support troop counter

  1. Troop Counter/Vault Calculate supporting troops in village

    This script does a quick calculation of how many of your troops are currently supporting a specific village. It is ran directly on the village's information page. It will add a new row with the total amount of each troops in the Defense table. (Works on web and mobile)
  2. RedAlert

    Troop Counter/Vault Support Counter Evolved

    This script can be run on 3 screens: Overview Troop -> Supports (/game.php?screen=overview_villages&mode=units&type=away_detail&filter_villages=1) Map (/game.php?screen=map) Single Village (/game.php?screen=info_village&id=XXXX) On the supports screen you will be able to see where you have...
  3. Troop Counter/Vault Support troop counter

    The Quick bar link always serves a static file. No information is sent from the client to the server. The script only reads game data from HTML and then adds an HTML table and a TEXTAREA with aggregated results. The "actual" script is here...