Eltharian the noob!

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I will never change my name and I wont quit.
So try again Swendog.

Watz go deal with your incomings stop worrying about the PnP's
You aint spoken too me about anything I aint done anything too cross you.
So all it can be is your 1200 incomings.
Stop freaking out and deal with them.
That video post was actually rather on topic if you ask me.
Its a game and I am having fun if I cant do that in a game where should I.
If you cant enjoy this for the game it is I suggest you take a break and come back in a few months when you can.

WaTz PopPiN?

I never mentioned incomings, actually referring to disappointing posts like that :icon_rolleyes:


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
This is almost a week old, but I posted it just to show the world who leads the 3rd ranked tribe. I have NEVER seen such noobish behavior from a top ranking tribe's leader before. We all having a good laugh over in Fools.

Eltharian Feb 11,2013 06:55
Hi guys.
I hope all are doing good.
Ok well our allies that were WIE and iFarm have now merged into fools.
THis now means that K42 is under alot of threat.
I need everyone and I mean everyone to send all there nobles to K42.

We need to noble as much there as we can.
If you do not have troops to clear the 9k barbs or a sith master to do it for you, then you will have to take the undefended 3k barbs.
I need everyone to only noble K42.
This goes to everyone in 2 days if I see anyone noble a villages outside K42 I will kick you from the tribe.
This is of utmost importance.
Blitzkrieg account is under heavy attack from fools and theginger is starting to lose villages to fools aswell.
There will be a mail sent out soon asking for support to the Blitzkrieg account.

We are going to war folks so time to work as a tribe.
Any villages now nobled in K42 needs to be made a defensive village.
Please go to tips and scripts and you will see a fast D build there that is what you will need to build in your new D villages in K42.

I am being serious about kicking people who noble anywhere but K42.
Im sorry to the guys in K44 34 24 but once you have one village in K42 you can expand from there very fast.
If we do not do this now we will lose alot of members and Sith will disintegrate.

Good luck all and lets get this tribe rolling for war.
Seriously no nobling besides K42 or you will be kicked

Eltharian Feb 11,2013 07:11
To go with the new orders.
I am deleting everyones noble claims that includes every single ones claims outside K42.
WHen I say nothing but K42 I mean nothing but K42 not o but I got a 12k barb right next to me I cleared yesterday. THat does not matter.
We need everyones nobles used in K42 every single noble.
We need as many villages there as we can get. If we dont do this everyone will lose all there villages in K42.

So again I emphisize no villages but K42 and that means NO VILLAGES BUT K42.
No exceptions for anyone.
All noble claims except claims in K42 will now be deleted.
Anyone who nobles a village outside K42 from 13/02/2013 after 8:00am Server Time will be kicked from the tribes.
I asked everyone to go to K42 so this should be easy for all as everyone should by now have at least one village in K42 and remmeber I dont care if its the 3k barbs you noble I just need K42 nobled.

Noble 3K barbs or you getting kicked from the tribe?! LMAO!

I also just proved that you are a liar Eltharian. You didn't kick anyone out since there were noblings taking place in other Ks. Glad you not deleting your account. Fools can have the satisfaction of nobling and catting you down
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Eltharian. Ok bud. I hear you are crying frantically for support. You talked a big game mate lets see how you handle Fools and keep your tribe together. I'm guessing it won't go very well.


Wonder if Fools ever shuts up? Seems all you guys do since secret round is talk smack. Hit a nerve? Go ahead smack talk me :) see where it goes lol


Wonder if Fools ever shuts up? Seems all you guys do since secret round is talk smack. Hit a nerve? Go ahead smack talk me :) see where it goes lol
you can't be serious....look at all the stuff Eltharian has vomited all over this forum.


you can't be serious....look at all the stuff Eltharian has vomited all over this forum.

I'm dead serious all I see here is multiple people attacking one individual on the pnp. Aka Slander. Wheres the mod when you need one?


Slander? You've dished out your fair share of garbage too mate. Perhaps if you change your methods others will change theirs? Just a thought.


I'm dead serious all I see here is multiple people attacking one individual on the pnp. Aka Slander. Wheres the mod when you need one?

He's right here. And ingame based discussion is allowed. If someone gets personal, I will step in. Otherwise it's not against the rules, and I'm not going to close threads just because someone doesn't like them.


Ciranore doesn't even play this world anymore, if anything he should be infracted for trolling :p

/me hides from darkeh


Ciranore doesn't even play this world anymore, if anything he should be infracted for trolling :p

/me hides from darkeh

Its a public forum and I'm sure I could come back if I wanted to. So please save it for someone who cares about your useless babble. See you on W30 battlefield.

Slander? You've dished out your fair share of garbage too mate. Perhaps if you change your methods others will change theirs? Just a thought.
Yet that point has been made how long ago yet you all persist? Some respect people have...


you aren't even part of our discussions because you are now irrelevant in this world since you no longer play, so why are you here whining about your feelings being hurt. I'm certainly not saying anything about you. If you are too sensitive don't read, even though I haven't seen anything said about you. Seems like someone is trying to get forum attention.


you aren't even part of our discussions because you are now irrelevant in this world since you no longer play, so why are you here whining about your feelings being hurt. I'm certainly not saying anything about you. If you are too sensitive don't read, even though I haven't seen anything said about you. Seems like someone is trying to get forum attention.

forum attention? ha! lucky can't curse at you for being an insufferable big ego suck up on the pnp. My feelings hurt? hardly your the one with the sarcastic comments.

But your not worth even a fake so I'll let you think your a somebody when in reality your a nobody who hugs to win.


Aww. Looks like someone struck a nerve. Actually I'm relevant. You are not. Dry your eyes mate it's not becoming and you are looking like a fool.


very bad choice of wording. Just goes to show the mental capacity. lol :icon_rolleyes:
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