Blue Birdy #1: Special Issue


The fact that a discussion is being had over the name of the issue is ridiculous.

It seems to be pretty obvious that BlueBirdy is not well known, even though he has had the username previously. And it just doesn't make sense to rip an unknown username...

And it seems obvious that Blue Birdy is from twitter. Especially due to the picture...?

As for the actual issue, good work! A little sparse, but you can't really expect more this early... and this empty. xD

Lol calm down. It was just a joke. Jeez getting upset over what we are talking about is almost as bad as winning an argument over the internet... (and if you've heard the joke before, you know what comes next)

Anyway, just chill. It's not like there is much in this newspaper. To be honest, he started this way too early. Especially since no one really joined W48...stupid church

(for the record I am a girl)


Lol calm down. It was just a joke. Jeez getting upset over what we are talking about is almost as bad as winning an argument over the internet... (and if you've heard the joke before, you know what comes next)

Anyway, just chill. It's not like there is much in this newspaper. To be honest, he started this way too early. Especially since no one really joined W48...stupid church

(for the record I am a girl)

Did you actually manage to have a mean looking bluebird in your siggy? :icon_surprised:


Lol calm down. It was just a joke. Jeez getting upset over what we are talking about is almost as bad as winning an argument over the internet... (and if you've heard the joke before, you know what comes next)

Anyway, just chill. It's not like there is much in this newspaper. To be honest, he started this way too early. Especially since no one really joined W48...stupid church

(for the record I am a girl)

I wasn't particularly angry or upset, more just astonished... S'ppose my post didn't come off like that. My fault.

Although, tbh, your post didn't sound quite so jovial either... but no point winning an argument on the internet. :p

And I agree, theres not much to talk about... but I like the initial issue. Gives me some confidence that he'll actually publish when there is news, now that he's already released something... as opposed to simply making a thread that says 'Making teh w48 newspaper! I can haz help?'



I am officially a pro sig maker. ^.^

Lol. What can I say? =P


This sure did take it's own course. Please remember not to spam, I'll get another one up in a week or two.