I hope more barb soon. I want to see the end of this world the sooner that happens the quicker I can get on with my life.

And now you have me sitting here trying to remember all the players from wist that I've spoken to in the past:|


It was ages ago I was sitting an account you were attacking and I kept sniping your trains.. maddog or something like that

It may even have been before the TSL merge
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cool you can vouch im not just some raving looney but someone who enjoyed the game :lol:


We can sit here and argue all day, the fact is: Twist is losing ground as we speak, and has lost most of its top players. Does it have any shot at winning this world? Not really... so the wise thing for the remaining twisties to do is to hit the delete button and save themselves some pp.
Good luck to the remaining twisties, and have fun :) I'm sure I will!


Twist has indeed lost some good players but it also has some good players remaining so im sure they will challenge you as much as possible.
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We are working around the good players. Grin and assassin have done well in k15. k25 fell nicely. Teamwork is letting Twist down. AMAZING players like itchy who just want to take on everyone 1v1. Like you said big egos.

TSL helped out and supported the weaker players. Me being one of the lesser inexperienced players.
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For some time team work had been failing because people were too busy arguing and refusing to work with each other. There really has been some brilliant players in Twist its just a pity things got stupid and as a result people never got the opportunity to really show their capabilities. It would have been some war otherwise.


Honestly, skillwise Twist has never held much of a candle to TSL. Chachi and friends were a skilled group of players, and you've had a few scattered throughout, but for the most part TSL simply has had a higher caliber.
Not to say that we don't have those who are noobs, or lesser players.. but overall TSL has always been solid. I'm still impressed by some of the war machines that we have.


Yeh I am not denying TSL has skilled players but Twist had there share aswell made up from both ex skill and ex anarky and I really do think if all the stupid arguments hadnt have happened it would have been a good fight from both sides.


Its well seen your names d moron (does the D stand for dipshit?), im not clara the reason you wont know me is because I dont normally mail enemy ingame (I have chatted once to ragephizit along time ago thats it) and I dont normally chat on externals which is why I dont have a name you recognise, so im not hiding from you or anyone else.
I did come on here to have an actual discussion as to why twist failed not to have a go at TSL but just to provide real facts as to why people left and tribe is failing.

But I really find it hilarious that you all think you are some kind of amazing players when the fact is if it wasnt for Venge emptying villages you wouldnt have got them, if it wasnt for the egos arguing ingame more ops would have been successful, if it wasnt for the arguing people wouldnt have left and barbed.

So as ive said all day long its egos within Twist which ruined the tribe, noone was scared of TSL attacks, the tribe didnt fall apart because tollx left and joined TSL.

The point that your trying to make about venge is irrelevant, even if it wasnt "the tsl effect" it was down to poor leadership that twist let so many players who were involved in these arguments sit big accounts. Yes venge emptied accounts but others in twist used them to gain privs etc..

What separates TSL from Twist! is there is no arguments here, we all work as one, we may not be the greatest of individuals but as a whole tribe we are unstoppable, this is down to TSL leadership, we work as one because if we dont we know we will not be wanted here, an account that is not helping the tribe is not in the tribe for very long, thats why we have fewer members, tsl kick and eat where twist collect those players arguing and not doing anything and its taken its toll eventually.
Its bad leadership that left these accounts in twist, fact.
Why didnt you eat them when they wouldnt change there ways?
Why was it allowed to go on for so long?
Why did the twist members put up with the council/duke allowing these few to ruin it for the many for so long?
Why were huge sits passed to those involved in the arguing and not the council/trusted members?

These are all questions that have been the real downfall of twist!, the reason TSL are so effective, well, we dealt with the answers before the questions arose.


Well if you split the amount of egos and their own followers we would have ended up 3 or 4 different little tribes, factor in the followers did not necessarily come from the egos area it would have been messy. So no I still dont blame leadership.


We are working around the good players. Grin and assassin have done well in k15. k25 fell nicely. Teamwork is letting Twist down. AMAZING players like itchy who just want to take on everyone 1v1. Like you said big egos.

TSL helped out and supported the weaker players. Me being one of the lesser inexperienced players.

eh i wouldnt say they did well in k15...we just havnt pushed fully in k15 yet like we have in k25 which has let them grow on barbs and isolated tsl villls...I will agree tho that assassin is a skilled player and deserves credit for his excellent defense...Clara was also a good player..its just a shame she dont play (unless she has made a return without telling me 0.o)
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Yeh I am not denying TSL has skilled players but Twist had there share aswell made up from both ex skill and ex anarky and I really do think if all the stupid arguments hadnt have happened it would have been a good fight from both sides.

I think that the fight has still been a good one, despite the eminent destruction of twist. TSL has fought a good war, as have quite a few twist (or former twist) players.


I read back a few pages, still find it funny that some people think it was all TSL. All TSL had to do was sit back and wait for the idiots in the TWIST core and north to cause the tribe to self destruct. But in the end it was 500, how funny is that. Venge topped the cake.

Oh well, lesson learned for next world. NOOBS get nobled from the start. AFter playing on a different world for the last 2 weeks I can't believe I actually stuck around in the crap world for so long.

now I'm mad I even visited these forums.

Anyway, after so long away from w46 I thought I was able to come back and say thank you to both sides and to everyone I met along the way that was primarily located in the South, best wishes to you in the future.



I read back a few pages, still find it funny that some people think it was all TSL. All TSL had to do was sit back and wait for the idiots in the TWIST core and north to cause the tribe to self destruct. But in the end it was 500, how funny is that. Venge topped the cake.

Oh well, lesson learned for next world. NOOBS get nobled from the start. AFter playing on a different world for the last 2 weeks I can't believe I actually stuck around in the crap world for so long.

now I'm mad I even visited these forums.

Anyway, after so long away from w46 I thought I was able to come back and say thank you to both sides and to everyone I met along the way that was primarily located in the South, best wishes to you in the future.


See that keyword - "Wait"... In short we already expected that.

Twist! had already been diagnosed with TSL effect long long time ago. Early signs and symptoms occurred during the skill and anarky merge, then gets worsen. Tried a new medicine... merging with 500. Shows recovery at first, then a sudden negative reaction occurs. TSL effect becomes so malignant that Multi-organizatonal failure occurs. Clock is already ticking. This is a time for acceptance until the time for Twist! to rest. Goodbye Kidi :icon_cry:


I read back a few pages, still find it funny that some people think it was all TSL. All TSL had to do was sit back and wait for the idiots in the TWIST core and north to cause the tribe to self destruct. But in the end it was 500, how funny is that. Venge topped the cake.

Oh well, lesson learned for next world. NOOBS get nobled from the start. AFter playing on a different world for the last 2 weeks I can't believe I actually stuck around in the crap world for so long.

now I'm mad I even visited these forums.

Anyway, after so long away from w46 I thought I was able to come back and say thank you to both sides and to everyone I met along the way that was primarily located in the South, best wishes to you in the future.


as far as im concerned the north was probs the best area for twist..only lost ground recently in k25 after the south/center starting falling and they realized how screwed the tribe is and how messed up leadership is (why a few people split from twist)

so dont call your north sector idiots after they have done far better than the south and are actually still playing the game (except clara who is having a kid so she can be excused)