-2^(3)/0 = Wipe OP

  • Thread starter Mr. Cringer Pants
  • Start date

Mr. Cringer Pants



I'm the cat. Sandor is the vaccum(me account sitting). Wipe is the Dog. Waterloo is the duckling.

Just some minor entertainment for the day. Usually, I go into a longer more detailed PNP regarding past, present and future intentions but there really are none. I just wanted to have some fun. First I want to shout out to Varika. GREAT JOB. You are the only actual cap(not including the 1 recap). I was unaware of your talents and under stacked the village. Congrats on your gain. Usure why you left WIPE but I wouldn't stick around. Will explain my opinions on why towards the end of the post but for now, a few juicy reports and a splat list. Just a disclosure before I start: I'm on the whalecome account, and was sitting Sandor. Props to 404/403 for mobilizing so quickly to support the account where needed.







The first question that comes to mind is, why on gods green earth would Wipe leadership haphazardly order an op on Sandor Clegane. Days after oping rank 50 tribe and over extending the tribes troops. Congrats,You brute forced rank 50 tribe NaCl, yet lost dozens of nobles on them. LOL @ rank 3/8 family doing tribe wide op's on rank 50 and not just letting it be done locally. Talk about a waste of tribal resources, on top of well you know, people in the tribe wanted a little action in a more balanced situation...


Moving on to poor leadership decisions in Wipe, some little birdies are telling me that there are tons of troops mobilizing to accounts that don't even tag incoming properly and don't coordinate and communicate with their own mates. Not to mention, tribal stackings for an account that is fighting a one on one?? Why waste all those resources on members that are just sub par and going to lose anyway??? Suggestion, cut the account, merge the player in (so they have co) and mentor them. Too late now I suppose...


Well done Scarlett. I was impressed with your response time on that recap, not allowing all support to arrive on top of hitting during a tribewide which holds support in the main cluster, well played. How many nukes did you burn to save Baseballs village though? Shouldnt Baseball of done that? Interesting line of caps there...Smart move but baseball should never of lost it in the first place since it was a 13 hour trip for Sandor.

One question sticks out though: Why are you capping it from baseball?


And finally, moving on to my favourite part:




Word of advice, mixed village...

Anyway, thank you wipe...rather varika and scarlett for the entertainment. As a sitter, I wish I had known you two were the talent in the family. I would of been a bit more prepared for your attacks/territory. <3


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Don't forget the well timed nobles and nukes by some of the players... I still have a train heading towards one of the villages, almost 7 hours a part from the op landing time.

But how you made the game crush right on the landing time? hacks!

Ignoramus of the Law

My reaction when I saw the trains
[03-Oct-16 10:04:03 PM] Waterloo1815: why they send their trains like that?

GG Wipe. Ez game, es life.

Mr. Cringer Pants

@AxisBlade and Viwrathe and whomever fail wipe leaders are lurking but refraining from posting. I lied, there was one intention:

Remember this?

Why has wipe gone so quiet? You all have been spamming this forum with posts about how great you are. You talked so much trash about how you masterfully broke 1984 without even playing TW. I just recently noticed 5 accounts splitered off since yesterdays OP against Sandor??? ROFL, signs of horrid leadership. Amazing how quiet it gets when someone shows you up with actual gameplay. Best to you this world and good luck.


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You know, I was gonna let you have this one, but you asked for it. Why you're still so salty, you'll take up for a tribe that left you hanging out to dry, I don't know. I mean, considering they've not only got a good 2 or 3 basher branches including yourself, have an alliance with NUTZ and presumably O.m.G., are breaking border agreements, pissing off AM and the rest of the world in general, and are essentially the biggest, most pathetic, mass recruited equivalent of approx 4 family tribes (aka food and coplayers) worth of mergers. You'd think they could spare you just a little thought with all the hugging. Instead, they shrug and watch you die. I mean, I nobled some of you salty sea dogs with a 1/4 nuke. Does that sound like Wipe had a hard time? :D

Re: failed ops, I also love how no one, literally no one, mentions the absolute catastrophes 404 has called ops up to point. What? Are you all scared to talk about big baaad number one? You shouldn't be. The reality is, if they were actually as primo cream of the crop as the chest puffing would suggest, Wipe would have been gone ages ago. But I don't think anybody your side of the fence has room to talk about failed ops, because by the time we started swinging, your guys started screaming, pointing fingers about spies (the wrong ones), etc. We in Wipe, I'd say we got best 2 ops out of 3 on, and that passes in rock paper scissors. Meantime the good ol' reunion of 1984 members has been sucking it up for a loooooong while. ;)

Truth is, 404 are incapable of taking anything but inactives and inexperienced players, and Wipe had them scrambling for over a week on our first op, not the 15th (of which I can recall little to no resistance, prenobling, or even recap attempts). And speaking of 404 scrambling, need I mention the 16 nooby noble nukes minty sent after being sniped the teats off of on Sedrior, without a hint of a prenuke and a measly handful of fakes? Lord Arma's bright idea to send a half-nuke train, which didn't even drop a wall level earlier today? Yourself, sitting Sandor, not even dodging attacks? (and if it wasn't you, one or the other of those cos is too lazy for TW -- sorry, love you Anton; always look forward to your msgs, even when you snipe my nobles. You're really sweet <3 :))

Anyway Noz, keep on talking out of your sphincter, but I think you just entered the annals (geddit?) of TW's worst ego-sitters. Yet here you are bragging. And you say Viw's on bad behavior.

