KVWN Disband: Turn Tail and Run


.It is a shame that POW! could still had remained intact and sound, as long some members of the tribe really knew how to keep their mouths shut and put their ego down. And finally learnt to trust their leaders rather than going on their own conspiracy theories.

.The issue of FF does not dents the image of the tribe at all. He needed to go, but the only option was through taking him out ourselves before he could have headed off to royalE to grab support. And turn the back on us.

.So far POW! did really well, where some of the people like H0lly, Hans and Tom have to be appreciated. Half the tribe was dead and were not ready to take responsibilities to make the life of these three people much easiar. Mainly because they did not have time to do so, ironic is that some of them had alot of time to spam around in the skype chat.

.It just could not head off in a way the other half of the active tribe dragging the other half of the inactive tribe. SU was the good decision, it pretty much solved some of the prime issues such as trust in leaders and cutting of the inactive. And well done that they are rank 1, royalE got a big competition on their back now.

.RoyalE need to stop their stupid play of trying to have spies for them. The merger of SU also helped in revealing the colours of the spies. I hope SU keep an eye out for spies, as so far I have seen royalE succeeding through these ill tactics. Yes they know how to 'snipe' 'train' 'work as a team' or w/e but they need to learn how to play fair game. Oh well it is tribalwars is it not?

.It was a pleasure to play in this tribe, where many challanges for faced and tackled. But too much of this can be hectic, which did pull me out from them. I hope for best of luck to SU and some of the members which includes Hans,H0lly,Dogsazz,Clownslapper,angelo,angyma,Troopers,Tom,Vince,TDO,Grapist,Josh,Hydse,Kyle,Donkyho,Steph. These are some I can recall from memory, if I missed you then I am sorry about it.

I hope to play with these people again in future.


.It was a pleasure to play in this tribe, where many challanges for faced and tackled. But too much of this can be hectic, which did pull me out from them. .

What challenges? There were no challenges faced except Royale, which as a tribe we lost.


What challenges? There were no challenges faced except Royale, which as a tribe we lost.

When I speak of challanges I do not mean of present time. There is a past aswell, such as sorting the tribe out after muldie's exit, dealing with Duke and Wolves, providing stacks to the frontline. On those lines.


Master Commander 2016
Reaction score
The past is the past now.

If you want to talk about it, no OP was actually planned until Adam himself advised he has no other option than to leave. If he didn't say those exact words, it was along those lines.

He was a confirmed spy for RoyalE, Krieg said so himself. FF being a 'friend of RoyalE during the war'. That would never be tolerated, so we started discussing our next stage of how to deal with the situation. Thing happened very quickly. Talks with RoyalE broke down, so we started speaking with SU regarding inviting members (Not a full scale merge). A list was drawn up of ~30 active players. This list did not include those on the RIM, who did not need protection like the guys on the frontline. Because of this Azazel (Even if he is a good player) went crazy in the skype chat because they were not included (When actually they were).

I spoke to him personally as well as a few other members, things seemed to calm down and he asked about the FF situation in which I explained he was a known spy and won't be with us much longer. From that he copied our skype chat sent it around.

I did speak to FF personally, I had time for Adam and the other cos there. Adam already had his mind set on what he was planning to do. So we had to start doing the necessary.

Since then he did join RoyalE (As expected). So we were right in what we had to do, as someone said above we should of started attacking him much earlier in the game. Players like that are liabilities to tribes.


YAY! :icon_cool:

Well whether there were plans to or not. I did not trust leadership for a multitude of reasons, and so when the evidence came across there was no going to them and asking about it. Obviously they would lie, as they had many times before. So in preparation for the coming weeks I decided to contact royale to see how they would respond. They were great, have been extremely accomodating and helpful even on things not concerning my account. Morale of the story, they were better people in general then the egotistical players I had the unfortunate experience working with in POW. (aside from some obviously)

100% agree with you on this one. Which is why i rejected helping POW get a front with royale in the west :D
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The past is the past now.

