alright im gonna have to start charging pp with the sudden amount of requests ive got after making faerias sig because its eating time from my rl and time that i should be spending on tw
i offered shango pop a siggy a while a go and havent got round to it yet (cause he hasnt found me the pics)
ive got blackrose wanting me to do a coa
i got greeny wanting me to make him one
i got skaterboy wanting me to make him one
and holmant33 wanting me to make him one
plus im gonna have to redo overlorderks siggy soon.... i dunno if he wants me to publicise is or not so ask him
and some sky mem (cant remember which one) thought the sig i made for faeria was amazing so ill prbs be asked to make him one
but guys, if you want me to do your siggy first, your gonna have to send me pp ingame (silentfrost is my ign) and send me the links for the renders you want to use, i will not do you a siggy until i have some of the renders and have some idea of what you would want in it, and then work off that, like with faerias, he bombarded me with renders, i chose some to use and then looked for the middle render as it had a good flow to link the blue and the red together. he also sent me the font he wanted on it.
oh and, here is faerias siggy with the orange text antialiaised, though i cant see any difference