Moving onto the thousands of 404 fails, of which, there are so many, I could read the Bible in seventeen different languages backwards and forwards and still not be through. Have a sampler.

Fun Times
















I could keep finding reports, but this is just depressing. Maybe should change their name - 404 Troops Not Found :(


That sums it up pretty well.

And Cringer, don't call me out for "suddenly being quiet" here.

If you check I rarely post. I only post if I feel its relevant to correct a point or make a point. You included a screen shot of me telling you not to speak unless you knew the facts.

I stand by that statement. Thank you for quoting it. And please refer to it once again for this matter.

Mr. Cringer Pants

Moving onto the thousands of 404 fails, of which, there are so many.

Doesn't look like 404 is failing...ya know statistically speaking.

Side 1:

Tribes: 404, 403
Side 2:
Tribes: Bleach, Wipe

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 90
Side 2: 49
Difference: 41

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Lord Arma's bright idea to send a half-nuke train, which didn't even drop a wall level earlier today? :(

Little upset that you throw my noobness into your speech to try boost your argument. Nobles were from 2 hours away, scout report received minutes before sending the nobs to a damn near empty village. Pretty sure anyone would risk 2k axe from 2 hours out for a cheap cost village. Throwing in half truths to try build your argument.

What upsets me more reading this is that I actually tried to back you up this morning before this flaming thread was written

I take it back. Your attempts were half assed and lazy. You're a noob.

Mr. Cringer Pants

It's okay Arma, they are just trying to save face. Facing reality is tough and externals is a great place to vent and grasping to any little bit of success they had is pretty common.

The bottom line is:

- They are losing to 404.404 fam is up 40 villages on wipe/bleach. I left out mop
- They failed miserably at trying to tribewide Sandor. Congrats you killed a few nukes and some D. The 1 recap and other cap is now gone to another tribe. Sandor still holds a village of wipe so considering the 2 villages held by members that left, wipe is -1 after a tribe wide in terms of villages gained as a tribe.
- The only accounts that actually did anything notable left. I'm unsure why. Judging from an outside perspective, it's due to the poor leadership within Wipe/Bleach. You don't have 2.3m points, 250 villages and 5 of talented members just bail if you are doing something right.

Mind sharing why people are leaving?

Wipe leadership:
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Reading Axis's posts are equivalent to all the Harry Potter books together and far less interesting.

Stop crying, complaining, all of the above.

You talk all this nonsense about 404 and its family, with us recruiting and our diplomacy in the north.

Reality check:
- You have diplomacy with AM and you have diplomacy with Nutz. You had diplomacy with UV, whom you wanted to actually fight by asking us for a ceasefire, or was that just a really bad nightmare? Nope that was real.
- Or how about the fact that instead of eating the Warpigs players, you went ahead and recruited them and screwed your own players expansions. Hence players arguing over barbs in K54?
- Rather than messaging my players or sending me messages, why not take that time to talk to your own tribe members. You know, the ones that leave your tribe and join mine because your leadership cannot do anything right which leads to pissing your own players off?

I won't bother to paste all the reports of the nukes your own members lost in their villages because they themselves could not dodge. Kapil and your other council members can share that themselves.

Before airing other peoples laundry, look at your own pile. Learn to take care of your own members before you feel the need to message other tribe members to talk smack about something you have no clue about.



Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
You know, I was gonna let you have this one, but you asked for it. Why you're still so salty, you'll take up for a tribe that left you hanging out to dry, I don't know. I mean, considering they've not only got a good 2 or 3 basher branches including yourself, have an alliance with NUTZ and presumably O.m.G., are breaking border agreements, pissing off AM and the rest of the world in general, and are essentially the biggest, most pathetic, mass recruited equivalent of approx 4 family tribes (aka food and coplayers) worth of mergers. You'd think they could spare you just a little thought with all the hugging. Instead, they shrug and watch you die. I mean, I nobled some of you salty sea dogs with a 1/4 nuke. Does that sound like Wipe had a hard time? :D

