A fight? North? War? Sounds like Fun!


nice to see you coming out from the depths of great oceans :p ... thought you were still busy swimming with your trouts

Bwhahahahaha Fear my trout my friend..fear it... Nice to see someone remembers from other worlds.:lol:

From 4TR* We have not seen the declaration. We as a tribe believe in playing the game hard, clean and fun. It was a spur of the moment choice of a council member in 4TR2, I believe he has learned from this and hope the experience will make him a better player going forward in both judgement and in playing in the spirit of the game.
4TR leadership know baron quite well, he is a very good player and we know what he is capable of. This will be a good test for 4TR2 as I know underestimating Baron and his crew will be a big mistake. We hope both tribes have a fun war.
As for spies, it is black stain on the game but regrettable a part of it.

Enjoyed the TPT war declaration. :) Will watch this one with interest.

I am humbled by the kind words...and I know the power and experience of those same players in 4TR

4TR2 has won ...what 4 wars pretty much by ourselves. yeah they weren't as grand a scale as 4TR* has had, but we do what we can with what we've got.

And our assistance to our brother tribe I believe has been most helpful to Big Brother.

This war is over and we have come to terms with the TPT leadership.

I concur with this...I will accept the defeat honorably and lay the sword at UncleE's feet and bend the knee of respect and Submission....

I won't go into who did what or who didn't do what..in the end, we got beat and fortunately 4TR2 took in the few that actually fought and needless to say, the spoils goes the victor...the rest I suspect will be food for everyone else.

I want to say, UncleE was an honorable foe, treated us with respect and honor...despite the early foul language and how it started, others brought the joy back into the game..when its all said and done..its only a game...its the people you make friends with and laugh about you got me or I got you in the end..

Baron Cunedda Kell
Sith Baron of the Trout
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