C2 declares War?

  • Thread starter DeletedUser58406
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and what should i respond to from your last post so i dont spam


How about a history that you said you provided but never did? How about proof of skill? How about proof of why you think all recruits out of the 4 are bad, when you've only fought 2? How about a simple "I'm sorry, I was wrong" :icon_wink:?


Who said i wanted to try, now whose pulling things out of thin air huh?

No, that alone does not prove you wrong, but the rest of your reply does.

All i've got so far is that:
A: Im in Plight
B: Im a Noob (Meh i'll agree :icon_rolleyes:)
C: C2 are Hogging the cookies and i want some..

AGAIN C2 are dodging the origional question or issue, i love how you guys talk about everything else but the things you'd rather were kept in the dark.

Awnser this without Dodging?

Do you have a cookie stash in your villages i should know about?
Did you give MAD 24 hours notcie of a decleration?
And do you enjoy your purply little Name? It makes you super manly in my eyes.. :icon_wink:

I think they do haz some kookiez and i want them also.

No they didnt, they gave us a 24 hour notice of a drop of a NAP. As they said before, they said it was not a declaration of war. Uh-huh. Yeah. Totally.

Btw seriously dont leave me out of the party. As michealK said me and kaiser should be the ones most attacked and i have not received a single :snob:


i co played on w6 with my cousin
this world by myself world 16
played on world 50

now skill

got to 3 million points on world 6 but really doesnt count since it was co played account. world 16 which was my first world i got to 600k then i gifted my village away. then on world 50 which i got to 700k but i dont play on it anymore but its still running. i dont know what else you want

now for all i know how there noobs like what you said about me i seen reports on them about 2 days ago that made me and mostly everyone else laugh at for about 5 hours


Kaiser definitely did get some attacks. I'd know.

24 hours notice of a drop of the NAP. You have no relation to us. Just because you only noble bright red and gray (90% gray, I'd bet), doesn't mean we do. Considering your forum antics, I know I felt personally justified in taking a village that posed a direct threat to our territory should you ever decide to war us, and considering the allegiances we saw, it's not surprising we're moving to consolidate territory by "attacking" (hardly anyone is paying attention to you :icon_rolleyes:) a tribe we have no relation with. It's not a war, it's consolidation. If it were a war, we'd be up a lot more villages than the 3 we are now; you should know that, considering the statistics we have vs. the now-gone SF tribe and Plight.

Your history still has no names, and your biggest account that wasn't coplayed appears to be 700k. And you claim skill. I don't know how you figure that.

You saw reports on them 2 days ago? The players who were entirely unprepared but moved anyways? Everyone said that Robonot (macon) clearly had no skills because of the reports when he was unprepared. He held on, and regrew slowly, making up for all the isolated village losses, and is not only 1 village short of being higher points than when he started fighting. He is also up villages on the enemies. If that's all your proof, you're clearly deluded.
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Oh ok. sorry about the declaration. Just take our villages for free then. My bad.


I don't recall saying you shouldn't have declared, only that we weren't officially warring you. If this is your declaration, I guess we are at war now. But we didn't give the 24 hours notice because we didn't declare, because we weren't at war. That's all I was saying. If anyone didn't give the 24 hour notice before declaring war, it was MAD. And I notice you dropped the point about Kaiser. Oh well, I'm used to it between you and monsterbro :icon_biggrin:.


beside i answered your question and why do you keep on saying we when you just told us that your not on this world anymore


I definitely did not say I'm not on this world anymore :icon_neutral:. You really don't read, do you? You weren't just kidding...

You didn't give me a history, you gave me a list of things without names. That could be lies for all I know. And it didn't prove your point, so you're still wrong.


What was the point about kaiser? I dont recall saying anything of that sort.

In my point of view, the largest tribe attacking the fourth largest tribe is a declaration. Dont expect to get villages without us doing nothing buddy.


There is a difference between dropping a NAP and declaring war. For one, we do not have to attack MAD. I am not attacking anyone in MAD right now, and as long as no one attacks me it will stay that way. IF we had declared war there would be a little more than one player under attack. And for those who are attacking each other, I hope that neither side will be giving away villages for free, that just takes away all of the fun.

monsterbro and i use troops, what makes you think that we care about who you are? If you come on here insulting our new tribe mates, then we WILL question your prior encounters with them, and your prior experience in TW, or we will not take your word on their lack of skill.

And I happen to have played with all four of these players, for over a year now, and I am quite confident in their abilities, but with you two, all I know is monsterbro quit this world once already, and i use troops is a hated player. Not much of a track record so far. :icon_rolleyes:


u6s5l. said:
Kaiser definitely did get some attacks. I'd know.

