Achieved awards


I have not looked around much, so this may be a dumb question. But why can our world (w25) not have Achieved awards like in the newer worlds?
I don't know who would be against having them in w25, they add some fun to the game, and I don't see why the older worlds can't get at least some of the awards. The only problem I see with it, is some of the awards that people may have accomplished would not show up such as the plunderer award since the server has no record of how many times a player may have attacked a village prior to the introduction of the reward.


Because they wernt introduced until world 42 and by that point its almost impossible to work out the majority of the achievements, they are looking into adding achievements, but they would be alot higher and would mean everyone would have to start from scratch, not in points but in units killed and such.
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That makes sense, hopefully we get some kind of achievement system eventually :)
BTW w25 blog FTW


whats the point?

would be useless in my opinion well for older worlds it would be


We could not have the majority of the awards, but we could have a couple, like first to 20million, 20,000 villages, 250ODA, then a load of tribe Awards, agree its not ideal but we could have a few and i have a feeling they will be added in within the year.