Bored, Want to Play Again.

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Time: 15st-5st / 12pm-12am

Skype: Gamesover111

Michael Corleone.

If you guys ever want a backstabbing rat, this is your guy.


Lawls, If I was hiding I'd log in to one of my other older accounts and make this.

Michael Corleone.

Good so they will know what to expect then. :icon_wink:




(Too lazy to type a Real Reply)

But Earl, They weren't Duke when they left and started eating inactive accounts before joining -ND- , oh wait... I wasn't Duke when I left, Lmao.


Naaa, They understood that Rise isn't going to win and didn't want to be part of a team that is more about each own person then the tribe.

But I guess everyone should just listen to Michael, He does seem to know everything (Rolls Eyes) even though he "Retired" months ago, So he must know that the Rise won't win or be able to beat -ND- which means he must also know that Rise wont be able to re cover because the majority of accounts in it are selfish players who work for them selfs first.

Michael Corleone.

Oh nah, I kind of have an idea of what is going on in this world. I do not think RISE will defeat ND. ND is clearly the better tribe. I still would never sell my friends down the river just to win a world in tribal wars. But hey, people have different priorities and if winning a world is one of them, good for you.



But I'm not winning a world atm, Am I? If I was winning, I'd be in ND but i'm not.

I just left differetly and more slowly then others.

You left and let someone else take over your account, I left and decided no one would get my account since it was my call to make and then decided to "Gift" the villages to Hustle, Jk. They earned every village they took off me. And it was fun sniping so many trains till they started noble nuking :p

Michael Corleone.

At least your account did not end up getting banned by idiots. Good luck in finding an account on this world and wish you the best.

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