BizNiz and Base



we are still attacking all of his villages and we caught the bonfire in his #3 village I believe. I do have several more reports on us hitting his villages but those 2 happened to be next to each other.

and yes he does have an offensive force running around that he and I are playing cat and mouse with. I will catch him or he will catch me. Either way one of us will go down :)

@ blakey--time for you to just shut up and leave the defending of the tribe to your betters. You have failed time and time again and are doing nothing for base except making them look worse than they actually are.

I'm the one looking stupid because I use an 0.6 speed world server, don't know what a train is, and am still 2000 points and I joined the date the world started and am very active.


I was OTB in W3 and they had a family branch in every continent :) there were about 12-15 cult families and than the FF family...f course I am refering to their height of I was in continent #3 and we all know that Continent 3 has been under ff family dominance for the last couple years :)


Is bizniz gonna disband/delete?

Don't be silly


Calm down guys, why is it that playing this game you have to take it to the point where you almost believe it's a matter of life and death, sure we are all adicts probably and want to win, take note of Aesops Fable about the Wind and The Sun if you want to get on with people, trust me it's better to be adult about things in this game with a smile on your face than thinking your gonna rule the world.................Now there's a thought :)


Calm down guys, why is it that playing this game you have to take it to the point where you almost believe it's a matter of life and death, sure we are all adicts probably and want to win, take note of Aesops Fable about the Wind and The Sun if you want to get on with people, trust me it's better to be adult about things in this game with a smile on your face than thinking your gonna rule the world.................Now there's a thought :)

I am very polite to those that are polite back, and to those players I have respect for. I am impolite to those that are impolite to others and or myself first, or to those that show no respect to people they do not even know.

You can see how my discussion with bromance ended in politeness on both parts...where as blakey is a very rude and disrespectful individual so he does not get the courtesy of politeness or respect. I find it very difficult to be polite to people I do not respect. I still try

What is that saying..."better to be silent and thought the fool than to open your mouth and prove it." But anyways enough wasted time on this.

This is what everyone really wants to see.


It hurts a little bit every time I see someones offense die in their own village, but verrrry nice.



Very well done.

We weren't sure if Valk would continue. The account owner (the main one, not the coplayer) was called away on business to London for a couple of weeks - and he said himself he doubted his coplayers would play on actively without him. He'll be handed another account upon his return.

Instead of insulting Base all the time though, you may want to work on your own issues:

knight Ed Jun 26,2012 17:49
I might quit the game, so we or at least i won't send any attacks out oke

Bye Ed

knight Ed Jun 26,2012 18:09
Tired of running everything on my own, if i still feel the same way tomorrow i will go barb

knight Ed Jun 26,2012 19:54
No no one did, i thought you told me to restart under a new name because of that.

I had 8 sit's yesterday when you all attacked. lol

knight Ed Jun 26,2012 19:58
we have a sitting chart.

2 players are on a holiday, 3 are on 24/7 watch because of you guy's 2 live in a different time zone and you know about [player]Lord devilwars[/player]

Removed the unnecessary parts.


Very well done.

We weren't sure if Valk would continue. The account owner (the main one, not the coplayer) was called away on business to London for a couple of weeks - and he said himself he doubted his coplayers would play on actively without him. He'll be handed another account upon his return.

Instead of insulting Base all the time though, you may want to work on your own issues:


Removed the unnecessary parts.

thank you for the compliment...but how is it that someone is always quitting or leaving when they get hammered. Even when they have more than 1 said co-players so that means there was at least 3 players on that account. So two players on one account can not be as active as a single player account...especially when there is sitting as they could have asked for a sitter anytime they were not online as well. A very weak excuse on this one bromance.

as for the knight Ed post..that is a low blow sharing private mails like that. Those were for your eyes only. But it also goes to show how desperate you are to attempt to divert attention from base's short comings by trying to make others look bad. That is pure mud flinging on your part.

Remember bromance I am not trying to insult original comment was " I do not think base is as great as people are hyping it up to be." I gave a reason why and than was attacked by you and I could at least reason with but blakey is just an utter fool who did nothing bu make base look even worse than I think it is.



thank you for the compliment...but how is it that someone is always quitting or leaving when they get hammered. Even when they have more than 1 said co-players so that means there was at least 3 players on that account. So two players on one account can not be as active as a single player account...especially when there is sitting as they could have asked for a sitter anytime they were not online as well. A very weak excuse on this one bromance.

as for the knight Ed post..that is a low blow sharing private mails like that. Those were for your eyes only. But it also goes to show how desperate you are to attempt to divert attention from base's short comings by trying to make others look bad. That is pure mud flinging on your part.

