2010 FIFA World Cup Discussion


i do know about football. and its not are fault if the ref gives a gay a card for a hand ball when it hits his face then misses an offsides and lets them score. you cant beat the refs.

And rooney is garbage. just wait and see


offside hahaha he wasn't offside your crappy centre back just cant play the game and shouldn't have even been there he should have stepped up and kept in line with the other defenders. he is only offside if a part of his body that he can gain an advantage with or create a scoring opportunity is infront of that last defender, as this wasnt the case and he was behind the player anyway you obviously dont know alot about what you are talking about.

rooney garbage, so how do you explain what i said about him being top goal scorer ?


haha yh that was a good goal even though i hate united :)

he was only about 18 or 19 i think then


But Donovan knows how to score in the WC unlike Rooney this year. Who'll buy Rooney a camper, so the Nike advertise comes true? He already got the beard.

The advertise


rooney also got a tense season and injurys behind.. and i hate manu. : )


The world cup soccer is a total EPIC FAIL!

I cant believe that the South African minister of sport said that and I quote...

"We have a good chance at winning the cup"

South Africa is a rugby and cricket nation. I should know I live in SA!