Eltharian the noob!

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WaTz PopPiN?

Many of you have experienced this guy, but if you haven't this is who you are dealing with.

Eltharian Jan 31,2013 18:17
THis is a warning to K41 42 members
You need to go into your stormtrooper squad and reply to the post by me about activity. In 3 hours anyone in K41 42 squad who has not posted there will be kicked. New guys u active I know just post there as it makes my life easier

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 16:08
went back on that LOL

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 16:20
You never attacka tribe mate.
Thanks for letting everyone see what happens when you do

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 16:33
he isn't in our tribe

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 16:40
Points: 68.125
Rank: 675
Opponents defeated: 54.706 (1437.)
Tribe: Sith

whatS the tribe called I see Sith dont you

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 16:48
thats not the tribe we are (were) in. as far as I know it could be a jester tribe renamed.. He wasn't in the tribe I was in.

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 16:49
and holy fucking shot me for sending a mouthy fuck some fakes..

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 16:57
He gave me sit
He forwarded me a mail.
I know what happened.
And if you dont know they our tribe you are not reading any of the forums.
So I dont need you in the tribe.
Next time you in a tribe read there forums and do whats asked of you.
If you dont agree the way the tribe is run you leave the tribe.
All our forums are shared with them which is very easy to see.
They post in all our forums. He is even in your stormtrooper squad.
And even if you for some stupid reason never knew they were our tribe.
The rules of the tribe you agreed to stated you do not attack anyone that you are not ordered too unless you have spoken to your squad leader or me.
If you did not agree to the tribe rules this is what happens when you dont you were warned in the tribe rules.
You had 2 days to leave and you never.
You have gone too far this time sorry but next time maybe you will follow the rules.
You have pushed me and pushed me and this went to far.

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 17:06
And another thing who are you to push tribe members.
You should learn if there ever is a issue with you and a tribe member you take it to the leaders you never deal with it yourself.
Cause if you do this is what happens

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 17:10
so cry about it lol

So you recruit all these great players and boot me because I launch a bunch of fakes at a small player in an academy tribe.. Thought you guys were huggers :p

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 17:12
Yeah we huggers big time we only attack the small and weak.

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 17:14
And yes, I am the type to not follow rules. I speak out, and I call it how I see it. Your the boss, and I guess I'll have to deal with your ego. Remember, you booted me. I joined you guys to stay on the same side of this war. I'm not warm to new players, especially when they are all noobs.

No worries, I wish I didn't waste all these troops on the barbs you ordered me to attack.

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 17:17
And BTW, you guys do a great job recruiting :)

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 17:22
Hey did the guy I attack know how to tag? Or did you do it for him?

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 17:24
Its tribalwars you follow tribe orders.
Or you can start your own tribe and make the orders.
There is a plan for why I have done what I have done.
But Ive gone through this with you already.
Do you think I enjoy this taking u out no I dont its a waste of troops and should never of happened but rules are rules and need to be followed

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 17:27
Sounds to me like your counting your chickens before your eggs hatch. Your talking to me like I have been rimmed by you.

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 17:27
I used to use hulk nukes to because they are hard to tag :p

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 17:28
And you can't snipe them :p

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 17:28
lol give it 20 minutes
Whats a hulk nuke ????????

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 17:29
hulk nuke is a nuke with a noble

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 17:29
o lol yeah I just call them noble nukes

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 17:30
Its called hulk nuke

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 17:32
I always send them dont see the point in sending trains
If I find someone who knows what they doing I just use attack planner. They kinda fucked then. 10nukes and 4 noble nukes all arrive in 2 seconds. I try get in 1 sec but its a lil hard to.

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 17:36
does your plan include nobling fools or are you just going to concentrate on me? and how long did you plan this op against me?

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 17:38
It was only ordered when I sent my attacks.
There was no planning.
You will only take a week at most to clear
You will not have any troops in 2-4 days
Unless you dodge everything in which case who ever hits full barbs will report and clear them

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 17:42
So you think I will dodge by supporting nearby barbs?? lol

I think you think the war against fools is a loss, and to feed your ego you need to take out a player like this on the world. Thats pretty counterintuitive.