Remember bromance I am not trying to insult original comment was " I do not think base is as great as people are hyping it up to be." I gave a reason why and than was attacked by you and I could at least reason with but blakey is just an utter fool who did nothing bu make base look even worse than I think it is.


I think you misinterpreted my intentions completely. I wasn't trying to find an excuse for what happened to Valk - as far as I am aware, he was active at the time of the attack (whether he was online at the exact time it hit or not, I do not know). However, the main player has now left for several weeks (left on Sunday night) and the coplayer was (and is) unlikely to play without him. I am not making an excuse for that attack (and apologise if it came across as such) - I'm outlining what is likely to happen with the Valk account from now (and from Sunday really, when the owner left).

In regards to "coplayer" or "coplayers". There's one (not that it really makes a difference).

The account owner (the main one, not the coplayer)
and he said himself he doubted his coplayers would play on

^ Two statements from my previous post. The first one in which I said "coplayer" is correct. The second in which I said "coplayers" was a typo - again, apologies for that.

The mail wasn't to me, so it wasn't for my eyes only. Baseless argument. Private mails are shared all the time (hence the "funny in game mails thread" - in which you have posted messages yourself). So either you accept your argument here has no basis, or you are applying double standards. Neither one makes your argument look very solid.

My point is - those in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones. You guys have serious issues in your tribe (one that is making your leader on the verge of quitting), so commenting on the supposed issues of another tribe seems a bit, ironic?




okay regarding co-player and players fine...but there are still sitters.

Yes I commented on the funny in game mails and posted a mail from one of the truffle accounts, where he sent out a mass mail for everyone in his 30X30 to restart. Hardly a personal conversation between two people.

and yes that conversation was between Ed and Crakken. Where he felt that Crakken though in an enemy tribe was still a friend, that he could talk with, so that was a very personal mail. But I guess he found out the hard way that Crakken is not a friend at all anymore.

I do not see how the 2 even compare...It is like comparing apples to watermelons. And again reflects poorly on you and base for even posting something like that in the public forums. So saying I am applying double standards here does not fit. I do not share private mails like that conversation with anyone...let alone trying to embarrass them in public the way you are. My level of respect for you has really dropped now.

And what is up with the glass house cliche...I do not even think you know what that means. As it does not apply at all to what we are talking about. I have said that base is not all that people think it is hyped up to be and shown reports proving what I have said...and you guys come here with excuses and personal attacks on me and my tribemates. Well I think more people of the public forums are smarter than you give them credit for and can see through your crap.

my prediction still stands...It is you guys who have to prove me wrong. And so far you have not.


okay regarding co-player and players fine...but there are still sitters.

Yes I commented on the funny in game mails and posted a mail from one of the truffle accounts, where he sent out a mass mail for everyone in his 30X30 to restart. Hardly a personal conversation between two people.

and yes that conversation was between Ed and Crakken. Where he felt that Crakken though in an enemy tribe was still a friend, that he could talk with, so that was a very personal mail. But I guess he found out the hard way that Crakken is not a friend at all anymore.

I do not see how the 2 even compare...It is like comparing apples to watermelons. And again reflects poorly on you and base for even posting something like that in the public forums. So saying I am applying double standards here does not fit. I do not share private mails like that conversation with anyone...let alone trying to embarrass them in public the way you are. My level of respect for you has really dropped now.

And what is up with the glass house cliche...I do not even think you know what that means. As it does not apply at all to what we are talking about. I have said that base is not all that people think it is hyped up to be and shown reports proving what I have said...and you guys come here with excuses and personal attacks on me and my tribemates. Well I think more people of the public forums are smarter than you give them credit for and can see through your crap.

my prediction still stands...It is you guys who have to prove me wrong. And so far you have not.


A private mail is a private mail is a private mail. You shared private mails. There are threads on every world for the sole purpose of sharing private mails. Therefore, saying you have lost respect for me, or whatever, for sharing private mails, it a baseless and stupid argument to make. You can pretend like it's frowned upon all you like - but news flash, it isn't.

