Co-player for kekua.


Title says it all, I need co-players for my account.

Will have to - farm, Send t-trains, snipe, chat with other co-players.

Right now rank 2 because of Offends merging strategy, thought players like that never last so most likely will be top 1 in near future.

If interested mail me in forum or on skype - dieviigais

In mail you need to include -
Past experience (with url's),
Tell me how sniping and t-trains work,
Tell me your location and possible online times in server times.

Thank you, and have a good day. :)


Contributing Poster
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Well you currently list the account as a 4 way coplay, and you want more still? Activity is subject to the law of diminishing returns, as are most things in tribal wars.


Well you currently list the account as a 4 way coplay, and you want more still? Activity is subject to the law of diminishing returns, as are most things in tribal wars.

What you see is not what it is in most of the times... This is one of them, right now 2 co's are strangling to play that account so, we are in need of one more...


I have only once been on a polycoplayer account, but all 5 of of us were sub-par players at the time.

In all honesty, 2 should be enough. The 2 of us can farm 10 mil+ and maintain a top 40 account with no problems with minimal activity.


Almurph stop trolling on a world you dont even play :icon_rolleyes:


Still Going Strong
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Right now rank 2 because of Offends merging strategy, thought players like that never last so most likely will be top 1 in near future.

Thats a bit harsh. We gonna be hear for the long haul. And i will lose rank 1 but most likely to Yourmomsaidhi, andy got back from 2 weeks holiday so he's gonna be moving up and maintaining rank 1 for a long time to come:p


Ha ha It will be interesting to see whom of you will merge back in again.


Still Going Strong
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Nothing better than free villages:icon_biggrin: That way you can keep your farming up.