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 17:46
The war against fools is not lost.
But we cant have people like you in the tribe attacking our members when we fighting them.
Again reason Im taking you out is because of what you did.
Not my choice it was yours by doing what you did

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 17:51
Well while we are busy fighting ourselfs and raging wars on barbs fools is advancing, lets see how long this takes because this will judge how much they advance on us while we proceed to war each other :p

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 17:53
well if you really want fools to lose empty your villages and hand them over if you feel that strong about it.
You may even find someone willing to let you co-play them if you do this.
But I cant see you doing this.
If you will let me know and I will sort you someone to co-play.

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 17:59
And to be honest I think you planned this alot longer then just right now because for the last 2 weeks I have got so many mails asking for troop counts/builds and ratio.. You could have just asked for a sit and I prolly would have let you take a look at my account.. I am trusting ;)

No I don't co play, never have. This is my account and I will defend it.. This wave will not clear me, just knock down walls.. And I am stacking the village you are trying to take, if we sort things out I will clear the village and let your troops pass and just retake the village after.

I have no options, I sent fakes, you sent real attack.

Stop acting like I am scared, and stop acting like I am cleared already cause I am not. There is the possibility I will be done for in a few days, but an unplanned op by a couple players will likely just increase my noble limit.

I should clear all these semiactive players around me just in case but I'm not going to turn around and attack my ex tribe mates unless they attack me.

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 18:03
Your mad cause most this game I was feasting on players in the tribes you were in, have you ever supported against me?

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 18:09
I am sorting out the inactives.
I did not want to take them just yet as we need troops for k42.
You have not made many friends in this tribe or others you were in.
Nobody as yet has spoken for your side.
Sorry but you ent too far and this will not be called off.
Lets just say you will be a example

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 18:10
Good luck to you and I truly hope its a good example and not an example at how much you suck at this game :p

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 18:13
lol yeah me too.
I aint got no hard feelings about it so maybe on another world.
But to be honest if your attitude is the same I will not work with you.
I cant tell you how to play this game.
But next time dont be such a ass it will always come back to bite you.

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 18:15
oh another noble

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 18:17

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 18:18
they will keep coming in as they return

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 18:18
try sending them to a second village.

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 18:19
or were you just going to keep sending them to that same village?

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 18:19
5 per village I dont wanna have to resend if 4 dont take it

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 18:20
thats smart I guess

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 18:21
why don't you time them so I can reduce the loyalty and watch you take out 4 of your hulk nukes?

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 18:23
anything over 24hrs travel I always send 5/village or go for 2 villages and send 4 per village.
It just gaurantees you get one once you got it nobles can be made and sent to where you have cleared already can sometimes work out that you get them too hit 1 sec after existing attacks clear village.

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 18:23
lol thats why
I know all about prenobling your own village

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 18:25
and what if I stack the village?

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 18:25
or get it stacked :p lol

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 18:26
Lol you welcome too
I like using my nukes
Thats what they made for

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 18:28
your supposed to use them on the enemy lol Thats ok I see an ODD spike in about 50 hrs :p

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 18:32

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 18:35
your an egotistical megalomaniac barb nobling noob LOL some might follow you but most know your a noob.. you wanted me on your side :)

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 18:38
actually Im a nubie very different from a noob
I have never portrayed myself as anything else.
Ive told anyone that asks that this is my first world.
I have put a ton of effort in and have learnt alot.
Dont believer me send me 2000 fakes/attacks I will tag all faster than you can send them.

WaTz PopPiN? Feb 04,2013 18:39
your a pro cause you know how to use a tagger?


Haha. Classic. I'm glad I'm not the only one to see what an epic fool that guy is.


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
So he's apparently a first timer and leader of the 3rd ranked tribe?! Never talked to him personally but i've always heard of how people dislike him. Member's of theirs mailing us and Solo telling us how idiotic and egotistical they think Eltharian is. I can tell you one thing, you treat your members like that and you are bound to lose their loyalty and respect.