The phrase means (from my understanding and after verifying my understanding after consultation with Google) that "those who are vulnerable should not attack others". Your tribe has some serious issues - issues making your leader want to quit. Therefore, you shouldn't be insulting Base. It's a simple adage, and it was used correctly - and yes, it applies.

Your prediction was that on the 9th July, Base would not be in the top 5 - so duh, it's impossible for us to prove you wrong until that date. However, since you have made that prediction - just over two days ago - Base has increased it's size by a third, solidified itself as the #1 tribe, and solidified it's clusters a lot more. So are we in the process of proving you wrong? Yes. Have we proved you wrong yet? No, it's impossible for us to do so due to the date you set down.


Well I can assure you that my leader does not want to quit...he was venting to a person that he thought was a friend. Surprise surprise..we all vent at times in our life and who better to vent about tw than to a tw friend.

It was still a very private mail...and yes some people do not care about sharing private mails and some people do. Maybe if I called it a personal conversation you would understand my point better. It was a very personal conversation between two people as one was venting his frustrations and the other was lending their ear. That is all it was so there is no glass house here.

You see my duke is a very trusting individual. And once a friend in-game he feels that people are always a friend in-game. You have taught him though that this is not always the case.

So anyways back to the sharing of personal conversations...I do not do that. Especially when someone is frustrated and venting and tired. That shows a lack of class in my books. Now again some people care about that and some do not. This is TW we will find plenty of both...some people will back stab their allies and some will not. It is TW. The question is what kind of person are you and what kind of a person do you want to be.

I think you have very nicely answered that question for us regarding yourself. I will not speak for the entire tribe of base but from the examples I have seen so far...not many of them look good in my books.

as for the July 9th date. You think you are proving me wrong, and that is fine you are welcome to think and or feel that way. But 5 days ago bizniz looked like it was going to keep the top spot as well. And yes you guys could still prove me wrong...and once again I am fine with being proven wrong. So tell ya what, until july 9th I wil make you a promise...I will not post in this thread again, or even answer or acknowledge anyone from base(if I know they are in base) in any other thread unless it is in regards to the topics on hand.

I do this of course because your arguments are lacking and really you bore me here. Congrats on the #1 spot enjoy it while you can :)


I do this of course because your arguments are lacking and really you bore me here.

To be honest I'm finding your arguments lacking more than his. Bromance has presented very clear logical arguments that I can understand and appreciate. More than half of what you have written is drivel against Bromance sharing these private mails.


Well I can assure you that my leader does not want to quit...he was venting to a person that he thought was a friend. Surprise surprise..we all vent at times in our life and who better to vent about tw than to a tw friend.

It was still a very private mail...and yes some people do not care about sharing private mails and some people do. Maybe if I called it a personal conversation you would understand my point better. It was a very personal conversation between two people as one was venting his frustrations and the other was lending their ear. That is all it was so there is no glass house here.

You see my duke is a very trusting individual. And once a friend in-game he feels that people are always a friend in-game. You have taught him though that this is not always the case.

So anyways back to the sharing of personal conversations...I do not do that. Especially when someone is frustrated and venting and tired. That shows a lack of class in my books. Now again some people care about that and some do not. This is TW we will find plenty of both...some people will back stab their allies and some will not. It is TW. The question is what kind of person are you and what kind of a person do you want to be.

I think you have very nicely answered that question for us regarding yourself. I will not speak for the entire tribe of base but from the examples I have seen so far...not many of them look good in my books.

as for the July 9th date. You think you are proving me wrong, and that is fine you are welcome to think and or feel that way. But 5 days ago bizniz looked like it was going to keep the top spot as well. And yes you guys could still prove me wrong...and once again I am fine with being proven wrong. So tell ya what, until july 9th I wil make you a promise...I will not post in this thread again, or even answer or acknowledge anyone from base(if I know they are in base) in any other thread unless it is in regards to the topics on hand.

I do this of course because your arguments are lacking and really you bore me here. Congrats on the #1 spot enjoy it while you can :)

Okay buddy, that's enough of you calling me a fool... You have an insignificant knowledge of this game if your are taking seven tribes that are all mediocre, and attacking the #1 tribe. I see Valk has been cleared after around 400 attacks on him. Congratulations, first victory for the alliance of rubbish. If I am the fool in this situation, why would you be dumb enough to use an 0.6 speed tagger, and not even check to make sure it was right. You took an axe fake as a noble train, even though there were only two, 11 seconds apart, running through a fake script. Whether you accept it or not, you will not be around much longer, because you like to threaten people much bigger and better players than you.