If you want to talk about it, no OP was actually planned until Adam himself advised he has no other option than to leave. If he didn't say those exact words, it was along those lines.

Not really exactly words. All our talk about FF is in folowing quote as i remember

<<< [10:55:39 AM] Luke|Hyuna: I hear you guys are planning on internalling Forever Farming
[11/23/2014 5:34:19 PM] HansVX| Confused Llama: Would you mind speaking with Hyuna
[11/23/2014 5:40:34 PM] Krieger (Lady Mistress): u want internal him ? :D
[11/23/2014 5:44:26 PM] HansVX| Confused Llama: Krieg, I am preparing a list
[11/23/2014 5:44:37 PM] HansVX| Confused Llama: I would like stuff like this not to be spread around
[11/23/2014 5:44:44 PM] HansVX| Confused Llama: from this imo Hyuna I cant trust
[11/23/2014 5:44:54 PM] HansVX| Confused Llama: And no
[11/23/2014 5:52:03 PM] Krieger (Lady Mistress): i would not share list with anyone do not worry
[11/23/2014 5:52:09 PM] Krieger (Lady Mistress): good
[11/23/2014 5:52:22 PM] Krieger (Lady Mistress): as i do not want to see him rimed

Leader advice: if you want someone out and internaled for any reason do not make excuses, do not delay it more than you have to and always make sure only very trusted members know about.

Further, spy excuses are tricky ones, you could accuse almost half ex POW for chatting with me, like you chatted with me also. There is very rare any solid proof about someone spying. After all FF sent his niukes and nobles very well timed on his OP targets against us and that is something spies usually do not do.
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I blame everything in question on Muldie..... :icon_eek:

sorry Muldie


.RoyalE need to stop their stupid play of trying to have spies for them. The merger of SU also helped in revealing the colours of the spies. I hope SU keep an eye out for spies, as so far I have seen royalE succeeding through these ill tactics. Yes they know how to 'snipe' 'train' 'work as a team' or w/e but they need to learn how to play fair game. Oh well it is tribalwars is it not?

No one ever really gave us information and players like Forever Farming or Louis/Ryan we never once asked them for information. We just provided stacks for when they joined us. In most cases these people came to us to tell us how they felt about POW so stop trying to make RoyalE look dirty. Anyone who has played with RoyalE before knows that the tribe is one of the most honourable in the world.

Though it really is a shame that you have quit. I was really looking forward to rimming your account.. :icon_cry:
Oh and apparently I threatened your co, would love to see where... :icon_rolleyes:

To talk about fair game, you tried planting a spy so that we stacked villages which weren't being targetted, tell me how this is playing 'fair game'?

By the way, anyone could figure out he was trying to give us false information just because of how eager he was to know things which could only be beneficial for POW, etc.. He tried to make us stack villages which weren't being targetted. No matter, we did not listen to a single thing he said :lol:

[20/11/2014 18:32:23] marco|Aser0: m8troopers
[20/11/2014 18:32:24] Luke|Hyuna: Me neither
[20/11/2014 18:32:27] marco|Aser0: yeah
[20/11/2014 18:32:28] Luke|Hyuna: I don't trust him at all
[20/11/2014 18:32:48] marco|Aser0: he is my number 1 list to be rimmed
[20/11/2014 18:32:53] Luke|Hyuna: Hahaha
[20/11/2014 18:33:08] Luke|Hyuna: And we shall rim him ;)

All the best mate :icon_cool:


Oh and Farming was not a spy, AshCole forwarded us a mail proving you were planning on internalling him so I contacted Adam on the 20th of November. Please, tell me what information he could've given us in such a short time?

The only information we have ever had from POW is Circular Mails which Louis forwarded us when he was in there weeks ago... Please, it's about time you guys stopped making excuses for why your tribe failed. It's really getting boring.