I find these interesting:

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 17:12
Yeah we huggers big time we only attack the small and weak.

Eltharian Feb 04,2013 17:46
The war against fools is not lost.

I also want to address this issue:

Eltharian Jan 31,2013 02:26
I need everyone to stop doing there own thing.
I need K42 taken now.
We have had liricie yahad and picto and I think brichter will go soon too they have all gone barb.
We need those vilalges eaten.
Make claims on where you going and get started eating.
I myself am gonna use my nukes to clear the villages I have claimed noble one make it a church and use it to noble the rest I have claimed. So it wont be mega fast but in a week I should have all mine done.
As picto has barbed a hour or so ago I may decide to speed up my growth there.
What I recommend you do is make your new vills there off send D from your existing cluster to support it and spread with your O in that village once you have spread you can make the village D to support where you are spreading to.
Guys we need 42 claimed and nobles fast else fools will use it to get at us I got a feeling they already on there way there as we speak.

Unless the high point barb is in your church radius we encourage tribemates to CAT barbs and not go on a barb nobling spree. Since i've internaled a rather large amount of villas in K42, I now have a high stake in this K. So I will be lurking around ;)


Well, he might be a noob... but what do you call a guy who doesn't know his own tribe has an academy tribe? Ignorant? Noobish? An idiot?


To be fair, the academy's a new addition (63B, which was a split from Smallv/Super, changed its name and policy).

But Eltharian is one of the most....irritating....people out there.


Thanks for the love

Hey guys thanks for all the love

Im glad you all have such strong feelings towards me.

Swendog I wouldnt be showing my face here if I was you after the lies and rubbish you talked.

O by the way we are ranked number 2 now.:lol:

Max we shall be meeting soon and I hope its a good meeting.

Sputnik dont know what I ever did to you. But hey nice to speak to you. Sorry your tribe has collapsed. But hey its tribalwars.

And the way I run my tribe is my own choice everyone who joins is directed straight to a explanation on how it is run all is explained and they told they can leave if they dont agree.
I would love anyone to come up with a better way to run a newly formed tribe that could have spies and the like in it.
The way I run it is too get the inactive and lazy people to leave or get eaten.
Once it is well established everything will change but right now it will stay as it is.

O yeah and as I am such a bad leader I took Watz back into the tribe.

And about me being a noob please all continue to have that veiw I really am a noob.
I have told everyone this is my first world ever and it really is. Would someone please show me how to play maybe you Swendog cause you seem like such a awesome player.
I mean wow you even tried to steal my members by saying how rude I was to TWsupergirl
Unfortunately for me somehow she managed to get into my tribe. (how do I dismiss people please help me)
I cant do anything in this game.
Could someone with experiance please show me how to use scripts. Ive tried writting them down on piece of paper but it doesnt seem to help at all.
I stare long and hard at them but all that happens is I get dizzy and a headache. Please someone explain how they work.
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Lol. Eltharian you used spell check this time or did you ask someone with a college education to proofread your post before submitting it. You are by far the most immature 30 some year old I have ever met. Talk about overcompensating for your lack of success in the real world. Please share more of your infinate stupidity with us. We cannot wait!


Oh btw eltharian, you insult others for hugging you recruit everything you absolutely can. Your tribe won't last long. Enjoy it before the walls start falling around you.

Michael Wittman

Oh btw eltharian, you insult others for hugging you recruit everything you absolutely can. Your tribe won't last long. Enjoy it before the walls start falling around you.

haha you say that about every tribe you dont like.

dont worry eltharian, its your first world and you are doing great for your first world. keep it up and you will be doing great for any world. these people are just trying to lower your morale so that they can get it over without a fight. i call that noob


Lol thanks Wittman.
I just enjoy winding up Swendog.
I wonder if I should go trying to recruit his players.
Wish I had known Swendog was like this awhile back I wouldnt of agreed to lay off attacking him if I did.
During the base war I was sitting kekau and he was sitting Unicornsarereal he begged me to stop attacking and I agreed wish I hadnt now. Thats probably why he has such a hatred for me as I wiped him there.
And Swwendog dont go cutting and pasting what you feel like from that conversation cause I will just post the whole lot.
Also Swendog if I was u I would watch what I say cause you sure dont want ~Sith~ joining fullscale with Zomby against you now do you.


in War pacts are for the weak they always fail at one point or another I'm sure wittman can relate some storys as well as I'm sure I could and the others here.

