a salute


i'd like to dedicate this thread to each and eveyone who took up the fight of grind.. that very same fight when we all worked together under the one objective... richy, sfan. jan, jonny, TT, chuck, big mongo, snout, linda, the aussies.. philliopinos.. the yanks and even the brits.. we done well infact we done very well.. we may have fooked it up but we made friends.. memories did we ever aceppt defeat .... no we never, did tla accept those who lost the way.. yes they did.. distr4ict, brico, the greek.. to name but a few... i aint trying to discredit the triators but i am here to praise you for such a great time... grind to me was the ultimate tribe.. full of fun and banter... but the highlight for me was me lizzie.. me mama... long liv


Yep i also salute the fallen.

Also well done too Bill the greek and briclioni for being great TLA members and doing us proud.At least you got out of grind before it was too late.


I'd like to salute grind for being stubborn little buggers for all this time... It has taken us in *tla* a long time to reach the stage we are currently at and it has been a difficult time. Grind have almost completely given up now though (at least it seems that way to me and most others I speak to), there are still a couple that seem intent on making it hard for us but if people like me put in that little extra effort then we could end it very soon, however RL dictates that my time is very limited (why do I agree to work during my holiday periods from uni >.<)


Bert, this game is fantastic for meeting people from all over the world in different stages of life and different backgrounds. I have met many a number of great people both in TLA and in Grind.

I would like to salute those who put up a good fight at their time, and whilst they have not necessarily stuck around for the end, many of them were the best I have fought against and have been very personable to boot. Aside from Harvey, Rich, and Shaggey who are seemingly still around (albeit inactive every once in a while), I thought Sweenster, Littlemisscsq2 (who may still be around, not sure), S1999Fan, KingMyster, Irake, Bert, and many others have been great adversaries in their own times and the few I have spoken with on a regular basis have been very respectful and interesting characters.

That said, the end has come and it's closing time, one last call for alcohol so finish your whiskey or beer, it's closing time, you don't have to go home but you can't stay here.

I reckon W29 won't see February 2012.


Humm babyboy ur up to something....we need w29 to finish the smell coming from mikeys villages is too much to bear....


the challenge has to be reasonable,If i can make it to FEB.1st Whats the deal/?

The deal is then you get to see my troops marching personally into every one of your remaining villages until you have finally found the rim ;)

If TLA conquer as many villages in January as they did in December (even without the attack bans over the holidays) the world will be over in this month. If it goes over a few days, then so be it.


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Ok.bud just checking cause the rim i'll find but not by Feb 1st if I can help it,lol. So see your troops soon. I still wish u an yours the best an a great new years~ I just wanted to make sure it was not a challenge is all.


wow you guys are playing a world with 91 members !!!! even world 6 had like 150 or somthin, anyone want a co, cause i love spamming in end of world mode :D :D :D...

I was booted twice in end of world mode in world 6, but i did get in, in the end :D twas fun times. ....

The old worlds are the best, you get to play with these 50 year old men and women :D lol fun


As this world needs 100% dominance by 1 single tribe, the number of members needs to go down to just those in a single tribe, which at the moment is HIGHLY likely to be *TLA*. As we have closed recruitment, it will be the number of members currently in *TLA* minus any deletions (if there are any more).


Humm if it didnt say...dare I say it England on your profile id be thinking ur bigbert in disguise!!! No bert u don't need any more accounts...


It's a trap! It says England but you can still lie about that :icon_wink:


Ok.bud just checking cause the rim i'll find but not by Feb 1st if I can help it,lol. So see your troops soon. I still wish u an yours the best an a great new years~ I just wanted to make sure it was not a challenge is all.

I guess you couldn't help it too much then :icon_wink::icon_wink:

You held off for a long time so kudos to you :):)


He did well yes Kris.But if Grind are playing world 60 i think they should take heed and actually attack back or they will all be rimmed rather quickly there as well.Hardly any grind member attacked and they should learn that in this game the attacker always wins.

You can run but you cant hide forever.


It's been a really good time. I've made lots of new friends. Believe it or not I wouldn't have made it this far if it hadn't been for friends like Yenisher, my first PA. :lol: Dal.. so cool headed and in control. Mikey the nukeacoholic showed me a new way of playing. The many many that never made it, and those that fell under my nukes. My many team mates...

I salute you!

I took 2 breaks in this world and was always draw back. The tw addiction was just to great to resist. I'll be down to 1 world after this one. Then I'm taking a break. But I'm sure I'll play again, and I hope I will get to play with such great players.

It's a great game.



It's been a really good time. I've made lots of new friends. Believe it or not I wouldn't have made it this far if it hadn't been for friends like Yenisher, my first PA. :lol: Dal.. so cool headed and in control. Mikey the nukeacoholic showed me a new way of playing. The many many that never made it, and those that fell under my nukes. My many team mates...

I salute you!

I took 2 breaks in this world and was always draw back. The tw addiction was just to great to resist. I'll be down to 1 world after this one. Then I'm taking a break. But I'm sure I'll play again, and I hope I will get to play with such great players.

It's a great game.



I wish you well, Out of all the players I have fought, you were by far the best. I would class you as the best player on this world still playing, your ranking isnt just for show, and probably of the entire world history.

To everyone else In TLA, GL with your futures, I'm glad I was able to come back for the last few weeks, but I am not glad that my TW time is ending.



I am sure someone somewhere can find an account for you play Dal if you truly do regret your time on TW ending. Perhaps Log needs a Co to finish his last world :)

I have enjoyed every minute of my time in TLA, and wish all of my tribe mates continued successes in their RL and their TWL. Starting with JV, who is one of the best leaders I have ever had the pleasure of working with, to Mikey whom I adore nuking with, and can trust with anything. Log, your straight forward view points, and honest demeanor always bring me back down to earth, to Perv and Kris who can bring a laugh no matter what day it is. Maks is unfailing polite and a joy to talk to, and the list goes on and on.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my Co Player Dal for introducing me to this amazing group of world class players. Dal, you are simply the best of the best. With your absence, Tribal Wars will never be the same.
