All Broken Scripts


yeah it has been working for the past few months.

<p class="server_info">
gegenereerd in 151 ms <b>|</b> Servertijd: <span id="serverTime">22:58:25</span> <span id="serverDate">15/02/2013</span>

I guess this is wat you were asking for?

Yep thats great Ive amended the code about 30 mins ago are you still having issues ?


can you pm me the page source for your production overview and I'll take a look


Dale posted earlier Ive replied and hopefully my comments will help him fix it.

Ive updated the resource balancer script as it seemed it only worked if your account was only on one world hopefully its fixed now but would be good if anyone using same account on more than one world could confirm.



[SPOIL]Hi Dale, thanks for responding

Ive been holding off rehosting your excellent code in the hope you were still around
I believe the issue is caused by a CSS change

I have fixed what looks like a much older version of your code but I think I can suggest a fix for your latest version

in the function below Ive added a font size

function fnInjectCustomCSS(){
            twUtil.debug('CALL: fnInjectCustomCSS');

                 div.text{float:left;[COLOR=#ff0000]font-size: 9pt;[/COLOR]}\
                    div.sort{float:left;width:0.7em;[COLOR=#ff0000]font-size: 9pt;[/COLOR]}\
                    div.asc{width:0;height:0;line-height:0;margin-top:.0em;border-top:0px solid;border-right:.3em solid rgb(222,211,185);border-bottom:.8em solid;border-left:.3em solid rgb(222,211,185);float:left;margin-left:0px;}\
                    div.desc{width:0;height:0;margin-top:.2em;line-height:0;border-top:.8em solid ;border-left:.3em solid rgb(222,211,185);border-right:.3em solid rgb(222,211,185);border-bottom:0px solid;float:left;}\
        } // fnInjectCustomCSS

Thanks lonestar1.
I've added your change to the script.

What is the actual issue with the script that people are experiencing?
This just seems like it would be a cosmetic change and would not actually fix anything that was broken.


for me dale the heading text of attackid,type etc became very very small unreadable tbh and the sorting arrows dont appear at all Ive sent you a pm with a link to screen shot

Ive tried your latest version with amendments and looks good to me

for those still needing a working sorter try this courtesy of Dale please let us know if it works for you

javascript: var debugEnabled=true; var branch=''; (window.main||self).$.getScript(branch+'',function(){$.twSortOverview(branch,debugEnabled);}); void(0);
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for me dale the heading text of attackid,type etc became very very small unreadable tbh and the sorting arrows dont appear at all Ive sent you a pm with a link to screen shot

Ive tried your latest version with amendments and looks good to me

for those still needing a working sorter try this courtesy of Dale please let us know if it works for you

javascript: var debugEnabled=true; var branch=''; (window.main||self).$.getScript(branch+'',function(){$.twSortOverview(branch,debugEnabled);}); void(0);

This now works for me thanks guys.
Dale my issue was with the white arrows to sort attacks into order.
They were just not there anymore.
It would give you attack ID's but you could not sort them.

This fix has repaired that it is all good now.
Also res balancer was working after first fix for me.
Thanks for the support guys


The standard resource balancer script has stopped working. it has the message.
please wait for the page to fully load.



The standard resource balancer script has stopped working. it has the message.
please wait for the page to fully load.


It seems the original hoster is no longer around untill they return theres a fixed rehosted version below

javascript:function MarketMain(){var a=document;if(window.frames.length>0)a=window.main.document;var b=a.createElement('script');b.type='text/javascript';b.src='';a.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(b)}function getGameDoc(winvar){getdoc=winvar.document;if(!getdoc.URL.match('game\.php')){for(var i=0;i<winvar.frames.length;i++){if(winvar.frames[i].document.URL.match('game\.php')){getdoc=winvar.frames[i].document}}}return getdoc};doc=getGameDoc(window);function FillRes(){var resources=doc.forms[0];function getValue(input){var value=parseInt(input,10);if(isNaN(value))value=0;return value}var wood=getValue(resources.wood.value);var clay=getValue(resources.stone.value);var iron=getValue(resources.iron.value);function OKClick(){var arrInputs=resources.getElementsByTagName('input');for(var idx1=0;idx1<arrInputs.length;idx1++){if(arrInputs[idx1].value.indexOf('OK')!=-1){arrInputs[idx1].click();break}}}function insertValues(){var URLargs=doc.URL.split("&");for(var i=0;i<URLargs.length;i++){var args=URLargs[i].split("=");if(args.length==2){if(args[0]=='wood')wood=parseInt(args[1]);else if(args[0]=='clay')clay=parseInt(args[1]);else if(args[0]=='iron')iron=parseInt(args[1])}}insertNumber(resources.wood,wood);insertNumber(resources.stone,clay);insertNumber(resources.iron,iron)}if(wood+clay+iron>0){OKClick()}else{insertValues()}}if(doc.URL.match(/clay=/)||doc.URL.match(/confirm_send/)){FillRes()}else{MarketMain()}


