Against all the morale rules this community holds S-D tactics.


We have given S-D the chance to right this wrong.


But now with Dunkmaster under S-D fire we think its time for the public to decide.

I Frits the main player on World Shapers vow for all information given is 100% true and not forged in any way.

The story in short:


Dunkmaster is an ex S-D player that has sided with aTo because of an attemt to take over his account.
This by a co-player installed by Michonne because Bert was going on a 2 weeks vacation
and S-D council felt that sitting a front account was not going to be sufficient.




After this co player started playing the Dunkmaster account they found out that Bert was friendly´s with Me and Germanwinds (Both aTo)

Until this time Bert always wanted to stay in the S-D camp and like the global Cure plan and its propaganda.

So even with being friendlies at some point World Shapers would have to take out this account.

But than this happened when Bert went on vacation


They changed his email and password in an attempt to take over his own account.

Of course when Bert returned and found out he he was blocked out of his own account he canceled the email change.

He at that point contacted us about what happened and no longer wanted to be a part of S-D

He had put in a request for aTo membership and we accepted the request.

What we did not know is that S-D leadership had a backup plan for if there initial plan to take over his account failed.

2-3 hours after Dunkmaster left S-D for aTo his w76 got perma-banned until deletion.

I took us days to find out what happened until we got this response from the mod team
we would also like to tank for there efforts looking into this matter.


It turned out S-D had applied a backup plan.

I have no words for this.

I have given S-D the time to apply there excuses towards the player with in return not making public what happened.

They have not done this and in return they have started an OP on the player.

Extra information:
1 The password is no longer in use therefor can be dismissed

2 There is no ongoing ticket for this matter we are therefor not discussing rule breaching,
only the morale code of this community.


Abusing and inappropriate language leads to perma ban. However its sad that Michonne reported such a thing , even when he himself have send some abusive mails out ......


So in other words SD must be destroyed


Cure ceasefire?



All I see is that you did put a spy in S-D and they decided to give the spy a lesson with his co-player (If the info is true). You really expect someone excuse you because you had a spy in their tribe?

What would you do with my spy who has sent this to me on 20th if I tell you their name and you also have a friend co-playing for them?

WoSha this is another example of what I was talking about you getting free villages and your ODA and points GAP, it doesn't have anything with using troops wisely! You had lots of pre-planed accounts in same area (You or your friends) to gain lots of advantages without fighting for it mostly nobling free villages and in a case like this sending someone as spy. I can see in your history many days with lots of villages taken without any change or very small changes in your OD, you don't want to tell me that all of a sudden many players around you happened to have no troops at all?

For example on 2014-12-10 you have taken 7 villages and only 673 ODA rise, really?
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dark gaze screen capped that when i invited him in for the lulz he could only see the fun forum

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Oh wait night2, I try to summarize your logic.
Cause Dunkmeister joined this world because i lured him back he is a spy?
He started late and was small for that reason he couldn't get in ATo if we would judge it fair. For that reason he joined S-D. According to you that makes him a spy?

I have michonne (alex) on my skype, does that mean he is my spy? XD (He probably kicked me already)

That is everything that screenshot shows, if you want to believe he was the spy please believe it.
For example a player called rabat knew targets claimed 10 minutes after it was done/ask for approvement on S-D forum. maybe you should ask his source? S-D is almost as leak as..

He never told us any relevant information.


WoSha this is another example of what I was talking about you getting free villages and your ODA and points GAP, it doesn't have anything with using troops wisely! You had lots of pre-planed accounts in same area (You or your friends) to gain lots of advantages without fighting for it mostly nobling free villages and in a case like this sending someone as spy. I can see in your history many days with lots of villages taken without any change or very small changes in your OD, you don't want to tell me that all of a sudden many players around you happened to have no troops at all?

For example on 2014-12-10 you have taken 7 villages and only 673 ODA rise, really?

Yeah maybe if you dig deep enough you will eventually find a stick to hit me with.

I have never had a problem with you as a player never even talked to you outside the externals.

If it is because of something someone in my friends list did to you I´m sorry about that.