Re: failed ops, I also love how no one, literally no one, mentions the absolute catastrophes 404 has called ops up to point. What? Are you all scared to talk about big baaad number one? You shouldn't be. The reality is, if they were actually as primo cream of the crop as the chest puffing would suggest, Wipe would have been gone ages ago. But I don't think anybody your side of the fence has room to talk about failed ops, because by the time we started swinging, your guys started screaming, pointing fingers about spies (the wrong ones), etc. We in Wipe, I'd say we got best 2 ops out of 3 on, and that passes in rock paper scissors. Meantime the good ol' reunion of 1984 members has been sucking it up for a loooooong while. ;)

Truth is, 404 are incapable of taking anything but inactives and inexperienced players, and Wipe had them scrambling for over a week on our first op, not the 15th (of which I can recall little to no resistance, prenobling, or even recap attempts). And speaking of 404 scrambling, need I mention the 16 nooby noble nukes minty sent after being sniped the teats off of on Sedrior, without a hint of a prenuke and a measly handful of fakes? Lord Arma's bright idea to send a half-nuke train, which didn't even drop a wall level earlier today? Yourself, sitting Sandor, not even dodging attacks? (and if it wasn't you, one or the other of those cos is too lazy for TW -- sorry, love you Anton; always look forward to your msgs, even when you snipe my nobles. You're really sweet <3 :))

Anyway Noz, keep on talking out of your sphincter, but I think you just entered the annals (geddit?) of TW's worst ego-sitters. Yet here you are bragging. And you say Viw's on bad behavior.

Moving onto the thousands of 404 fails, of which, there are so many, I could read the Bible in seventeen different languages backwards and forwards and still not be through. Have a sampler.

Fun Times
















I could keep finding reports, but this is just depressing. Maybe should change their name - 404 Troops Not Found :(

Haha doug was like "dude should we send fakes?" And i was like nah man how are we going to overtake Kreigar's ODA if our nukes dont die.

then Kreigar went and like jumped 2m ODA #feelsbadman :(


I am Ready
My Plates are full
Have Enough to Eat

But no


POGO Can you share Some with Me too??

Cheers Sir




Yes, I'm the lazy one here :D

And with all the reports we had killing wipe's nukes home, what's shown here is nothing.
And on Vincent I burned nukes for a purpose.

Your first op on an active player have failed miserably, no matter how you try to spin it.


Side 1:
Tribes: Wipe, Bleach
Side 2:
Tribes: 404, 403

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers:

Side 1: 107
Side 2: 332
Difference: 225


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 21
Side 2: 13
Difference: 8


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 654,593
Side 2: 2,048,174
Difference: 1,393,581


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 191,698
Side 2: 115,819
Difference: 75,879



noz spitting Barrrssss as usual:cool:

This Axisblade character.... (sigh)

Axisblade said:
I mean, considering they've not only got a good 2 or 3 basher branches including yourself
Any evidence supporting that claim? as a "salty sea dog" myself I can assure you that we were not bashing for 404, a merge was disscussed at one point, the response was the exact same response we gave wipe when they offered the merge. Did mr.spy leave that out?(Noz thinks im the spy :| )

Axisblade said:
and are essentially the biggest, most pathetic, mass recruited equivalent of approx 4 family tribes (aka food and coplayers) worth of mergers.
mergers? hey what happened here

Axisblade said:
I mean, I nobled some of you salty sea dogs with a 1/4 nuke. Does that sound like Wipe had a hard time?
some? you must have the details mixed up buddy cuz you only nobled that 1900 pointer remember?
and whether or not wipe had a hard time depends on your definition of a hard time so lets just look at some cold hard facts. Op lasted from the 27th till the last capture by Ninja Sword on the 3rd

Wipe's Martyrs:
(3,178,598 - 530,783)
= 2,647,815 units
Dear Axis, to put into perspective... go look at your OD score to date,
now multiply that number by 2, now add 400k. Thats how much troops four wipe members lost against four NaCl members. and you left another key bit. of the four accounts wipe killed, 2 of them didnt resist whatsoever, and by whatsoever as in not even a dodge. the accounts were completely inactive.now going back to your bragging, remember that 1900 village "salted sea dog" you nobled with "1/4 of a nuke", see how you were able to do that now? (sigh)
so basically give or take the equivalent of about 125 nukes dead, The dead noble count was 46(conservatively) all against 2 inactive, and 2 active "salted sea dogs" is an easy time to our friend Axisblade, its only like, just a wee bit over like double his entire OD no biggie.

For the record, these 'salted sea dogs' were puppies, ranging from 30k points to the largest account 90k, Why the highest ranking Wipe member and others had to tag team on these puppies is still a mystery to me.

