Mr. Cringer Pants

I'm the cat. Sandor is the vaccum(me account sitting). Wipe is the Dog. Waterloo is the duckling.
Just some minor entertainment for the day. Usually, I go into a longer more detailed PNP regarding past, present and future intentions but there really are none. I just wanted to have some fun. First I want to shout out to Varika. GREAT JOB. You are the only actual cap(not including the 1 recap). I was unaware of your talents and under stacked the village. Congrats on your gain. Usure why you left WIPE but I wouldn't stick around. Will explain my opinions on why towards the end of the post but for now, a few juicy reports and a splat list. Just a disclosure before I start: I'm on the whalecome account, and was sitting Sandor. Props to 404/403 for mobilizing so quickly to support the account where needed.

The first question that comes to mind is, why on gods green earth would Wipe leadership haphazardly order an op on Sandor Clegane. Days after oping rank 50 tribe and over extending the tribes troops. Congrats,You brute forced rank 50 tribe NaCl, yet lost dozens of nobles on them. LOL @ rank 3/8 family doing tribe wide op's on rank 50 and not just letting it be done locally. Talk about a waste of tribal resources, on top of well you know, people in the tribe wanted a little action in a more balanced situation...

Moving on to poor leadership decisions in Wipe, some little birdies are telling me that there are tons of troops mobilizing to accounts that don't even tag incoming properly and don't coordinate and communicate with their own mates. Not to mention, tribal stackings for an account that is fighting a one on one?? Why waste all those resources on members that are just sub par and going to lose anyway??? Suggestion, cut the account, merge the player in (so they have co) and mentor them. Too late now I suppose...

Well done Scarlett. I was impressed with your response time on that recap, not allowing all support to arrive on top of hitting during a tribewide which holds support in the main cluster, well played. How many nukes did you burn to save Baseballs village though? Shouldnt Baseball of done that? Interesting line of caps there...Smart move but baseball should never of lost it in the first place since it was a 13 hour trip for Sandor.
One question sticks out though: Why are you capping it from baseball?

And finally, moving on to my favourite part:

Word of advice, mixed village...
Anyway, thank you wipe...rather varika and scarlett for the entertainment. As a sitter, I wish I had known you two were the talent in the family. I would of been a bit more prepared for your attacks/territory. <3

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