-Dunkmaster -> another aTo member invite do you homework not connected to WoSha
-2014-12-10 -> that guy you are talking to gave up after aTo attacked him and rather had me taking the villas

Outside of my account there where only 2 other players that started with me on this world
EpicChild + Gijsbeer
EpicChild now co-plays our account
Gijsbeer got married and started his own business and has just quit tribalwars

Its not unusual to start 3x premade on tribalwars not even in the rim you should know this being inside S-D :)


Dunkmaster joined S-D and was your spy

Dont try to convince everyone here that dunkmaster was our victim

Big lies from spies

Your friend joined later this world and was the brilliant chance to set a spy to S-D

Dunkmaster was in front line with aTo and he had 10.000 sp by himself in 30 villas account and he only noble barbarians and small players and just building them

Dunkmaster is the only responsible if someone try to stole his account(because trust the guy)

And all these prnt screens from skype :lol: dont prove anything

i can see some words only and nothing shoud be real

But here we have something


So you had a spy to S-D or not?

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I have no love for aTo as a tribe, hence why I left. As such, I can be considered reasonably impartial.

I must say it looks like S-D are up to their old ratty tricks. I have no words for how pathetic this is on their part, and the defence being that of a spy getting what he deserved? PLEASE! I was a baron in aTo for a long time, and I can assure you we never heard anything from dunkmaster; friends can be in separate tribes without spying, so grow up for Christ's sake! Additionally, even if the spying accusation were true (which it isn't), there's no way this constitutes a proportional response. If I could, I'd see anyone involved from S-D banned for life for this. Absolutely disgusting behaviour, with a nonsensical attempt to actually defend said behaviour publicly.


dark gaze screen capped that when i invited him in for the lulz he could only see the fun forum


I don't get it, how can someone who has never been in your tribe cap something? Of course by inviting you meant dark gaze was in ato or I'm not getting what you mean?

Oh wait night2, I try to summarize your logic.
Cause Dunkmeister joined this world because i lured him back he is a spy?
He started late and was small for that reason he couldn't get in ATo if we would judge it fair. For that reason he joined S-D. According to you that makes him a spy?

I have michonne (alex) on my skype, does that mean he is my spy? XD (He probably kicked me already)

That is everything that screenshot shows, if you want to believe he was the spy please believe it.
For example a player called rabat knew targets claimed 10 minutes after it was done/ask for approvement on S-D forum. maybe you should ask his source? S-D is almost as leak as..

He never told us any relevant information.

I'm not going to argue with you guys over this, a lair will always lie and a dubitable truth can't be proven too, so it doesn't matter if you are lying or you are talking the truth, I can't believe what you say like that, the screenshot I have been given also shows a rooted relationship between you and that guy.

Just 2 points:
1. If you are really right, you must have an application mail from dunkmaster on proper date as WoSha claimed earlier he/she has applied to join aTo ...
2. Why would someone try to change password of an account and take control of it using the co player of the account if that account wasn't a spy and a true player for them? Why none of the other 40/50 players in S-D didn't have same thing happening? Personally if I was an account thief I would steal a larger account than a small front-line account ...!

I didn't say S-D did a right thing, but what I was saying is that the first wrong move has been done by your side by sending a spy account to their tribe.

If I walk in a street and suddenly hit a man with a stick, it's a wrong and idiotic and blah blah move.
But if I hit a man who has punched me 2 seconds ago, that makes sense. I was trying to point what I see there has been happened and I also asked what would you guys do in same situation, but I didn't get an answer and got ignored which means something as well ...

Yeah maybe if you dig deep enough you will eventually find a stick to hit me with.

I have never had a problem with you as a player never even talked to you outside the externals.

If it is because of something someone in my friends list did to you I´m sorry about that.

-Dunkmaster -> another aTo member invite do you homework not connected to WoSha
-2014-12-10 -> that guy you are talking to gave up after aTo attacked him and rather had me taking the villas

Outside of my account there where only 2 other players that started with me on this world
EpicChild + Gijsbeer
EpicChild now co-plays our account
Gijsbeer got married and started his own business and has just quit tribalwars

Its not unusual to start 3x premade on tribalwars not even in the rim you should know this being inside S-D :)

I didn't even dig, I had looked at your stats about 2 months ago and I have seen many interesting things on that time, if you really insist that you played clean, I can waste a little time bring some good numbers and statistics to show exactly how you have been growing, specially in first 2 months of your playing in this world. I also have some quotes from some of your tribe mates about how you were/are gaining villages.

I have never had any direct contact with you in-game or here before this topic, so I have no personal problems with you, I just talk the truth that I can see. I happen to like some players in TW and dislike some others becasue of the way they play. People who have no clue what they are doing, massive internalers, massive barb noblers and players who gain unfair advantages are in the group that I dislike, and people who fight and have good ODs always are on the other side ...

