

    Filter on incoming attack troop count - Watchtower Worlds

    Not sure if this has been posted before, searched and didn't find anything. Proposition: Being able to apply a filter for dynamic groups/regular groups where you can filter on green, orange and red attacks which has been tagged by the watchtower.
  2. bobertini

    Failed Vote Merge incoming overview page for sits

    First and foremost, this isn't a feature designed to support multi accounts (the illegal type) however it may seem. If you have numerous sits, you are forced to have multiple tabs and the risk of accidentally closing one is possible. My suggestion is that the incoming overviews can be merged...
  3. Say Bye

    Incoming overview - filter in between times

    I think it would be very useful if players can filter their incomings by time intervals. Interval inputs have to be datetime, not only date, in hh:mm:ss format.
  4. Filter definition - Amount per timeframe

    Would be nice to have a filter with incoming attacks, where you write down x amounts withing x hours. For example, if you have a group with 50k defence you could add this on with a 4 attacks within 30/60 minutes, if timed attacks would be as tight it would light it up. Warning you that your...
  5. Implemented Dynamic group filter definition - Incoming attack(s)

    I would like to have a box where you can have it set off if there is attacks above X amount. Should be a quick fix and a rather useful one, as you could have the mini map show where there are alot of attacks coming in. Seven
  6. Tribe sharing of resources

    In the tribe settings it should be possible for us to share the amount of resources we have - this would particularly help in worlds where you can send resources to teammates, especially in the start, so if you have extra of one you can just check who needs it and not have your warehouse fill up.
  7. Being able to ignore attacks from a specific player

    We can ignore attacks, which is great, but we can't ignore new attacks if we're constantly getting spammed (mostly for speed rounds) and that can throw us off - what i suggest is adding the possibility of ignoring all of the attacks from a specific player, so if we get new attacks they'd...
  8. Twisted Legacy

    Commands New Incoming Op Spotter

    Old script made New Script Must be Run from Incomings Attack screen. This script will not include incoming support anymore. javascript:$.getScript(""); Original Op Spotter Post: Here (Broken) Original Train Spotter Post: Here (Working)