Deceit is an insignificant tribe, that will make no difference in the future of Base, who know better then to start a war before they can noble, the catting ops will stunt your growth more than ours, and I'm sure that because of your farm level 22, you lost the majority of your troops on that village, and your growth is going to be lacking even more because of it.

You and 15 other members gang-banging and wearing out Valkyr1e does not make you guys a decent tribe, the fact that you took something like 5 days to clear him out in ONE village that had a mix-up with paladin weapons causing him to lose his support says a lot about the abilities of your tribe. You and your pals will soon be meeting up on world 64.


Well I can assure you that my leader does not want to quit...he was venting to a person that he thought was a friend. Surprise surprise..we all vent at times in our life and who better to vent about tw than to a tw friend.

It was still a very private mail...and yes some people do not care about sharing private mails and some people do. Maybe if I called it a personal conversation you would understand my point better. It was a very personal conversation between two people as one was venting his frustrations and the other was lending their ear. That is all it was so there is no glass house here.

You see my duke is a very trusting individual. And once a friend in-game he feels that people are always a friend in-game. You have taught him though that this is not always the case.

So anyways back to the sharing of personal conversations...I do not do that. Especially when someone is frustrated and venting and tired. That shows a lack of class in my books. Now again some people care about that and some do not. This is TW we will find plenty of both...some people will back stab their allies and some will not. It is TW. The question is what kind of person are you and what kind of a person do you want to be.

I think you have very nicely answered that question for us regarding yourself. I will not speak for the entire tribe of base but from the examples I have seen so far...not many of them look good in my books.

as for the July 9th date. You think you are proving me wrong, and that is fine you are welcome to think and or feel that way. But 5 days ago bizniz looked like it was going to keep the top spot as well. And yes you guys could still prove me wrong...and once again I am fine with being proven wrong. So tell ya what, until july 9th I wil make you a promise...I will not post in this thread again, or even answer or acknowledge anyone from base(if I know they are in base) in any other thread unless it is in regards to the topics on hand.

I do this of course because your arguments are lacking and really you bore me here. Congrats on the #1 spot enjoy it while you can :)

People - including yourself - do not care about sharing private mails. That is why threads such as "Funny in game messages" get so many posts, from people like yourself. It wasn't a personal conversation, and they weren't friendly - Knight Ed has been telling Crakken for days that he's dead, going to be attacked by Deceit, etc. Just because your leader is idiotic enough to share information about his tribe with an enemy doesn't mean it is automatically a "personal" mail. It was quite amusing though - perhaps we should put it in the "Funny in game messages" thread and see you complain there? In fact, why don't you go on a crusade against all those evil-doers who dishonoured themselves and disrespected others by posting messages for the amusement of others on a public forum?

Comparing sharing messages and backstabbing allies? Really? And you tell me my comparisons are like "comparing applies and watermelons"? You have got to be kidding me...

Thank you for agreeing to stop responding. You were getting quite repetitive, and you trying taking the "moral high ground" is very amusing. Good luck in the game, judging by your current performance - you need it.

I'm sure that because of your farm level 22, you lost the majority of your troops on that village, and your growth is going to be lacking even more because of it.

Careful now, it appears he just upgraded it to level 23. Be afraid, be very afraid. :icon_razz:


lol your 3.1k points with a level 22 farm i am 800 points and have level 18 farm filled :( failzor

and i have to agree your argument is failing to have any particular logic, its coming down to hatred and the fact you cant shut up :|, but by all means continue it, it will be funny when you get rimmed and someone makes a thread about it :D
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Well, you will always look good comparing yourself to him.


Well, you will always look good comparing yourself to him.

i look good comparing my self to anyone /flex joke :p but really 22 farm is like 4k troops right? i bet his nuke went splat clearing valks offense :D
and thats coming from a really bad player, afterall i cant play tw for shit


23 14453 17976 8130 0 / 0 7896

Probably about 1200 population of buildings so thats about 6000 troop space, and since he just upgraded it, he probably has around 5000 troops, not even a 2:1 ratio still at 3000 points.