Closing the World


For a long time, this world has stuttered in its poor growth and with so few active accounts left, I believe that there is a significant call for closing this world very soon. Now, usually, this would only be a topic debated when the world has fewer active players, but I can see from the environment that many are simply 'active players' only in name.

It is unfortunate that this is one of the oldest worlds still open and still attracts unwitting players who have little scope for growth on a world that is dominated by Shadow. There is simply no point in keeping it open for these players when they have no future and seems almost unfair to them to do so. I certainly feel that they should be moved on to places more conducive to their growth and success as a player.

Following some correspondence with the support team, it was suggested that rather than any condition being filled, that we simply put it to the community and members of the world and asked the opinion of those in the world what they felt should be done. So I would like to hear the opinions of those who frequent this community and for you to encourage tribemates to come here and cast their opinions. I am throwing it up for discussion and hoping that those who would like a say in the world heed the opportunity.

I should say that closing a world prevents the arrival of new players, but it is still possible to restart on the rim (citation needed).


I agree that closing the world would be the best move now. There are so many players who are dropping out because they recognise that Shadow has the dominance.

Nuff said! :)


Of coarse the world should be closed.There is no stopping Shadow at this point. In my opinion, the world should be shut down altogether in a month or two. Anyone can see that there is no hope. I am sure that the active players in the world want it to be over with ASAP.
There is no point continuing...

Well, this is my view, make it of what you will.


There is no arrogance in this request to "wrap it up". I think it is a foregone conclusion amongst our remaining enemies what the inevitable that is surely to come. I think it is the model for all worlds to the value of activity, teamwork, and of course leadership. I would almost wager it all that any new player joining this world has no idea of its current status and would surely rethink his/her joining upon learning of it.


I agree with kdog this world has been over for some time and to let more in that have no chance is a waist of time for the ones already here and for any one that may click the random w27 button.


Yup, agreed. Its about time the world ended or at least gets closed.


The countdown thread reiterates what is happening in this world. People are here, or joining, just to watch and see what happens. Very few people joining this world now have any interest in growing here. Shadow have enough active players to see to it that we take out the rest of the world. Why prolong the agony more than necessary ? Lets get the world locked so we can see things through to the end.


I am in complete agreement of closing the world, or at least putting it up to a vote. From what I can tell, the active players on this world (by active I mean still growing and taking villages) consists of about half of the remaining players in Shadow, and around 20-30 other players scattered through the top 20, and maybe the occasional player who has just joined the world and does not realize that they have no chance in this world.

The players other than the members of Shadow whom are still trying to put up a fight are doing just that. They want to be remembered for fighting till the end, and considering the odds right now, I believe we owe them that honor. Anyone not in shadow whom is still fighting has my personal respect secured as well as many other shadow members. The simple fact is that even shadow members who are obviously dominating are getting bored in that there is no competition. Many have gone to the extent of sending there noble trains slowly so that they can be sniped for a LITTLE competition, simply because the world has gotten that dead. It has been a great run, but I believe everyone is in agreement that this motion is already long overdue.


Yes its about time and then give us half price nobles and let us do the rest!


I think the world should atleast be closed to new players joining, I know of accounts that haven't been logged into for atleast 2 months that are still here, they never seem to go "barb" unless the player hits delete, and probably 60% of the players on this world are people who arent ever going to grow, they are just here to watch, and I've even heard of people having friends from other worlds join just to keep the player numbers up so they wont close the world, We can never take out the players who are never going to grow past 500 points, they are the ones who are keeping the world from closing.


I am ready for this world to close. I look forward to the day it is over. I am in agreement here. Its time to give us what we need to finish it off;]...


im playing only to be able to say i helped end a world at this point. there is nothing left to achieve.


Realistically, nobody can take down Shadow unless Shadow implodes like so many other tribes on other worlds that I play. I don't think that will ever happen only because the leadership in place is quite good and very solid.

BrobFellshank I consider you one of the solid top players in Shadow as well as Warehouse Ghost and Ephette01 and Widgrenk.

Let's close it and see who can do it again elsewhere on other worlds. So far nobody has repeated successes on other new worlds that I know of.


Well-Known Member
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I vote No. I want this world to live. Have Shadow disband and leave if they do not like it here. World 51 may be a good choice for you.


Why would you want to keep a world open if no one that joins it has a chance people who are not in Shadow do not have a chance no matter how long they have played the world the odds are to great. Styv maybe you should give w51 a try.


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Simple Redo

Instead of the admins giving this world to Shadow, perhaps they should do as the "admins" did with AT&T. Break them up! Change the tribal limit to 20 and see what happens. :)

Shadow bemoans this world. Well, instead of complaining about 500 point rim players, like its their fault you cannot kill off play here, how about coming up with ideas to make the world better. I just gave one. With all the great and wise players in Shadow, you would think you could come up with better ones than me, a lowly n00b. And I question why your tribe is so bent on ending this world. It sounds like your tribe is depressed in its success. I am optimistic in my failure. Go figure!

I tire of Shadow's complaints about how this world continues to survive against them, like we should all just quit so they can claim their deserved victory. It sounds like you think a vast n00b-wing conspiracy is plotting against your death wish. So declare victory and quit already!

I am glad more people are joining and I don't care how active they are. We little cockroaches on the rim will continue to fester and multiply! Shadow has its own share of inactivity and frankly, I think you are panicking that you may end before the world does. Here I am, one player, attacked by Shadow since January, and I am not complaining. I said before, whether I have one village or one hundred, I find profit in this world and this game. I will not quit! I will not give up! I will not surrender! If you feel the same, then do something positive for this world!

