Rejected casual transfer

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hey there

it has come to light that since casual 6 has come into play that you cannot transfer from casual 5 to 6.there are allot of players that only play casual worlds like myself that cannot transfer any world and that then have to wait 14 days on a new world.

there is several problems with this, as stated below

* the player loses ground on the other players in these 14 days
* some players take there full from casual world to casual world and this restricts this if the duke cannot get on the world for 14 days and allot of players are loyal players
* you lose all the inventry units u built up by using a different world thus giving others that play multiple worlds a unfair advantage

casual worlds where designed to get new players used to how the game works but the new format doesnt even give new players a option to join . its also designed for players that dont have allot of time but still enjoy the game to still play

so do we keep a fair playing field for every player or give players an unfair advantage


Tribal Wars Team
Community Management
Reaction score
This idea is rejected because Casual worlds aren't intended to be constant play worlds for players. They are intended to be an introduction for new players on a more casual world, and the intention is that players move on to regular worlds from there.
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