Oh and Farming was not a spy, AshCole forwarded us a mail proving you were planning on internalling him so I contacted Adam on the 20th of November. Please, tell me what information he could've given us in such a short time?

The only information we have ever had from POW is Circular Mails which Louis forwarded us when he was in there weeks ago... Please, it's about time you guys stopped making excuses for why your tribe failed. It's really getting boring.

I am sorry but something is blinking telling that there is something wrong. It was interesting how you (not sure if it was you really) and another member of your tribe started messaging people which POW! claimed them as their noble targets, so I guess that was not spying? how did you get it? was it some alpha beta omega pie skill of wonderland to know the noble claims?

oh yes we know it was someone in waste who provided the info, what else is this called?

Pretty much lying then, which really makes me in doubt if the whole thing was true that you had no spies in the first place.

I did not realised that I made enemies already who dreamed of rimming me :icon_rolleyes: but interesting....

very interesting tbh.

M8Troopers was a spy? ^.-?
He has been all along in our tribe? or I may be missing something that he left the tribe for a period of time?
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I sent a CM of your fake list, not claim list idiot...

I didn't have access to your claim list and M8Troopers was trying to make us stack villages which weren't being targetted but he was way to obvious. He contacted KRieger telling him he wasn't happy with POW and tried to deceive us which from the amount of villages you gained from your op clearly didn't work...

And when did anyone from Waste give us information?.. Lol
Oh and as for spies, POW had their own in RoyalE and it's not you I wanted to rim, it was your co :(


I sent a CM of your fake list, not claim list idiot...

I didn't have access to your claim list and M8Troopers was trying to make us stack villages which weren't being targetted but he was way to obvious. He contacted KRieger telling him he wasn't happy with POW and tried to deceive us which from the amount of villages you gained from your op clearly didn't work...

And when did anyone from Waste give us information?.. Lol
Oh and as for spies, POW had their own in RoyalE and it's not you I wanted to rim, it was your co :(

Mike Shinioda says: "Luke, take a chill pill and go back to playing the game"


I sent a CM of your fake list, not claim list idiot...

I didn't have access to your claim list and M8Troopers was trying to make us stack villages which weren't being targetted but he was way to obvious. He contacted KRieger telling him he wasn't happy with POW and tried to deceive us which from the amount of villages you gained from your op clearly didn't work...

And when did anyone from Waste give us information?.. Lol
Oh and as for spies, POW had their own in RoyalE and it's not you I wanted to rim, it was your co :(

Oh...I am not confirm if it was you but it was surely one of the member of your tribe going around messaging people which POW! claimed as the noble targets. The whole point being that you need to admit you are lying for the case you wrote earliar :

Oh and Farming was not a spy, AshCole forwarded us a mail proving you were planning on internalling him so I contacted Adam on the 20th of November. Please, tell me what information he could've given us in such a short time?

The only information we have ever had from POW is Circular Mails which Louis forwarded us when he was in there weeks ago... Please, it's about time you guys stopped making excuses for why your tribe failed. It's really getting boring.

Please stop lying, it will really not take you anywhere.

Can anyone who is still playing and was in POW! copy paste the message here which Hans forwarded to some of you? I think that will be an evidence for it... :icon_rolleyes:


Yes, please copy that message, you can't confirm it was anyone because you my friend know nothing about the situation.





Not sure what you are trying to prove, POW fell and merged into a tribe with even worse leadership then before (I thought Hollyghost was quite a good leader).

It's okay to be butthurt :icon_redface:


Should have made me duke when they renamed the tribe to KVWN. :(


Master Commander 2016
Reaction score
Not sure what you are trying to prove, POW fell and merged into a tribe with even worse leadership then before (I thought Hollyghost was quite a good leader).

It's okay to be butthurt :icon_redface:

I've played with H0lly on too many worlds now. Always thought he was a great leader, still do. Disagree about SU leadership, think they are good also.


I predict RoyalE to fail massively as they did in 71. You heard it from me first.