|A*A| Recruiting in K33



If you want to join a fairly big tribe who is in top 10 for K33 (currently 6th) then send an application to either me, a council member or a recruiter. You must have over our average points but a few exceptions will be made, we are also recruiting in ajoining continets to K33, so if you are in either; 23, 24, 34, 42, 43 please feel free to apply.

I cannot reveal our goal or target but it is on the lines of controling K33 along with our family and allies. Being in such a strong family (Scorpion Dragons Family) we have become bigger than any other tribes who started way before us!

My tribe is full of experienced members, My council I know from other worlds and respect them loads. See our profile for full details on our profile.

Yours Sincerely

bloodbath13 - Leader & Founder of |A*A|

|A*A| Be Coming!:axemen:


Seriously,How many times has this happen?????
Do we need W29 Recruitment & Applying to tribes Mod??


Just because someone is new doesn't mean he doesn't have to follow the rules.

I wish it was true though, there are some traffic rules I have never heard of! :icon_redface: In fact, most of them are silly. (oh and I'm not new to driving :icon_razz: )