i'd like to dedicate this thread to each and eveyone who took up the fight of grind.. that very same fight when we all worked together under the one objective... richy, sfan. jan, jonny, TT, chuck, big mongo, snout, linda, the aussies.. philliopinos.. the yanks and even the brits.. we done well infact we done very well.. we may have fooked it up but we made friends.. memories did we ever aceppt defeat .... no we never, did tla accept those who lost the way.. yes they did.. distr4ict, brico, the greek.. to name but a few... i aint trying to discredit the triators but i am here to praise you for such a great time... grind to me was the ultimate tribe.. full of fun and banter... but the highlight for me was me lizzie.. me mama... long liv