Just pointing out that one of you did get attacks. But as you didn't deign to answer my question of who is getting attacks and how many, we don't know that it isn't in fact him getting most of the attacks.

And in ours, consolidating our territory that you had villages in (essentially taunting us...who nobles in K86 if you're in MAD, seriously?), is not a declaration of war. You declared war as soon as you started your antics and stacked our claims, effectively. We just chose to drop relations with you, so you're just another dot we can either take or leave alone at our discretion. If you want to declare, as you have, feel free. We don't expect you to do nothing, but we also didn't expect you to start this war in the fashion you did, so it's not surprising that you do things we don't expect. Have fun with your war; it won't go well for you :icon_wink:.

MAD didn't declare on itself when their players dueled, and we didn't declare on you when our players decided they wanted to duel to consolidate territory. Just because you now want to declare, doesn't mean we did.


Not going to belabor these arguments a lot but I think a lot of what has been said is indicative of the various tribal motivations and cares. In C² we dropped the NAP with MAD and some MAD members had incomings. Well why are you surprised at this? Here in C² we will attack any non-allied or non-NAP villages, I am surprised that you would expect differently. However if you believe that we have declared war then you clearly have no idea what war is.

As for the latest round of new players to take over accounts in our enemies, as has been said we don't particularity care who plays an account, just how it plays. I can say that there appears to have been some new players in Plight, and that these players have seemed to try and make a name for themselves, with, how shall we say, less than total success.

Lastly about the villages that the new members of C² lost. Villages in K5, K58 ect. You are surprised you took them? If that is the case then please give yourselves a pat on the back and I congratulate you on what was obviously a hard fought battle since you seem so proud of it. We clearly have different standards of success over here, but this game is about having fun so I am happy to see you having fun.


We never broke up MAD, I was the one trying to get GLADIOLUS in for as long as I can remember now. I am not involved in the leadership in any way. Now the others joining, they were all my friends back from Ad inf days. You guys don't even know each other... but you sure hold lengthy conversations. Anyways, MAD has had members in it that were friends since bang! and even before that so realize what your cracking off about before you try spread your propaganda to the other members of MAD. Your BS won't work, it only makes you look foolish for trying. :)


I log into the W16 forums, and see activity after days of nothing. And then I see all of this...


I log into the W16 forums, and see activity after days of nothing. And then I see all of this...

Amen to that...I bet they would argue over a bag full of crap.

"That's my bag of crap...don't ignore the question..."

"How do you know it's your crap?"

"Because I took the crap..."



I use Troops, i just figured out who you are! You wanna know how?

The constant use of COOKIES!

lol. But seriously, i know ;)


My skill level, for a start C2 don't even know what Account im playing, let alone my skill level or any previous worlds etc. Just because i choose an alias for my External profile doesn't mean the highest i've got is 300k before quiting.. :icon_rolleyes:

Ok, let's try this again:

We. Don't. Care.

Is that clear enough? :icon_razz:

Who said i wanted to try, now whose pulling things out of thin air huh?

No, that alone does not prove you wrong, but the rest of your reply does.

All i've got so far is that:
A: Im in Plight
B: Im a Noob (Meh i'll agree :icon_rolleyes:)
C: C2 are Hogging the cookies and i want some..

AGAIN C2 are dodging the origional question or issue, i love how you guys talk about everything else but the things you'd rather were kept in the dark.

Awnser this without Dodging?

Do you have a cookie stash in your villages i should know about?
Did you give MAD 24 hours notcie of a decleration?
And do you enjoy your purply little Name? It makes you super manly in my eyes.. :icon_wink:

Well, mr starving-for-attention, here are my answers without dodging:

1) Yes, we have a cookie stash. No, you shouldn't know about it.
2) Nice strawman argument. We did not declare on MAD. We did give them 24 hours notice before ending the NAP; in fact, we posted it on our shared forum despite having mailed their leader already since we were afraid the leader might not see it soon enough.
3) I'm sure Jurasu does like his purply name. Not sure how it's "little" though, it looks regular size to me.

For future reference, do realise that the C² leadership does not work for you. I've been friendly enough this time to answer your questions because you picked on Kid Purple and that is behavior I like to encourage. However, do not expect us to do it every time. If you don't get the diplomatic intricacies of W16, spend more than 8 minutes here...eventually you'll figure it out.


Mhh hmm stop talking about skills the asylum took them all.
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