Those are the facts... you were saying? funny you mention talkin out the sphincter. :-0

Axisblade said:
The reality is, if they were actually as primo cream of the crop as the chest puffing would suggest, Wipe would have been gone ages ago.
give wipe more credit than that. bleaching and cleaning continents of salted sea dogs & other germs while growing villages is important.(geddit?) ;)

Axisblade said:
Truth is, 404 are incapable of taking anything but inactives and inexperienced players
That supposed to be a Wipe exclusive? or did you forget you were bragging about nobling 'salted dogs with a 1/4 nuke' earlier lolol. My puppy brain is small so i might be wrong but wouldnt that indicate inactivity/inexperience? call me crazy

(P.S. Balian if you see this, Pls Unblock me i promise ill stop being a troll:rolleyes: you know how much it sucked sniping your trains without being able to mess with you at the same time:(. )

Moving onto the thousands of WIPE fails, of which, there are so many, I could read the Bible in twelve different languages back and forth and still not be through. Have a sampler.



LOL somebody sleeping on the job




Prenukes? all that bleach making them forget the little things





Could keep finding reports but this is just depressing*. maybe Wipe should change COA to:cool:

Axisblade said:
Anyway Noz, keep on talking out of your sphincter, but I think you just entered the annals (geddit?) of TW's worst ego-sitters. Yet here you are bragging.
Always Noz getting the profile worthy Saltiness smh... the holy grail of salty quotes on a silver platter


Despite everything the Fact remains that wipe and bleach members did pretty much rim my tribe mates and I. in no way am i suggesting that i or NaCl are any better (or worse) than Wipe. everything i have said is evidence backed but just incase theres a mistake shoot me a message and ill gladly fix it. :)
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I can be honest, the players that left, left because of me. I knew we had a leak in Wipe, so I was sitting accounts, I asked a member for an account sit, rather bluntly, he flat out denied, his friends got pissed, and boom they left. Hence the name Witch Hunt.

We blundered, it happens. Only thing to do is keep on trying and keep on fighting.

The forum banter is pointless


noz spitting Barrrssss as usual:cool:

This Axisblade character.... (sigh)

Any evidence supporting that claim? as a "salty sea dog" myself I can assure you that we were not bashing for 404, a merge was disscussed at one point, the response was the exact same response we gave wipe when they offered the merge. Did mr.spy leave that out?(Noz thinks im the spy :| )

mergers? hey what happened here

some? you must have the details mixed up buddy cuz you only nobled that 1900 pointer remember?
and whether or not wipe had a hard time depends on your definition of a hard time so lets just look at some cold hard facts. Op lasted from the 27th till the last capture by Ninja Sword on the 3rd

Wipe's Martyrs:
(3,178,598 - 530,783)
= 2,647,815 units
Dear Axis, to put into perspective... go look at your OD score to date,
now multiply that number by 2, now add 400k. Thats how much troops four wipe members lost against four NaCl members. and you left another key bit. of the four accounts wipe killed, 2 of them didnt resist whatsoever, and by whatsoever as in not even a dodge. the accounts were completely inactive.now going back to your bragging, remember that 1900 village "salted sea dog" you nobled with "1/4 of a nuke", see how you were able to do that now? (sigh)
so basically give or take the equivalent of about 125 nukes dead, The dead noble count was 46(conservatively) all against 2 inactive, and 2 active "salted sea dogs" is an easy time to our friend Axisblade, its only like, just a wee bit over like double his entire OD no biggie.

For the record, these 'salted sea dogs' were puppies, ranging from 30k points to the largest account 90k, Why the highest ranking Wipe member and others had to tag team on these puppies is still a mystery to me.

Those are the facts... you were saying? funny you mention talkin out the sphincter. :-0

give wipe more credit than that. bleaching and cleaning continents of salted sea dogs & other germs while growing villages is important.(geddit?) ;)

That supposed to be a Wipe exclusive? or did you forget you were bragging about nobling 'salted dogs with a 1/4 nuke' earlier lolol. My puppy brain is small so i might be wrong but wouldnt that indicate inactivity/inexperience? call me crazy

(P.S. Balian if you see this, Pls Unblock me i promise ill stop being a troll:rolleyes: you know how much it sucked sniping your trains without being able to mess with you at the same time:(. )

Moving onto the thousands of WIPE fails, of which, there are so many, I could read the Bible in twelve different languages back and forth and still not be through. Have a sampler.



LOL somebody sleeping on the job




Prenukes? all that bleach making them forget the little things





Could keep finding reports but this is just depressing*. maybe Wipe should change COA to:cool:

Always Noz getting the profile worthy Saltiness smh... the holy grail of salty quotes on a silver platter


Despite everything the Fact remains that wipe and bleach members did pretty much rim my tribe mates and I. in no way am i suggesting that i or NaCl are any better (or worse) than Wipe. everything i have said is evidence backed but just incase theres a mistake shoot me a message and ill gladly fix it. :)

I like the post well written and Drafted Good Work mate.

I like the post does not mean i am Supporting All of your responses as i a not aware of All :)