For example Ya Bro and aTo are both in same side, but I like many Ya Bro player while I dislike almost most of aTo players. The reason is that Ya Bro is playing to win and aTo is playing to make Ya Bro win, on the other hand now I like some Cure players who did a lot better than it was expected, while I disliked them becasue of an earlier weak performance on 2014, I like 2 players who understood what aTo is doing and left it, I like many S-D players for always fighting bigger tribes and until now they were always successful. #GAS was on same side of Cure, they talked a hell of things on the externals but after 2 weeks they did quit/give up and ruined the world very selfishly, so I dislike them as well.

Another example is that even though devil25793 is self-showing a lot in forums, but I like him a lot as well. He has been fighting a lot and has #1 ODA ranking for a long time and now he has #1 overall OD as well. Right now he has 50mil OD which shows he has around 160kilo OD per village, on the other hand you have about 17kilo OD per village ...

So nothing is personal here, but good reasons why I support some people and don't some others ...
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Just going to ignore the fact I just told you there was no spying, eh Night? No longer in aTo - am in an opposite tribe, so am impartial. Don't pick and choose your replies: it's weak.







hmm, I guess TWStats didn't catch the change because of the small period!
btw, how did you allow someone who is obviously trolling you, in your tribe to steal your info and then leave? It's weird, even for the "lulz" you already have given away at least your internal announcements, forums, all yours and your allies noble planner, diplomacy, wars and etc, so I guess the lulz must be from their side, not yours ...!

Just going to ignore the fact I just told you there was no spying, eh Night? No longer in aTo - am in an opposite tribe, so am impartial. Don't pick and choose your replies: it's weak.

I just replied to the ones who replied/named me directly ...

With all the respect, things in a tribe doesn't always need to be known by all council/barons. dunkmaster in my point of view is a contact of other council members in aTo (WoSha and Germanwind). They could keep things secret and provide/use any info on their own behalf. It also seems you didn't have much of power/fans in aTo as a council/baron otherwise you would probably make more people leave aTo by your own moving out, so it makes sense that you might not have been aware of everything (It's just a guess, no offense here).

When someone like Cody who is a duke, but seems to has no control over bTo and bTo seemed to be ran by others in aTo, a thing like what I said above is possible too.

- - - - -

Out of subject: Are you back on your account? You did quit a while back as I know ...
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hmm, I guess TWStats didn't catch the change because of the small period!
btw, how did you allow someone who is obviously trolling you, in your tribe to steal your info and then leave? It's weird, even for the "lulz" you already have given away at least your internal announcements, forums, all yours and your allies noble planner, diplomacy, wars and etc, so I guess the lulz must be from their side, not yours ...!

*sigh* i know he was trolling me that's why i invited him, the internal announcements is generally a funny gif/ or picture with my name and council name on it, he only had access to the off topica forum, we rarely use our noble planner, everyone already knows our diplomacy, you have the same war stats as we do... i think that covers it oh and i also put him in the skype chat for a bit too i'm sure there was a wealth of information he got out of that as well, we normally just talk about how well endowed matt is and mia's spear nuke

With all the respect, things in a tribe doesn't always need to be known by all council/barons. dunkmaster in my point of view is a contact of other council members in aTo (WoSha and Germanwind). They could keep things secret and provide/use any info on their own behalf. It also seems you didn't have much of power/fans in aTo as a council/baron otherwise you would probably make more people leave aTo by your own moving out, so it makes sense that you might not have been aware of everything (It's just a guess, no offense here).

When someone like Cody who is a duke, but seems to has no control over bTo and bTo seemed to be ran by others in aTo, a thing like what I said above is possible too.
we knew that dunkmaster was a rl friend of someone in the tribe we never exploited that to spy on you all if we did don't you think we would've stacked dnab much quicker, matt knew everything well before i did to be fair he is well loved and missed by everyone that was apart of aTo as well and it's not that i don't have control over bTo they were a few peoples pet project(not mine) that kind of went awry as basher tribes are known to do


Okay really?? All this drama over a spy? Let's get a reality check spies are everywhere it is part of the game. If you had real proof you should have done what every other tribe in Tribal Wars history has done and just cat down all the villages of the spy. No need to go getting a person banned. No reason for all the silly drama that gives you a reason to spam the forums with really boring stuff and pity me stories.

Heck talk to the enemy once and you have given info away. So are we all spies? I think not.

