01). Best all-round player: Sneaky Jesus
02). Best attacker: Zora Orstar, throwing those spear nukes...
03). Most motivated attacker: Hayden - SirSnoopy
04). Best defender: Symbiote
05). Best strategic player: Reece, slowly banning every account so he can win with his secret account somewhere on the rim.
06). Best player that got rimmed: ASmileyface12, RIP
07). Biggest Barb taker: Kingas
08). Best tribe: The Jobless Tribe that was never created would have been so strong...
09). Best tribe mascot: Licky Cow
10). Best team (group of players): Martin & his gigantic ego, they seem to be getting along pretty well.
11). Funniest player(s): Shaggy <3
12). Worst Jokes: Cian
13). Best war: The Floating Terror vs NN, so much fun.
14). A horse's favorite sport: Stable tennis.
15). Best mail: Reece weekly circ's were amazing, I miss those
16). Best femail: Laura <3
17). Longest dry-spell: Josiah
18). Greatest spy: Aguiargon, no clue how he still didn't get caught.
19). Worst leader: All of them, have we learned nothing from history? War isn't the solution! You can build a throne with axes & spears, but you can’t sit on it for long. Let's just hug this out please...
Special mentions:
20). He who shall not be named: Lord Voldemort
21). Lord Voldemort next target: Nathan Potter, he doesn't seem to like Potters very much.
22). Best song picker: JT - Symbiote, still waiting for that playlist.
23). Most misspelled name: Carton, everyone keeps saying Catton or something like that, who the f is Cotton?