A message to all Elite Families


whoa, sounds like you got mike all wrong.

hes just looking for friends to play war with.


everybody deserves a little action.



To make sure I understand:
When you make jokes = levity
When I make (better) jokes = profound stress.

Exactly! Better jokes!? I would argue against this until the end of time! I am the funniest person I know (aside from my three year old but he is likely to outgrow it). :icon_razz:

Seriously, I meant no insult and had zero idea your player name was your real name. I also have a name that generated quite a bit of teasing. My sincerest apologies to you.

I actually agree with you more than I disagree with you. I have no illusions that the "war" is over or that this calm will last for any length of time. Honestly, I am using the calm as any smart solider would do, to build up. I am not the most experienced player, but I certainly can see what is at work here. I also don’t see your tribe as a bunch of pushovers either. I would contribute this opinion of mine to the quality of the attacks I have received from some of your tribe and your leader whom I affectionately call Tibby. He has kept me up more nights than I can count. You would think we were dating or something. :)

Where my disagreement comes in is your prophecy of FEMA's doom. We aren’t a bunch of pushovers either and to think such is pure folly. It makes sense this would be a fundamental area of disagreement between us. Your comment regarding our taking of inactives is merely propaganda in my mind. Surely, you cannot believe that inactives account for the progress we have made. Clearly we had to have made some dent somewhere to account for the recent turn of events.

As far as DNY goes, I have my personal opinions and contemplate their position with my family and friends but beyond that I don’t worry my pretty little head over it. I have 110% confidence in my tribal leaders and happily leave such “worries” to them. If they ever had anything to prove to me, they have done that and more. I am FEMA until the end.

My best to you Mike! If my arse is ever sitting at the core, may you be right next to me. We could trade resources or something. :icon_biggrin:


Lets continue our attacks guys. -TD-'s fate awaits them, and bahlool is still around randomly?


ok, a few things id like to add,
and make clear

Your so-called clear victory still has you about a dozen or so million point behind.

math time children

-TD- = 161.095.869

Fema = 110.814.924
Fema-S = 68.408.472
Fema-A= 38.904.209

Fema.F = 218,127,605 points

218 mil > 161 mil :D


Doing a fine job eating those inactives, but don't worry. There still some teeth waiting for you.

2008,September 25th 17:38 Shadowzilla that is an excellent piece of pnp and just so everyone knows those are actually bahlool's village that our big yellow man is eating :)


isnt this pretty much, the same thing that has happend a few times?

Gam, -R-, -TD-, Elite, and now -TD- again.

disbanding your tribe gets you no where guys.
if it didnt work the first 4 times, what makes you think it will work the fifth?:icon_eek:



isnt this pretty much, the same thing that has happend a few times?

Gam, -R-, -TD-, Elite, and now -TD- again.

disbanding your tribe gets you no where guys.
if it didnt work the first 4 times, what makes you think it will work the fifth?:icon_eek:

-TD- has never disbanded


hi guys, sorry i've been slack on the public boards :D

mike - please leave tw, it is clearly too much for you to cope with on top of your latent homosexuality and "caveman" lifestyle, the stress is too much and you're only a human being (sort of)

The war is won vs Elite true, and -TD- has consolodated the actives and is now #3 tribe, also true. What is left out is that there is little attacking coming from -TD- and not much desire to further provoke us. The war on our side will continue until -TD- is gone for good this time, however it happens. We will not be fighting them a 6th time or wtv - we will stick this one out until one of our tribes no longer existis :D

and if people are looking for an end to DNY please just write Emperor Taizu and politely ask them to disband, they are pretty polite over there maybe he will do it as a courtesy :D but i doubt it :icon_surprised:

Someone will make it interesting again soon though I'm sure - still plenty of of multiple million point active players in the deep south, this world is far from over.

So just stop talking about this, let the thread die, and bask in FEMA's glory

'preciate it!



This may be difficult for you...but do your best not to blather incorrectly about things that you are completely ignorant about.

go on then, you gonna tell us all what DID happen?
whats your excuse this time?


This may be difficult for you...but do your best not to blather incorrectly about things that you are completely ignorant about.

Hey I found the thread.

Well this gentleman was so happy to hack on FEMA and as of 24 hours ago has deleted his account. What the heck I do not think he will defend his statements now m8.