A whole tribe of meat ain't enough


First of all, let me thank my fellow Riot players for giving me Rank 1 ODD and rank 2 in total OD. Although I got to admit something, it takes great effort to have 4 nukes inside 10x10 radius, get splat. Great leading there Smurfy boy.

I guess that me capping that village from you and killing pink panther's nuke made you a bit blind but it is fine. I love you because you keep making me more prestigious. And to be honest, I hope you crawl out of your cave and actually start hitting with your own troops instead of keep wasting your 2nd and 3rd account nukes :p

For the rest of you that don't know what is going on, here is what happened to Riot's OP this morning


everyone should know by now that riots leadership only cares about their accounts growing they couldnt careless about what happened to anyone else in their tribe


It’s sad that their tribe have to use 2nd and 3rd accounts to get ahead in this game. I really hope this tribe doesn’t stay at the top for long


It’s sad that their tribe have to use 2nd and 3rd accounts to get ahead in this game. I really hope this tribe doesn’t stay at the top for long

They don't seem to be able to use this advantage tbh :(


Was this external worthy? nukes go splat daily.

They don't seem to be able to use this advantage tbh :(

They haven't an advantage, All tribes added together and the coalition is bigger and there has the advantage. Please stop mailing me for defense.


We are deeply sorry for making a thread for unworthy opponents , will not happen again.

It's just that you were considered to be one of the top tribes in this server and I have to say it's a little bit disappointing , since we haven't even started doing our part yet.

Anyway good luck and hf .


We are deeply sorry for making a thread for unworthy opponents , will not happen again.

It's just that you were considered to be one of the top tribes in this server and I have to say it's a little bit disappointing , since we haven't even started doing our part yet.

Anyway good luck and hf .

Who ever said riot was top, they seem to be just average like the rest of us


I hope your game backs up your talk, gonna be a little embarrassing if not lads

Nobling your village, killing your noble, backtiming panther's nuke and taking the village also while you get splat over and over again backs up my play brightly ;)

TG Smurf

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Sitting well stacked early game isnt a great display of ability, a great display of teamwork from your coalition i will admit that :)
good job lads, but don't sing your own praises too early. Maybe actually beat us before bragging?




Sitting well stacked early game isnt a great display of ability

I would put faith in a player that can make the rank 1 tribe and it's push accounts dance while he is being surrounded. Wouldn't you?


I too like to go and brag to everyone every time i do something in the game.

Look my Timber Camp 25 just finished!!

No, not at all. I enjoy some bad mouthing and stuff while I decide on which of their villages I'm taking next