But hey for 1st world doing better than most. As for waltz I would kicked and made sure tribe rimmed him for attacking the tribe but ok your call its your tribe ;)


i would like to just point out here that even after reading all the above posts and their content that although it seems eltharian may be a first timer or a noob as everyone would put it you should all hold your heads in shame.

how many of you made the same mistakes when you first played this game and how many of you did exactly what he has done.

my point is you should never bash or take the piss out of a new guy just because he is new. what you do instead is let him carry on the way and let him learn his own game because if he is indeed incorrect by the posts and contents above, in time he will learn this when he has no tribe left.

do don't bash the newbies some what respect them and let them learn the game the way they want to.



i would like to just point out here that even after reading all the above posts and their content that although it seems eltharian may be a first timer or a noob as everyone would put it you should all hold your heads in shame.

how many of you made the same mistakes when you first played this game and how many of you did exactly what he has done.

my point is you should never bash or take the piss out of a new guy just because he is new. what you do instead is let him carry on the way and let him learn his own game because if he is indeed incorrect by the posts and contents above, in time he will learn this when he has no tribe left.

do don't bash the newbies some what respect them and let them learn the game the way they want to.


I don't belive I was if I did I was merly stating an opinion not bashing him in. Considering how the duke of Base (won't mention name on externals) disbanded them I feel he responded rather well considering. Can anyone else say the same is the question?


if you did not Bash him then my post is not relevant to you matey. i was merely stating a point that over the years of playing TW i have seen many new players quitting, and cannot be bothered to play because of the more experienced players tend to bash on them and treat them like crap for being new and it's because of that why less and less new players are joining the newer worlds.

I on the other hand have spent most my years on TW teaching those new players what i know as i am currently doing on this world with my 6 membered tribe.


To be fair, the academy's a new addition (63B, which was a split from Smallv/Super, changed its name and policy).

But Eltharian is one of the most....irritating....people out there.

I really dont enjoy listening to this kid come on here once every so often just to make a jab at someone when he has no idea what is actually going on. The academy is about a week old and it has almost the exact same tag as the main tribe. Anybody that doesnt know their own tribe has an academy after that long is either a horrible tribemate or just plain unintelligent. I bet also you have never spoken to Eltharian once so imo people that blow smoke without the facts are imo the most irritating people out there. I only have one question when you get nobled out will you be done with this world?


Nobody is bashing Eltharian for being new. I am bashing him for being a complete idiot. And this is only my second world so enough with the pats on the back.


Lol thanks Wittman.
I just enjoy winding up Swendog.
I wonder if I should go trying to recruit his players.
Wish I had known Swendog was like this awhile back I wouldnt of agreed to lay off attacking him if I did.
During the base war I was sitting kekau and he was sitting Unicornsarereal he begged me to stop attacking and I agreed wish I hadnt now. Thats probably why he has such a hatred for me as I wiped him there.
And Swwendog dont go cutting and pasting what you feel like from that conversation cause I will just post the whole lot.
Also Swendog if I was u I would watch what I say cause you sure dont want ~Sith~ joining fullscale with Zomby against you now do you.

Eltharian, feel free to try and recruit my players. Lol. Good luck. Ah, and to your point I have messages from a few of your members that cannot stand you and are waiting to leave. It's enjoyable for me that I know more about what is going on in your tribe than you do.


Ok Swendog why dont you post those messages here I will kick the members and you can have them


Just a question to Eltharian but do you know that your signature is bigger than the TW size rules states?
and if you didn;t know i would like to advise either changing it or putting into a spoiler before a lurvely moddy comes and warns / infracts you.

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