A wolfs story.


This is merely a fictional small story, loosely based on the events and characters in world 59. Enjoy the reading and please do leave a comment, I always like a good conversation.

Oh and you may enjoy listening to this song while reading, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz8c17upEwM&feature=autoplay&list=FLnNRs4vv_BDp29QnFWwnQjA&playnext=2


As the wolves lay asleep in their den they are rudely awakened by a loud noise outside, the alpha male decides to investigate, when outside he can hardly believe his eyes, in front of him marches an army of armed to the teeth penguins. The alpha male had been afraid this day would come for a while now, although he wished the wolves could have fought side by side to hunt down those robbers who have stole his friends pie he realizes that this is the day, the day the wolves have their final hunt before leaving to the eternal hunting grounds. He is not afraid, nor sad he must leave his den behind, he is merely dissappointed he never got the chance to avenge his friend. One last howling to gather his brothers and sisters. He sharpens his teeth and polishes his claws. Out to meet the penguins he goes, the battle lasts for days and days, one by one he sees his family falling, one by one they bite the dust on which they have hunted for so long, he stands eye to eye with some of his friends, penguins he respects and trusts dearly, he tends to avoid them and sets his teeth in penguins he did not meet before. However, the hunt does not bring him the joy it did against those he fought before, it is not the same. On the dawn of the eleventh day, he loses one of his dearest brothers, he realizes there is no glory to this war, no honor, nor victory, there is merely defeat. He stands on a hill, looking at the rising sun to bring light to another day, valhalla here I come, he whispers as a penguin spear pierces his chest.

If all else fails, hug them to death,


Thank you Rascal, yes all members of Wolf were quite amused by it haha.


Your story puts me in mind of Nighteyes, the wonderful wolf from the Robin Hobb 'Farseer' series.

Although I'm not sure what he would have made of Tribal Wars!


Now you mention it, it does, I've read those books as a kid, those are the kind of books you get carried away with and can only stop reading when you've finished them. Nighteyes was a wonderful wolf indeed.

There's no way of telling that, but he was a clever one though so you never know!


Nice post Khal. Nice picture for sure :) and fitting song whilst reading.. I enjoyed it :)


Nice post and song Khal. The picture is still as amusing as it was when we first saw it. :)



This is a truly great story!

Finally something with some interest rather than that gotrob rubbish.

This deserves an Oscar!

The Gramma Masta must speak English because he has received a warning....Not good, I'm so terribly ashamed.

However I am so thankful that my opera has a auto-correct now.
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Genuine quality.

Carlsberg don't do TW forum posts, but if they did, they'd probably be something like this...


Thank you all for the warm words, they are highly appreciated, I did not know there was such an interest in stories like this, I might continue writing some of these on the forums.