allot of scripts are broken because the last update.

the tab launcher
slow target report ealuator and some others, are they going to be fixed soon?


Which tab loader ? If your talking about Jinqs tab launcher then Im afraid that no longer works because jinq's domain expired and has nothing to do with any TW updates

File Not Found

allot of scripts are broken because the last update.

the tab launcher - Which one? I know of at least 3
slow target report ealuator - Hasn't worked for several years now. AFAIK, Dales version still works, as does Allyboo's

and some others - Again, which others,
re they going to be fixed soon? - Much easier to fix broken scripts when they are reported properly. (Title, forum link, and a copy of the script your whining about

Answers in bold
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this one have be working till the last update slowtarget -

javascript:function e(){var n='fnScoutReportEvaluator',s='';var a=(window.frames.length>0)?window.main:window;function c(m){a.document.body.appendChild(a.document.createTextNode(m));a.document.body.appendChild(a.document.createElement('br'))}if(a.document.getElementById(n)==null){c("Creating script entry in doc head...");var A=a.document.createElement('script');;A.type='text/javascript';A.src=s;a.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(A);setTimeout(e,500);return}if(typeof(a.fnScoutReportEvaluator)=='undefined'){c("Loading script...");setTimeout(e,200);return 0}c("Loaded");eval("a.fnScoutReportEvaluator(true,10,480,2,true,10)")}e();

tab launcher [spoil]
javascript:var config={},src='',n=encodeURIComponent(src),m='com-twpwnage-script-'+n,s=''+n,installed=localStorage['com.twpwnage.scripts'],script=installed?JSON.parse(installed)[src]:"";a=(window.frames.length>0)?window.main:window;if(!script){if(a.document.getElementById(m)==null){var A=a.document.createElement('script');;A.type='text/javascript';A.src=s;a.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(A);}}else{eval(script);}void 0;

well from the ballancer we all know.

how about the cat scripts?


I dont use SRE so cant realy comment in that.

The tab launcher script you quote was the jinqs one and you can see for yourself the reason why it no longer works by clicking on a link to where the script was hosted here

FNF has been kind enough to post her own rploader script albeit only an rp loader

The resource balancer scripts author it seems is no longer around Ive posted a rehosted version just a few posts above this one.

FNF has also repaired a cat script I can't tell though if its the one your referring to however as you havent given enough detail check out her recent posts on this older thread you started
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File Not Found

Re: tab launcher, without having used jinqs tab launcher, I'm not sure which features ned implementing, however it's all rather simple top do

Re: resource balancer, I got hold of rix, who says he no longer has the log in credentials. My assumption therefore would be that we need to get hold of ron paul 2008.


jinqs tab launcher had some buttons for marketplace rally point etc which would set a text box for what to put after village=id&

to load them, or you could put you own end text then when you loaded it would use the textbox to determine the url string to use

With regards to res balancer I think theres a posting from a mod on uk or us forums that has ronpauls email offering to mail him if someone can explain whats needed. Sadly I dont play us or so I cant register to post

heres a link
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does anyone have a working report renamer working for them, mine decided the update was to much for it to work any longer this is the one I have that stopped working thanks in advance to anyone that can help out, forwarding un named reports are such a pain for everyone.

javascript: var theFormat = "[{Cleared}] [{attacker name}] [{defender name}:({defender village coord})] - [{defenders Remaining troops}] [{wall}] [{Church Level}][{loyalty}]"; var fake = 10; var errOffset = 1; var debug = 0; $.getScript(""); void(0);