-C-M- (Celestial Masters) K-33


Hey guys,

Are you in need of a tribe right now? If so, (If you are in K33) mail either myself or DBFerrari on world 16 asking for an invite. We are both veterans of tribalwars and we both know what were doing.

We are a tribe who focuses on Loyalty, Honor, Respect and Fun. If you are innit-to-winnit, then we will help you achieve that goal. We prefer to have fewer members who are strong and all of the above than swarms of members just looking to be protected.


You must be all of the below:

ACTIVE - Come on every 1 - 2 days to upgrade your village and post on the forum. If you are inactive for more than 5 days, we will dismiss you. If you are inactive for more than 2 days constantly, we will dismiss you. If you need an account sitter, please go on the forum and request one. If no one replies, contact a leader and request for the account sitting from them.

LOYAL - Don't run off to random other tribes as we will just hunt you down if you do. If you are too far away or are hoping to join an allied tribe, contact a leader and we will let you go off.

RESPECTFUL - You must NEVER be disrespectful to any member of the tribe or an enemy. You can make jokes and all that, but never swear at another player or make racist remarks. If you do, we will seriously consider dismissing you. If you make a formal apology after that, we will most likely let you stay, but be warned.

If you follow these rules, we will soon be the best tribe on world 16.


Hope to be hearing from you soon:icon_biggrin: