Kaer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we need to talk. Mail me how to reach you I quit too :icon_cool:
quitters never win.
actually... TATEC > Kylan b/c they still do crap.
Kaer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we need to talk. Mail me how to reach you I quit too :icon_cool:
Is TATEC still kicking?
I thought it was leaderless, seeing as Calizard has been long gone in-game apparently..
I wish I didn't quit 2 years ago :icon_cry:
I started w7 at aroudn 300k? When others were around 2/3 mil.... I left at around 500k.... this was TheUnnamed -> then it was sixtyone for a while.. got hacked and deleted otherwise I would still be playing.. currently, on w9 as dxn99. talk to me if u guys wanna catch up send me a mail or some money if you want to
lool Nahh i left at around 300k...
I actually sent 50 fakes from one village...
I was a NOOB
It was actually the person I was attacking who told me to send 4/5 fakes per village LOOOL
Not still around (not for a long time), but for some reason I decided to check the w7 forums, figured I'd just say hey to all the peeples.
Well there's an old name, hey kaer
Kaer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we need to talk. Mail me how to reach you I quit too :icon_cool:
I forget how SF first formed, but they gained a lot of power from some branch of Gods turning traitor, Thor maybe? Probably from some friction that idiot Maclean caused. I remember the leader Thanatopsis I thought was my friend, when he turned on me and took a whole branch with him I took it personal. Lost a lot of my drive to play. SF was pretty well organized and I didnt have the time or desire to give them the fight they deserved. I did however have great fun when I talked one of their core members (from the defecting tribe) into letting me play his account. He was a half a million points, was being sat by a leader, and had all of his troops out defending the front line. When I took over it was quite the surprise. I recalled mass defense and started fast nobling empty cities at their core, causing them to lose entire villages of defense because all their defenders were out at the edge of their continent. I had more fun playing the renegade account I commandeered than my own. It took them a while to recall all the cores defenders and turn their attention to me. I nobled dozens of cities with no defense, and when they took my cities it just freed up coins to make more nobles and keep right on chain-nobling. Unfortunately I seemed to be the only one fighting the war, and after they took me out I felt no desire to pursue the war with my main account.
Hey sophistacles! How is your marriage going?
What I never told you or anyone (before now) there was a reason I was uncontrollable among other things was cause at the time I thought i was dying of cancer (I know fun eh)? The uncontrollable also in a way is probably my persistence to declare on PTT which if I remember correctly you stood against? I realize you had your own problems, but my members were being bored out of the game so I declared war and we were owning them up until the point of me leaving. Oh well no need to defend myself, I will go back to messing around on world 50 in my little corner of the world