You know I love you, pray for you, and respect your comments. All of Shadow. All of W27, all of TW. Have a great day my good friend.

God Bless!


I suppose it is nice to have something approaching debate here once again. I shall admit that it is of no surprise that Shadow wishes the world to be closed. We know that we have won, or at least when we crush the last vestiges of 'ordered' resistance then we shall have won. That is unlikely to be enough for some, but we shall know in ourselves what we have accomplished. It is not the case that closing the world = letting Shadow win, but rather that closing the world = letting new players know that joining is not worthwhile. I don't relish the thought of crushing the smaller players on the rim; it brings no challenge and it upsets a lot of people. It seems unfair to my mind to allow new players to join in here because they will have no hope.

Yet, I see it as a mutually beneficial thing. You, Styv, have likened the existence of so many on the rim to that of a cockroach and whilst I find them to be fascinating and wonderfully resilient creatures, it is ultimately a waste of the time of the player to 'fester' as it were. Shadow has changed this world; without it, I do not see any normality in the functioning of the world so any argument about our leaving or dismantlement is moot. The new players deserve a fulfilling and fun experience and I think that many are simply unaware of the situation of the world when they join and begin to play, or indeed believe many worlds to be the same.

It is not the case of the admins giving the world to anyone; we have taken control of this world and now I see it as a shrewd decision to keep the newer players on the newer worlds where they may have some sporting chance, or at least satisfy their entitlement to a fun and positive experience. Festering on the rim pointlessly strikes me as a way for TW to lose players, and that is a loss of customers. I appreciate that you may find it wonderful to eek out whatever experience you are having; that's great - I am glad that it makes you happy.

However, I ask you a hypothetical question. Separate yourself from your own unique mentality and consider what it is to be a player new to this game who has built up their village on the rim and has their academy and is looking to take a new one. They are immensely proud of what they have achieved. Now consider what it is like when such a cockroach is crushed. They wake up one morning and they see some incomings from some gigantic player. By the time they have worked out what is going on, their village falls. There is no tribe to help them, and the state of the world means that the rim is not far at all from a Shadow player in most cases. All their enjoyment and fun is crushed and there was nothing they can do. Do you think that they enjoyed that?

Now put the same player in W51; here they have a chance to grow among equals, to demonstrate their skill, and survive if they are good enough. Here there is no leviathan enemy to prey on anyone who looks worthwhile. Does that not sound like not only a more fun and enjoyable experience, but one which will last longer and hence be more beneficial from the point of view of running this as a business? When we have control of almost the entirety of the world and only a rim of miscellaneous and inexperienced players remains, do you think that we shall not adopt a policy of targeting any village or player that looks remotely valuable or competent?

Tell me, what is the point of bringing them here? Even if Shadow faltered, what then; it would be a wasteland of barbs and low quality players? This world never grew and for a reason. I see it as beneficial to all involved if we close the world.
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Gunther Maplethorpe

After reading this thread, it appears that there is some small amount of misunderstanding as to what exactly the phrase "closing the world" entails. Zarin did say what he meant in the original post (emphasis mine):

I should say that closing a world prevents the arrival of new players, but it is still possible to restart on the rim (citation needed).

...but I suspect many did not actually read the entire post. There are counterarguments to closure in this thread that seem to imply that the poster has misinterpreted world closure to new accounts as a closure of the world entirely - ending the game on W27, that is, and giving the win to Shadow - instead of simply not allowing new accounts to be created.

I agree with Zarin (and most others here in this thread) that closing the world to new accounts is in the interest of everyone involved. It could be argued that Shadow would gain the most by this, as it could hasten their complete domination of the world, as they would need to "clean up" fewer small players - significantly fewer, in fact - to become the last tribe standing. Though this may be true, I do not think that this is the primary aim of Zarin, Ephette, Shadow, or anyone else promoting world closure; they have never struck me as the petty type, or as being rules lawyers who want to wring every advantage out of the system.

I do believe that allowing new accounts to be created here serves in no one's interest. New accounts on this world fall into one of two categories: spectators, wanting to "be there" for what could possibly be the first world to be won (as far as I know, no other world has been won - I could be wrong, as I don't pay attention to the other, older worlds); or legitimate players, who want to build, grow, and fight like the rest of us. The spectator players add nothing to the playability of W27; by definition, they simply log in on occasion to keep the account active, and do nothing more. Legitimate players (and the term is used loosely) cannot hope to achieve anything of note. Players new to TW will fail quickly, being eaten by damn near anyone here, or worse, growing to some small extent that they would feel proud of only to fall victim in a rather depressing manner to..well, almost anyone still around. Even a very experienced player joining now could only achieve any measure of success by growing very rapidly at the expense of one of the non-Shadow tribes, and then either joining Shadow or being demolished by them.

There is the possibility that Shadow loses players to disinterest, or fractures into several tribes for some reason, or somehow stops its growth...but I think we all agree that the chances of those happening are extremely remote. The fact remains: Shadow has taken over W27 in all but fact, and NO number of new accounts on this world is going to change the status quo.

Be fair to those that have been on this world, and let's not crush the hopes and aspirations of new players. Close the world.


I am quite pleasantly surprised by the magnanimity shown there; I might have expected SBM and other opponents of Shadow to advocate keeping the world open to new players and hence make our job more mundane and difficult. I completely agree with what is written above; good points, well made.