Christmas Truce?

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Last Christmas I think I was mainly on W30 and there was a Christmas holiday attack ban ,where you could,nt attack live villages ,but could still farm barbs etc.

Ive had a quick look thru the publics and cant find anything about such a ban for this year yet (maybe its too early for the announcement?).So i was just wondering if anyone could shed any light onto weather we should expect the christmas/new year truce this year on this world?


As far as I can remember, we have one of these every year. Usually a couple of days for over Christmas, as it is time for Family.



I was planning to rim some people and cat down a load of others on christmas day :(

Bah, humbug


Nobling as much as I could was gonna be mah Christmas gift to mahself... :(

But in all seriousness, there was a topic about this in the questions area. The mods will release the announcement when they know when it will be. Until then, just guess for 3 days around Christmas, and 3 days around new years. Thats what it was last year.


If it is done like last year, look for a vote to be announced in another couple days.


attack ban for christmas?@!?! keep religion out of TW or have attack ban for non christian holidays as well. this pisses me off


attack ban for christmas?@!?! keep religion out of TW or have attack ban for non christian holidays as well. this pisses me off

Tribalwars is a christian based game :icon_rolleyes:

Besides, if we had a truce for EVERY holiday it would be tribalhugs xD


attack ban for christmas?@!?! keep religion out of TW or have attack ban for non christian holidays as well. this pisses me off

I believe that in one of the threads about this someone explained this: The break is not called a Christmas break, it is called a Holiday Break.

As far as I know: a holiday doesn't mean it needs to be a religiously based holiday. They have the break because many people are out and away during that time period, whether they are celebrating Christmas or not.

Also, as far as I am aware, a large majority of the players in .net are from the west, where the major religion is in fact Christianity, and among even those who are not religious, many still celebrate New Years and Christmas. (this may not be correct, but I believe it is)

Every year it seems people complain about this attack break, but yet it happens EVERY YEAR. Perhaps people should just plan accordingly?


attack ban for christmas?@!?! keep religion out of TW or have attack ban for non christian holidays as well. this pisses me off

I'm sorry, but I'm not religious, and I still celebrate Christmas. The majority of people who play this server celebrate Christmas. As such, a "Christmas" attack ban is a sensible thing to do, just like most people(in Western countries, the same countries that mostly play this game) get Christmas as a paid holiday. It has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with the fact that Christmas is a widely celebrated holiday and a time when most people are with their families.

I'm sorry if you do not celebrate Christmas and if you feel more insignificant because of it. Maybe you should see a shrink and work out those issues. You'd be a happier person as a result.


I'm not religious and Christmas is by far my favorite holiday. Ham = the best food ever.


Turkey is for whimps who sleep their food off.

Ham is for real men and women.(I'm not sexist at all!)

But to be on topic:

The break is called the 'Holiday Break', but most people just call it Christmas break.
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