We used to all join a nonsense tribes with enemies and allies as a joke while killing each other. Friends rim friends so taking a jaunt to another tribe for under 10 minutes is a lark. Get over yourselves and start fighting in game rather than in here. We want real PnP not whiney babies.


Okay really?? All this drama over a spy? Let's get a reality check spies are everywhere it is part of the game. If you had real proof you should have done what every other tribe in Tribal Wars history has done and just cat down all the villages of the spy. No need to go getting a person banned. No reason for all the silly drama that gives you a reason to spam the forums with really boring stuff and pity me stories.

Heck talk to the enemy once and you have given info away. So are we all spies? I think not.

We used to all join a nonsense tribes with enemies and allies as a joke while killing each other. Friends rim friends so taking a jaunt to another tribe for under 10 minutes is a lark. Get over yourselves and start fighting in game rather than in here. We want real PnP not whiney babies.

Well they are already fighting in game, you can check the other topic for stats ...


I didnt even read everything is written here,i will write some things about dunkmaster.

I sitted him personally and when i found out that he had 16k spears on troop counter i tryed to help him with adding him a co player cause he wouldnt survive against wosha.
All his churches were stacked from S-D although he was a small account and we stacked also some defensive and offensive villas.
Also his new co player was nobling villas and making his account much much better.

How i found out he was spy?
I sent a message in 10 players i trust+dunkmaster (I suspected him cause he never got inc from wosha although he was next to him) and after a few hours my message was on external from wosha and my tribes forum on germanwind.
I told this to his co player and he checked his friend list finding german wind there....
Dunk was from belgium like wosha it was 100% that he was the spy.

SO we have a player his tribe gave him everything and he was spying on us...

His co player decided to remove him from account cause he was spying for the enemies i would do the same if l learn that my co is a sp.

It was funny the atemp to cause problems to s-d by posting his bs in our forum.

If you ask me why i didnt kick him earlyer it was because i want to let ato think they have a spy and give him wrong info we dont use our forum or chat in skype so its not so easy to spy us.
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His co player decided to remove him from account cause he was spying for the enemies i would do the same if l learn that my co is a sp.

from what i see it wasnt like the co had any claim on the account... he'd been a co for what max a week?
so sure. According to the rules this is okay, but don't pretend that this isn't a ratty, unmoral thing to do - even if he was a spy , which i highly doubt and seems like you have almost nothing to back it up other than he was friendly with the players near him. everyone talks to big players near them...

back in SH i talked to germanwind daily, doesn't mean i ever told him anything about my tribe.

I remember when you used to whine to me about how everyone else was backstabbing and didn't play fair....


Bla bla bla
I sent a message to him in my langauge and it was in external in a few hours laters from wosha...
He was friend with them what else do you need?

You try to make pnp with a spy acc?

You stopped playing in game but continue in forum?
I am confused...

agreements of s-d respected 100%
What is happening in our tribe its not your job .
It is not fair for us to help someone and turns spy

Did i mention in external how you internaled your whole ex tribe (the day the op was landing you changed trybe and you internalled all your teamates)

And after ato recruited all the players of sh so you can internal them taking advantage of the fact that we were in war with ebola/cure.

being eaten was a STIFICATION for us after so long not cause of that villa at the begging but cause of all these villages we fought for and were stolen from us.

I dont blame you i blame ato you tryed to survive i understand this but you symbolize this injustice

We would be much bigger now if we had that villages in early game for us.
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I didnt even read everything is written here,i will write some things about dunkmaster.

Instantly invalidates everything you've said. You cannot enter a deba.. screw it, argument.. halfway through and waffle on as if everything we might have said is incorrect. Address the points made: you stand accused (I wanted to be a judge once upon a time, OK?) of attempting to get a player banned when your attempts to take over his account failed. Regardless of how justified you personally feel about your actions, do you deny this?

And Night, I did name you personally. I would also like to point out that neither GW or WoSha were council members for many weeks (or months, in Wosha's case) for dunkmaster being in S-D. So, I'll repeat for the hard of hearing: there was no spying!

One final thought to consider: yes, spying is a ratty strategy and very few people condone its use in TW. However, I put it to you all that an in-game act, no matter how ratty, is ALWAYS trumped by an attempt to influence something in real life - namely, taking over this guy's account, into which he will have invested both time and money. In other words: this is a game. Treat it as such. Grow up, and don't go after real life stuff!